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アーカイブ、共有、または保存用のPDFまたはHTMLを生成します。 PDFとHTMLには、クリック可能なリンクとソースURLが含まれるため、引き続き対話できます。
印刷/ PDFファイルとして保存する前に、Webページを希望どおりに変更します。
Latest reviews
- (2023-03-14) moto hi: 與chrome內建的列印功能相同,若執行介紹所述的相關功能,將無效卡住。
- (2022-11-16) Thierry Portmann: Impossible de configurer l'upload sur Google Drive, les pages de config et de tutoriel sont complètement envahies par d'énormes pub, je n'y comprends rien.
- (2022-09-27) Victoria Besarab: It just breaks the page, it overwrites it with laggy "menu" that leads to "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found."
- (2021-06-26) Irene D: I have read the instructions!! But it just doesn't work. Sometimes its menu doesn't show. When it does, it won't let me make a selection on the page. If and when the menu shows, it doesn't let me select any of the items. No matter how many times and ways I try to generate a pdf, it does not. Even when it says it's printing (which may take up to 10 seconds), I wait and wait for 3-4 minutes and still nothing.
- (2020-08-21) Дзідзоєв Тимофій: супер я люблю youtube ad blocker
- (2020-08-21) Нина Семенова: Супер !!!!
- (2020-08-21) Виталий Костенко: super
- (2020-08-20) I love your YouTube ad blocker! Thanks so much!