Vytvořte Stop Motion pomocí webové kamery
Jedná se o jednoduchý nástroj pro vytváření animačních sekvencí stop motion pomocí vaší webové kamery. Pokud chcete natáčet stop motion animation videa, měli byste si nainstalovat náš software.
Animační sekvence se ukládají do videosouborů ve formátu webm.
Stop motion je technika tvorby animovaného filmu, při které se s objekty fyzicky manipuluje v malých přírůstcích mezi individuálně vyfotografovanými snímky, takže se při přehrávání série snímků bude jevit, že vykazují nezávislý pohyb nebo se mění.
Chcete-li začít používat tento software, musíte udělat následující.
Nainstalujte si naše softwarové rozšíření
Klikněte na ikonu a povolte webovou kameru
Začněte natáčet animované video stop motion
Pomocí našeho softwaru je možné provést celé stop motion movies, možnosti jsou nekonečné. Chcete-li začít vyrábět stop motion video, stačí nainstalovat náš software a začít dnes. Někteří naši uživatelé rádi dělají
lego stop motion videa, je možné vytvářet krátké parodie / krátká videa pomocí stop motion.
Latest reviews
- (2022-08-08) G H 0 S T: I can´t enter on the app! I click on the icon and nothing happend.
- (2022-06-24) Yuan-Chun Liu: I had multiple problems, first when I saved it did not work, it made a file but the file would be blank this happened with 21 other student using this app. the next problem was smaller, only a few students had this problem, when you were adding audio sometimes it would do the count down then stop. Also when I pressed stop the audio kept going and there was no way of stopping it, again multiple other students had this problem. I would give this app 0 stars if that was an option.
- (2022-05-17) Ben Curry: i love this app. my child was able to make his fortnite movie. it got promoted by a doctor, policemen, firefighter named johnny sins
- (2022-01-08) Ethan: when you save your animations it is impossible to be able to watch them. It does not say your fps. It is fine for little kids or for elementary school but if you want to animate good, do not use the awful app. if i could give 0 stars I would
- (2021-12-19) Jothi Iyer: firstofall,it.wasreally..really....bad....quality ...and..i...will...nuever....use...it...againu...THIS...IS...THE...WORST....NUEVER....DOWNULOAD....THIS.stnupid...appp
- (2021-10-17) Lyndsay Richards: It was okay at first. I had young students using it during shut down and they were able to make some decent stop motions with it. NOW, the app is not working. The save files are unplayable. I don't understand what happened. Please fix! I really want to keep using this with my students.
- (2021-08-06) Sandeep Singh: not good at all
- (2021-04-14) Samuel's smart edits: It's pretty good, nothing is wrong, but the bad thing for me is that I haven't used much of the tools.
- (2021-02-19) Sarah Dehnbostel: It is fine for being free. If you are looking for a BEGINNER and INTRO level stop motion application to fill an empty Saturday afternoon this is PERFECT. If you have Kids, same, this works great. If you are trying to make a high quality or several minute short film I would ask you look some where else. But again, FREE and at a beginner level, this gets the job done.
- (2021-02-10) Techno Dog: The only reason I don't like it is that my teacher assigned a project and we have to use this. Plus it's not very good.
- (2020-12-18) Kylie Blanton: I was hoping i could capture my screen, not my camera?
- (2020-11-26) Sammayk Shekhar: WORST EXTENTION EVER I HAVE SEEN
- (2020-09-27) Meanim Ahmed: ان هذا البرنامج بلا فائدة لدي ثلاثة اراء اريد ان اقولها 1:لا يعمل به اي شئ 2:انه كذب و خداع 3:حتي انه ليس برنامج و لا اي شئ انه مزحة
- (2020-09-22) charlie olmo: Its horrible all you do is press stuff for no reason!!