extension ExtPose

उल्लू वॉलपेपर (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

क्या आप उल्लू का एक असली सुपरफैन हैं ?? मेरी अद्भुत थीम स्थापित करें !!!

Image from store उल्लू वॉलपेपर
Description from store Owl new tabs collection to your own chrome browser tab. Following the installation of the application you will have a new owl everytime launching a google chrome browser tab. Here is where you get a lot of stuff associated with this. Do not forget to check the app for new upgrades & find fresh hipster majestic wallpapers every week! Why is owl application so cool?? Choose from biggest collection of uhd - ultra hd tabs. Enjoy exclusive dreamcatcher forest imgs designed just for your browser. Minimal & beautiful ui. Non-stop action with awesome mini games. New tabs high quality quality. If you wish to remove this extension, it's not a problem. Click on your application icon, look for the app and remove it. All the owl wallpapers are handpicked to amaze you in every possible way and to make your chrome browser way cooler than before. Enjoying this app? Please rate it.

Latest reviews

  • (2019-07-15) Manuela Rohden da Silva: minha mae nao sei se vai gostar mas eu gostei


16,171 history
5.0 (318 votes)
Last update / version
2018-08-06 / 4
Listing languages
