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HTML5 Video speed controller - Adjust playback rate; Increase and decrease video playback speed.
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Description from store
HTML5 HTML5 kontrolor hitrosti je aplikacija, ki vam omogoča, da povečate ali upočasnijo hitrost predvajanja video in avdio vsebine s točnostjo 1%.
Glavne značilnosti:
🔹The HTML5 Controller Speed Controller je združljiv s skoraj vsemi video spletnimi mesti, ki jih uporabljate vsak dan;
🔹unique natančnost do 1% pri nastavitvi hitrosti predvajanja, ki je primerna za vas;
🔹very intuitivni vmesnik, zato aplikacija zagotovo ne bo povzročila težav pri uporabi;
🔹Koboard bližnjice, ki vam omogočajo, da takoj spremenite hitrost predvajanja.
Kako uporabljati aplikacijo?
Vse je preprosto.
Uporaba bližnjic na tipkovnici aplikacija podrobno pojasnjuje vsakega od njih ali s pomočjo popupa razširitve.
S krmilnikom videopetora HTML5 boste lahko prisluhnili še več Audioboofov, gledate videoposnetke, ki jih zanima, in vzemite veliko več tečajev, ki so potrebni za vaš osebni in strokovni razvoj.
Čas je najbolj dragocen vir na našem planetu in vam bomo pomagali rešiti!
The HTML5 video speed controller is an app that allows you to increase or slow down the playback speed of video and audio content with an accuracy of 1%.
The main features:
🔹The HTML5 video speed controller is compatible with almost all video sites that you use every day;
🔹Unique accuracy of up to 1% in setting the playback speed that is suitable for you;
🔹Very intuitive interface, so the application will definitely not cause difficulties in using;
🔹Keyboard shortcuts that allow you to instantly change the playback speed.
How to use the app?
Everything is simple.
Using keyboard shortcuts, the app explains in detail about each of them OR with the help of the extension’s popup.
With the HTML5 video speed controller, you will be able to listen to even more audiobooks, watch the videos you are interested in and take much more courses necessary for your personal and professional development.
Time is the most precious resource on our planet and we will help you to save it!
Latest reviews
- (2021-11-14) 윤천: The speed is written on the icon, so I think it's the best add-on. But I think the shortcut key is the opposite. I think it is more intuitive to 'A=decelerate' and 'D=accelerate'.
- (2021-09-23) Paulo Moraes: Best. It worked where others don't.