extension ExtPose

Tab Auto Refresh for Edge

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Description from extension meta

Set the time you want the application to automatically reload your Chrome Browser

Image from store Tab Auto Refresh
Description from store Set the time you want the application to automatically reload your website Tab Auto Refresh reloads the web page periodically. Set the refresh interval and it will refresh tab by timer, even for background tabs. Waiting for some important update and you need to hit the refresh button? Just set up the update time interval and let our software press the reload button for you! Click on the auto refresh icon in toolbar Specify the refresh interval and options that allow you to refresh the tab Press the start button

Latest reviews

  • (2024-10-15) Илья: Все отлично!
  • (2024-10-11) Владимир: Идеально! Сделайте, пожалуйста, возможность выводить уведомление в браузере, когда обновляется страница
  • (2024-10-08) Harry: 自动停止工作的,倒不是插件本身的问题,而是浏览器,去设置--系统和性能里面,把关于标签页睡眠的选项设置好就没问题了。 我之前一直用这个插件,后来经常停止工作,就换了其他的。当然其他的也经常自动停止工作,然后突然有一天就觉着不应该,观察了一下发现包括chrome,都有这个标签页睡眠功能,一睡眠,自动刷新就停止工作了。所以必须得回来给插件平个反。
  • (2024-09-19) Dirk: Macht was es soll!
  • (2024-08-30) И: Super!
  • (2024-06-27) eM: Früher hat's funktioniert. Aktuell klappt eine einmalige TimerInstanz. Sobald ich jedoch den Browser minimiere oder ich mich in der selben Webseite weiterklicke, wird die Uhr/Timer ausgeschaltet. Funktioniert (für mich) also gar nicht, da ich Daten in anderen Fenstern suche und auch die Seite selbst weiter nutzen möchte, ohne dass der AutoReload dann eben stoppt, was ich absolut nicht zielführend finde. Deshalb deinstalliert und leider Alternative suchen.
  • (2024-06-26) Bill: v2 - 5 stars, worked incredibly well and persisted after locking the computer. v3.0/3.0.1 - 2 stars, doesn't persist after locking computer.
  • (2024-06-25) Volker: Tool macht was es soll und ist somit hilfreich. Ich kann die alte Version nicht beurteilen, aber ein Klick mehr auf "Anwenden" nach der Periodenauswahl ist jetzt für mich nicht so gravierend, dass man nur noch ein Stern gibt...
  • (2024-06-15) xinjie: 新版差评,需要两步才能完成原来一步的操作,而且经常自动停用。
  • (2024-06-13) 剑军: 没老版本好用,关键还经常不工作。
  • (2024-06-06) Dashboard: Gute Idee, schlechte Umsetzung seit dem Update. Bitte wieder ändern
  • (2024-06-03) Homer: I liked the older version better
  • (2024-05-29) Gerhard: Typischer Fall von Verschlimmbesserung :(
  • (2024-05-28) Paternoster,: Please roll back the update. It does not work anything like the previous version which was AMAZING.
  • (2024-05-27) frog: 原来的非常好用,现在改比原来的难用太多了 而且动不动不知道什么时候自己停下来,真不明白,好好的为什么要改呢?
  • (2024-05-27) Ferreto,: Please rollback or fix, it used to work perfect
  • (2024-05-27) Hartmut: Nach dem Update total verschlechtert. Warum wurde meine alte Bewertung gelöscht?
  • (2024-05-26) 先生: 改的什么版本 比原来的难用太多了 而且还会在不知道什么时候自己停下来 体验比之前差了太多
  • (2024-05-23) Vlad: The update broke a great extension - please revert!
  • (2024-05-23) Bob: This worked perfectly until the update. Now it doesn't work any longer. It counts down, just doesn't refresh.
  • (2024-05-22) jiang: 为啥要改成这个怪样子,原来的好用100倍。本来只需要点一次的,现在要点三次,不知道开发是不是秀逗了。
  • (2024-05-21) Vickie: I came here to see if this was only failing on my machine. Glad to see that it's not just me, but sad this doesn't work any more. For me, the timer counts down fine, but as soon as it refreshes the tab, the timer turns off. In other words, it refreshes once only. Guess I'll have to try one of the others. Has anyone found another add-on that works? All the refreshers appear to be made by the same team and all have the same problems and terrible new interface.
  • (2024-05-21) Dubois,: I liked the older interface better, quicker to use than the current version.
  • (2024-05-20) Jed: This was a great and useful little extension. I used to click ONCE on 2 minutes and the program started working immediately. Now I click to open and set a time, then I click on APPLY to start it, then I have to click on desktop again to make the selection window go away. After it is set and running it's fine until you click on another tab for a moment. Clicking on another tab closes the page refresher. It only works as long as you stay on the page. Does somebody really feel like this update is an improvement? Was it even tested after the update? Hopefully it will be considered a BETA version and be tossed out as junk! This tool has been ruined! It is no longer the best out there. Is there a way to download the last version?
  • (2024-05-20) Jason: I don't like the recent user interface change. I liked the previous simplified interface but still it's a good product.
  • (2024-05-20) Sharma,: Super easy and useful!
  • (2024-05-19) Hartmut: Bisher war die Erweiterung intuitiv, schnell und problemlos zu bedienen. Nun ist es ein Gefummel geworden: Alte Version – übersichtlich und schnell zu bedienen. Neue Version – umständliches Heraussuchen der passenden Einstellung, nach unten scrollen und bestätigen, so ist das nicht mehr anwenderorientiert und optisch ist es auch ein Rückschritt. Ich nutze die Erweiterung um im Intervall von 5 Minuten Daten zu aktualisieren. Bei der alten Version konnte man die komplette Zeit bis zum Reload auf einen Blick sehen. Es war schön zu wissen, wann die 5 Minuten um sind. Nun wird nicht mehr die komplette Zeit im Symbol der Menüleiste angezeigt: Also ein Rückschritt. Und noch etwas - wird währenddessen die Erweiterung aktiv ist, eine manuelle Aktualisierung der Webseite durchgeführt, dann ist die automatische Aktualisierung abgeschaltet. Das ist total unsinnig. Was gut ist, muss nicht kaputt optimiert werden! Alte Variente wieder herstellen !!!
  • (2024-05-18) Nannan: 简单、高效、实用 Simple,、efficient、practical
  • (2024-05-17) Jens: Ich gebe mal drei Punkte, weil es gut war!! Bitte das Update entfernen. Jetzt ist es unübersichtlich. Das man die Zeit noch mit dem Anwenden Button bestätigen muss, ist überflüssig. Zudem funktioniert es erst beim zweiten oder dritten aktivieren. Also bitte die Update Fehler beseitigen. ;)
  • (2024-05-17) Chi: 更新后无法正常使用了
  • (2024-05-17) 云飞: 改的真垃圾,赶紧恢复之前的吧
  • (2024-05-17) 有: 怎么一直显示,正在连接选项卡
  • (2024-05-16) Patrick: https://autorefresh.io/ or https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/auto-refresh-plus-page-/oiecibnnapjeijccpmhonpooadjpcmnk This extension works almost as good as this one did. Takes a little bit of time to get used to compared to this one. If you want more then 15 minutes you need to click on the bubble below it & click start. It shows the count down like this extension did. It's almost the same and the best I could find. RIP to this one. Go use that one if you enjoyed this one. New update sucks. This was one of my most used extensions, but the new update is horrible. Devs please revert back to the old version or at least the old UI. The new UI sucks and is unusable like others have mentioned. This was a 5 star extension, but is now no stars. Hopefully a fix is in the works to revert back to how it was. The way it was in the picture is the way it worked best and was a 5 out of 5. Now it doesn't even deserve 1 star. Negative 5 stars. Doesn't even work anymore. Uninstall.
  • (2024-05-16) Rudolf: Nach dem update funktioniert die Seitenerneuerung offensichtlich nicht mehr oder ich mache etwas falsch. Was ich falsch mache ist unklar.
  • (2024-05-16) Gültekin: Nach dem Update unbrauchbar. Bitte wieder fixen. Please fix it. Thanks.
  • (2024-05-16) 桔: 改成垃圾东西了,再不改回老版本就卸载了
  • (2024-05-16) jiang: 为啥要改成这个怪样子,原来的好用100倍。
  • (2024-05-15) Scott: This was a great addition to my browser since I use multiple tabs for work, and it will time out and sign me out of some of our network monitoring stuff due to inactivity. It used to be great, set 15 minutes and it would keep me signed in all day. Now if I click a link in the tab, it stops the refresh timer. This is useless. They ruined this tool. Uninstalling and won't recommend to anyone. PURE GARBAGE NOW.
  • (2024-05-15) Rob: The recent update has significantly reduced how useful the plugin is. It used to be tied to the tab status – so no matter what page I navigate to, the tab refresh would continue to work. Now refreshing the page by clicking a link, even within the same website, cancels the reload and I have to set it up again. I also used to be able to click the plugin and have a quick variety of time buttons available to choose from. Selecting the button then closed the plugin window and activated the refresh. The current version requires more clicks and doesn’t close itself when you apply. The app no longer looks like the screenshot in the store. It's now a scrolling number selection and clicking apply leaves the window open. This is going backwards in terms of usability. I’ll likely have to go find something else which is sad because the previous version was head and shoulders above the rest.
  • (2024-05-15) Bill: Unfortunately, there is no way to give a zero star rating. I don't understand why they felt the need to change anything! Prior to May 2024, it was perfect for my needs (reload a tab every XX minutes regardless of the page that was on it). Now I have to re-enable the refresh every time I look at the tab and when it tries to refresh, it takes forever. What's the point of having the addin if I can't leave my browser unattended for a half hour without having to log in to the timed out website and all the dependent tabs that were opened from it?
  • (2024-05-15) Jiang,: Once the page gets switched to another one, even within the same site, auto refresh will need to re-enable again... Are you serious?
  • (2024-05-14) James: They ruined the app in May 2024. Removed all the options they used to have for refresh. Worthless now.
  • (2024-05-14) Wilson,: Used to be great but it changed - it's harder to use now, and it stops auto refreshing the pages. fail. also the screenshot you see in this page is the old app that used to work.
  • (2024-05-14) M: 版本能回退吗?之前的版本非常好用,以前点时间就自动开始了,这回还要点应用才启动,非常不方便!谁提的该设计拖出去丢掉! 什么时候能改回去? 这是得罪程序员了吗?
  • (2024-05-13) Vickie: I came here to see if this was only failing on my machine. Glad to see that it's not just me, but sad this doesn't work any more. For me, the timer counts down fine, but as soon as it refreshes the tab, the timer turns off. In other words, it refreshes once only. Guess I'll have to try one of the others.
  • (2024-05-13) Wilson,: it was great but it changed - it's harder to use now, and it doesn't work like it used to - it doesn't keep the auto refresh scheduled anymore. fail. also the screenshot you see in this page is the old app that used to work.
  • (2024-05-13) 威: IE模式运行的网站都无法自动刷新,就IE模式网站的才需要刷新,放久了就卡住动不了
  • (2024-05-13) Steve: MAY 13, 2024 EDIT-- WHOA.. What happened?? This extension has completely changed, and no longer works like before, as others have noted recently in other new reviews.. I'm sorry but this is really bad now, and I'm forced to stop using it.. Dropping -4 stars for totally changing something that was perfect. ----- (My original 5star review follows) >>> Exactly what I wanted. Requires no special privileges to 'read all your data' for one, and two, it seems to keep time accurately. I've used other refresh extensions which always ran slow or fast for some reason and could not continuously refresh exactly on the minute like i wanted. This one does not suffer from that issue. ALSO i can see the countdown in the icon and 4th benefit i've noticed, even if you interact with a page during the countdown, click somewhere, go forward or backward, or even refresh the page manually.. it does NOT reset the countdown, and that in itself is very useful to me. GREAT extension 5 stars from me! (1 STAR NOW)
  • (2024-05-13) Kenny: The last update completely broke the app. It used to reload the tab, now it looks like it just reloads the page. So, it stops reloading if you click anything on the page. I can live with the ugly UI, but not even reloading the tab is a horrible change.
  • (2024-05-13) Wir: absolut unbrauchbar


82,952 history
3.5 (221 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-06 / 3.0.1
Listing languages
