Automatically expands and reveals default-collapsed and hidden Reddit comments for you.
Reddit, for some reason, hides many comments under "(+) X more replies" buttons by default. There's also an orange "View more comments" button that pops up after scrolling a while. Additionally, Reddit collapses some comment threads by default.
This extension automatically clicks all those buttons for you, and expands as many default-collapsed threads as it can, showing as many comments on the page as possible right from the start.
Note that some "(+) X more replies" buttons are actually external links that open partial comment threads. This extension won't click those. If you still see any lingering "(+) X more replies" buttons on the page, they're probably external links (unless the extension just missed some buttons due to technical limitations).
Also note that due to technical limitations (e.g. related to shadow DOM elements), this extension isn't always able to expand default-collapsed threads.
No more clicking a bunch of buttons and wondering if you'll even stay on the same page—enjoy browsing Reddit with just a little less hassle.