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Simple and seamless privacy protection for your browser.
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Simple and seamless privacy protection for your browser.
Protecting your privacy online is like protecting your home. Locking the front door won’t stop the most determined folks from getting inside, especially if you’ve left the back door and windows unlocked and an extra key under the doormat. That’s why we offer multiple types of privacy protection, most of which aren’t offered in most popular browsers by default.
With the press of a button, you get seamless protection from most 3rd-party trackers while you search and browse, access to tracking protections for emails you receive, and much more. Together these privacy essentials make more privacy your default.
• Search Privately by Default - DuckDuckGo Private Search comes built-in, so you can easily search the web without being tracked.
• Escape Website Trackers Before They Load - automatically stop most hidden trackers (3rd-party scripts) from loading, which prevents companies from collecting and using (e.g. sale, ads, etc.) any data from these trackers. Our cutting-edge tracker blocking technology goes well above and beyond what you get in most popular browsers by default.
• Automatically Enforce Encryption - force many sites you visit to automatically use an encrypted (HTTPS) connection, which helps shield your data from Wi-Fi snoopers and network onlookers like your Internet provider. Most popular browsers only direct users to encrypted versions of pages in specific circumstances, like when you navigate directly to a page in the address bar. We check our list of upgradable sites for all links you click.
• Enable Built-in Email Protection - Over 85% of emails sent to Duck Addresses contained trackers that can detect when you’ve opened a message, where you were when you opened it, and what device you were using. Email Protection makes it easy to block most email trackers and hide your existing address when signing up for things online, all without switching email providers.
• Escape Fingerprinting — helps stop companies from creating a unique identifier for you by blocking their attempts to combine specific information about your browser and device settings.
• Block Tracking Cookies — prevents most 3rd-party cookies from tracking you as you browse from site to site.
• Link Tracking Protection — helps stop companies from gathering your browsing history and other information via personal identifiers embedded in the links you click on.
• Embedded Social Content Tracking Protection — blocks embedded Facebook content around the web so they can't track you through their videos, posts, and comments found on other sites. You can easily unblock to view them if desired.
• Google AMP Protection — forces sites to load content directly from publishers instead of using Google-owned links, which are full of creepy trackers.
• Signal Your Privacy Preference with Global Privacy Control (GPC) — built-into our app, GPC intends to help you express your opt-out rights automatically by telling websites not to sell or share your personal information. Whether it can be used to enforce your legal rights (for example, current or future CCPA, GDPR requirements) depends on the laws in your jurisdiction.
Note about our 3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection following DuckDuckGo ad clicks: Our 3rd-Party Tracker Protection goes above and beyond what you get in most popular browsers by default, but we’re constantly working to make it more comprehensive. Currently, if an advertiser wants to detect conversions on their own website for our private DuckDuckGo search ads, our 3rd-Party Tracker Loading Protection will not stop requests from loading on the advertiser’s website following DuckDuckGo ad clicks, but those requests are stopped in all other contexts. This is because DuckDuckGo private search advertising is in partnership with Microsoft. As part of that partnership, viewing ads on DuckDuckGo is anonymous and Microsoft has committed to not profile our users’ ad clicks.
Read more about this and our Tracking Protections at
You don't need to wait to take back your privacy. Join the millions of people using DuckDuckGo and protect many of your everyday online activities. It's privacy, simplified.
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Latest reviews
- (2025-01-28) Noah: Honestly just got for the autofill feature, but holy cow does this change my browser for the better!
- (2024-10-23) Tom: Hi all. DDG support was responsive to my concerns as described in a post from Barry on 10/20/24. There is a new version of DDG Privacy Essentials and it works. Install 24.10.16 in Microsoft Edge and see it if works for you!
- (2024-10-20) Barry: Stopped working after behaving flawlessly for well over a year. This add on, is now greyed out, and shows a grey square, hiding the settings, email protection access, ability to clear cache, etc. It simply stopped working. All settings are correct, and unchanged on my end. no issues with other add ons. A message and email to DDG support? No replies returned to me. What a lousy way to end my relationship with a company I've absolutely given a thumbs up to in the past. Hard to understand why DDG support seems unavailable. The DDG Privacy extension, on my device? DOA and sorely missed.
- (2024-10-18) Sebastian: esta gris el icono, dejo de funcionar
- (2024-09-11) G: Robert, if you are not using the duck search it will compromise the security of the add-on, it is built on the DAX search engine. It would be like trying to swap the engine between a Ford F-150 and a crappy Fiat. The app has saved a-lot of cleanups of cookies and defragmentation needs for me.
- (2024-08-30) eetnc: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com亲测好用,注册就送永久流量的!流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!节点多,又快又稳!专线油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-08-27) nta: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久流量的,流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!专线GPT油管!节点多,又快又稳!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-08-25) haynl: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久流量的,流畅看小电影和直播!免费试用!专线GPT油管!节点多,又快又稳!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-07-25) Zane: Lol. Microsoft Edge tries to block it!! Easy fix though! Go to extensions and manually turn it on!
- (2024-07-07) John: The best! No wonder Microsoft doesn't like it.
- (2024-06-27) J: Great software, purposefully being broken by Microshaft
- (2024-04-17) gcv: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册就送永久免费流量!节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管等!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-04-15) blacn: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com亲测好用,注册就送永久流量的!节点多,又快又稳!晚高峰流畅看8K视频!专线GPT网飞油管!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2024-03-05) Marget: Hello developer I trust you're doing well! Currently, I'm exploring opportunities to grow my business by investing in Chrome extensions. Your extension has caught my attention, and I am genuinely interested in discussing the possibility of acquiring it. We can discuss the price and complete the transaction securely through a reputable escrow services ( or Google supports the smooth transfer of extension ownership from one account to another, ensuring your gmail account remains unaffected. If you have any inquiries or if this aligns with your plans, feel free to reach out to us via : Whatsapp: +1 6468971986 Skype: live:.cid.7ed1d897457692ce Telegram: @harryysandersonn Looking forward to hearing from you!
- (2024-01-07) e38224: 今天一直在找可以看谷歌的 终于发现一个好用的 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 速度很快 你们也可以试试
- (2024-01-05) e38223: 访问谷歌,youtube,就选择*****ilink网络加速器*****商店就可以搜索到 主打的就是免费好用
- (2024-01-02) e38223: 终于找到一个可以免费看谷歌和youtube的扩展了 直接搜索 ilink网络加速器 请叫我雷锋
- (2023-12-31) e38223: 一直在用 ilink网络加速器 中国人不骗中国人 看youtube的4K高清一点都不卡 直接在商店就可以搜到
- (2023-10-20) wannan: 我不想边挂科网而且使用谷歌,太麻烦,还不知道要怎么验证,所以duckduckgo是比google更好的选择。希望它会更优秀
- (2023-10-19) Robert: Forces you to use Duck Duck Go as a search engine. you cannot change it despite the fact that the settings page for search engines on Edge states that I should beable to in this extensions settings page...
- (2023-09-07) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-07-15) Lan: 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
- (2023-07-02) Ken: Works perfectly with Microsoft Edge.
- (2023-05-23) Linda: Microsoft will not let use duckduckgo or add the extension. I am not happy about this! What can I do?
- (2023-01-20) William: DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials is excellent. For those that say MS Edge broke this extension, it did not. Every time Edge updates, it changes the address bar search preferences and it ALWAYS wants to be on your new Tab splash screen. At the end of the day, MS wants to be a Tracking Company like Google, Apple, and Amazon do. And DuckDuckGo IS an Alternative. Their search engine delivers ads based on what you currently search, not on trackers that store everything you do, forever. If you search for new cars, you will get ads for cars. You search for nasal spray, and you will get nose related ads. Context-related ads without the invasion of Privacy, you know, the way it should be.
- (2022-11-28) Elliott: I like the tracker blocking but i want to use bing too
- (2022-07-15) OKI: I use duckduckgo at every my devices. If you need privacy. This app is very recommended.
- (2022-04-01) Rodri: If I want to be taken advantage of for someone else's gain, I'd just use Google. You're not an alternative, you're a clone and a wannabe. Brave is the alternative.
- (2022-03-29) Itsenko,: it appears that either MS Edge broke this extension, or it is now bugged out. Bing search page now persists on all new tabs, regardless of whether Search Box, or Address bar is selected
- (2022-03-19) Stanley: Duck Go Go has stellar reviews from a plethora of organizations. AARP highly recommends it fo non techy folks who are 65 and older. Far too mant good reviews from groups that have nothing i common nor monetary ties. Microsoft does not like it because of less than exemplary behavior on their part. Windows 10 and Edge are extremely vulnerable and toss out your data like a pinata throws candy. I live in Seattle. Microsoft's home town. Been using there computers since 95. 10 is not impressive compared to 2000, XP, or 7. Many other people know code and hardware than the Ranch by Bellevue. Please Gig M, just be honest with us. If that is too much and too onerous, then Mac and Linux are in my future.
- (2022-03-17) Lintang: i used everyday and every device on my computer and laptop... its simple and more secure than any other search engine...
- (2022-03-10) William: 2+1DucksGo, is the privacy browser you been waiting for. There is a burn button, and bye, bye, data. I like the browser, I think they're and one function never forget, the burn button!
- (2022-02-28) Robert: This isn't a cookie blocker; it will reduce the lifetime of third-party cookies that are essential. This is a tracker blocker, which are not cookies, but JavaScript based things that monitor things about your computer across sites such as google analytics.
- (2022-01-19) CHEN: nice
- (2022-01-05) yashar: tnx
- (2022-01-03) Виталий: Отлично работает!! Удачи разработчикам. 👍 🖐 😁 💋 🦆
- (2021-12-30) Фёдор: Переведите полностью на русский язык, пожалуйста
- (2021-11-02) Takchawee: After checking the stored cookies on my p.c. this extension does not appear to block much. Many cookies remain and as far as the problem people keep having with it being turned off. Just manually turn it on it should stay (it did for me).But I have moved on to just BING. That is ducks engine anyways. Plus privacy badger.
- (2021-09-10) 融: Cannot change other search engine after installing this addon and it always change urls to https and then break my wifi login.
- (2021-08-03) Denise: Microsoft keeps turning DuckDuckGo And Extensions off
- (2021-07-13) John: Microsoft Edge keeps turning off this app. This extensions does not work properly on Microsoft Edge for me. How do I stop this from happening?
- (2021-06-01) Gregory: Issue resolved. Very pleased with this extension. Appears to provide protection as advertised --------------------------------------------- Reporting an issue with Microsoft Edge 91 and this extension. (Note that I have been very pleased with this extension to this point—through Edge ver. 90.) When clicking on a link from a source external to the browser (e.g. texting application, email in email client external to the browser such as Mailbird or Outlook) the linked web page opens in a new tab AND a second new tab is also opened in Edge.) This problem was eliminated by disabling this extension, and could be again reproduced by enabling the extension. Note—this problem reappeared when I set DuckDuck Go as my default address bar search engine and, again, disappeared when I changed the default search engine to Bing.
- (2021-05-22) Aaron: The reason microsoft edge marks this as dangerous is because it changes your search settings. THAT IS ALL. NOTHING ELSE
- (2021-02-09) Richard: if Rush - 77 AM NY - recommends this I trust and use it. Seems to work very well ... we all need as much security in this unsecure online world we are all living in . I am also using a VPN at all times ... so this may not be necessary but it does not slow my computer - I will continue using this more tracking .. no more advertising ... no more useless **** being thrown at me all day long ....
- (2021-01-19) Rocky: I have been tired as hell at all the snooping and data mining companies that take advantage of everybody they can, and I don't believe it's and issue of free speech, but is actually an issue of making money on all of the data they sell to the highest bidders, as often as they can. Making a profit with an app or extension is one thing, but doing so without the expressed provision of it's okay, is only stealing data to make money. Even worse is stopping anyone from freely expressing their dissent, their opinions, their dislike ought to be abolished with the offenders paying into a victims fund to pay back their ill gotten gains with a law made out of whole cloth to deny others free speech is an abomination of our rights in OUR CONSTITUTION, not one that only the very powerful, wealthy, the people who do this should lose all of their money and find out how the rest of us as well as all others around the world feel when we are treated only as profits Without free speech, we have nothing!!!
- (2020-12-31) Stephen: Great Search App I wouldn't Trust anything else!
- (2020-12-20) Alex: A FANTASTIC browser with great results while protecting my online activity and information. This is the second best brow4ser on the market place. The very best browser is BRAVE browser which actually pays me crypto currency (in the form of Brave Tokens which I can redeem for cash and pay stuff). After all why spend time on line and not get back something for your time? Great search engine with great privacy.
- (2020-12-14) Mary: Duck Duck go does A Good Job💖 A 10 rating
- (2020-12-11) Dieguez: Its actually a pretty good app because you can watch YouTube when YouTube doesn't let you watch what your looking for duckduck go do its job 😎. # keep it up duckduck go.
- (2020-12-06) Brooklyn: The Edge browser does automatically disable Duck Duck Go and calls it a dangerous extension... that makes me think MS maybe up to no good as well, I bet they will not reply. #EdgeExit
4.4 (196 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-21 / 2025.1.15
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