extension ExtPose

Lagom - новая вкладка (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Измените вкладку по умолчанию на Lagom - New Tab. Управляемая, полезная, простая.

Image from store Lagom - новая вкладка
Description from store Change your default tab to Lagom - New Tab. Manageable, useful, simple. The extension gives you the ability to work with all apps from the Google Apps, such as Gmail, Photos, Google Drive, Calendar, Youtube, get a muse from the quote, manipulate all parts of it (disabling or enabling modules, pin the theme). == Features == ✓ Accurate Location information; ✓ Inspiration, motivation, or laugh quotes; ✓ Basic Clock; ✓ Easy to use settings panel where you can manipulate the appearance of each block; ✓ Google Apps Dashboard; ✓ Clean and simple design that changes every day; == Enjoying Lagom - New Tab? Please rate! == If you like our extension, please give it a 5-star rating here ;) == Heed Help? == If you have questions, concerns or you have any suggestions for improvement, please visit our site https://browserextensions.store/contact-us/

Latest reviews

  • (2021-05-11) carw: very simple, thanks!
  • (2021-02-27) Benjamin Crawford: Cool wallpaper for my browser. Many thanks!


2,383 history
4.9 (14 votes)
Last update / version
2021-05-29 / 1.1.14
Listing languages
