Zosilňovač hlasitosti je jednoducho použiteľný zosilňovač zvuku s ovládaním hlasitosti a ekvalizérom zvuku. Zosilňovač hlasitosti…
zosilňovač hlasitosti, ktorý vám umožní zvýšiť zvuk vášho systému. Môže zvýšiť úroveň hlasitosti až o 600%. Poskytuje funkcie na zvýšenie hlasitosti pre populárne video platformy, ako sú YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion a ďalšie. To znamená, že používatelia môžu sledovať svoje obľúbené videá pri vyššej hlasitosti a dokonca zlepšiť celkovú kvalitu zvuku obsahu.
Zosilňovač hlasitosti vám umožňuje zlepšiť kvalitu zvuku v prehliadači Chrome, aby ste získali viac potešenia z počúvania hudby a sledovania videí. Zosilnenie basov naplno.
Jednou z kľúčových funkcií zosilňovača hlasitosti je jeho schopnosť zvýšiť hlasitosť výstupu rôznych hudobných služieb, ako sú Spotify, Soundcloud, LastFM, Deezer a mnoho ďalších. To znamená, že používatelia si môžu vychutnať svoje obľúbené skladby s vyššou hlasitosťou, než je zvyčajne možné prostredníctvom štandardných ovládačov hlasitosti na ich zariadení. Vďaka tejto funkcii môžu používatelia prežiť svoju hudbu plnohodnotnejšie a dokonca objaviť nové zvuky, ktoré si možno predtým nevšimli.
Zosilňovač hlasitosti tiež poskytuje podobné funkcie na zvýšenie hlasitosti pre populárne video platformy, ako sú YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion a ďalšie. To znamená, že používatelia môžu sledovať svoje obľúbené videá pri vyššej hlasitosti a dokonca zlepšiť celkovú kvalitu zvuku obsahu. Či už používatelia sledujú film, televíznu reláciu alebo len zábavné video na YouTube, toto rozšírenie môže pomôcť spríjemniť zážitok.
Jedno z najefektívnejších a najpraktickejších rozšírení pre Chrome, ktoré umožňuje zosilniť zvuk akéhokoľvek video alebo zvukového obsahu prehrávaného v prehliadači.
Zosilnenie hlasitosti jednoduchý a pohodlný hudobný nástroj pre brilantný zvuk vašich obľúbených skladieb. Skúste využiť výhody tohto ekvalizéra a užite si jeho výhody.
Ako používať rozšírenie Sound booster pre Chrome:
1. Nainštalujte Volume Booster.
2. Pripnite ho na paneli nástrojov.
3. Kliknite na ikonu rozšírenia Music Booster a aktivujte zosilnenie pomocou prepínača.
4. Potom kliknite na ikonu rozšírenia a vyberte rozsah zosilnenia zvuku.
Zosilňovač hlasitosti je jednoduchý a pohodlný hudobný nástroj pre brilantný zvuk vašich obľúbených skladieb. Optimalizujte zvuk podľa žánru, ktorý počúvate, pomocou ekvalizéra pre prehliadač Chrome.
Audio Equalizer je odľahčené rozšírenie, ktoré vám umožní jednoducho upraviť nastavenia zvuku (rovnováha medzi frekvenčnými zložkami vo zvukovom súbore) z kontextového panela s nástrojmi. Ekvalizér pre Youtube. Skúste využiť výhody tohto ekvalizéra a užite si jeho výhody.
zosilňovač basov
Posilňovač basov Chrome rozšírenie, ktoré vám pomôže nastaviť požadovaný stupeň hlasitosti reproduktorov pre každú jednotlivú kartu v prehliadači. Bass Booster má jednoduché rozhranie prepínača hlasitosti zvuku, ako je to len možné pri zachovaní celej sily v ľahkom dizajne. Štýlový popup Audio Enhancer s prepínačom hlasitosti so zoznamom kariet, na ktorých sa práve prehráva zvukový obsah.
Nastavenie hlasitosti
Prevezmite kontrolu nad všetkým tým zvukom, ktorý potrebujete, pomocou nástroja na úpravu hlasitosti s možnosťou nastaviť individuálne nastavenia hlasitosti pre každú kartu. Na vyriešenie tejto úlohy sme vyvinuli naše rozšírenie ovládania hlasitosti zvuku.
Ak chcete prevziať kontrolu nad všetkým tým zvukom, potrebujete nástroj na úpravu hlasitosti s možnosťou nastavenia individuálnej hlasitosti pre každú kartu. Na vyriešenie tejto úlohy sme vyvinuli naše rozšírenie ovládania hlasitosti zvuku.
Rozšírenie Sound booster pre Chrome je užitočný nástroj, ktorý môže pomôcť zvýšiť hlasitosť výstupu rôznych mediálnych platforiem. Vďaka svojmu užívateľsky prívetivému rozhraniu a pohodlným funkciám môže byť ideálnym doplnkom pre každého, kto často používa služby streamovania hudby a videa, sociálne siete alebo iné online mediálne platformy.
Dúfame, že naše rozšírenie Сhrome bude pre vás užitočné! Čakáme na vašu spätnú väzbu a hodnotenie!
Sound Booster is an extension that will allow you to increase the sound of your system. It can raise volume level up to 600%. Make a sound from your browser really awesome with this Volume Booster extension.
Volume Booster allows you to improve the sound quality in the Chrome browser to get more pleasure from listening to music and watching videos. Bass boost to the full. Volume boost by 600%
Here are reasons to choose Volume Booster:
- Our extension can increase the volume of the content being played up to 1000%
- This can be used on current tab, current website, or any website
- Enable/Disable with single click
- Volume booster. Control volume up to 500% boost.
- Bass boost level
- Audio Limiter / Compressor.
- Equalizer 32hz-16khz
- Volume Booster - increase volume to 400% of the standard sound power;
- Bass Booster preset - audio effect to amplify low frequencies of the sound;
The Volume Booster extension helps you set the desired speaker volume level for each individual tab in your browser. Websites are simply filled with multimedia content such as video, music, streams, audio and video ads.
We made the interface of our Volume Booster as simple and intuitive as the volume control and volume sound, keeping all its functions in a lightweight case. Lightweight and stylish window with a volume switch with a list of tabs on which the current audio content is played.
How to use Sound booster Chrome extension:
1. Install Volume Booster
2. Pin it in the toolbar
3. Click on the Volume Booster extension icon and enable the volume booster with toggle button.
4. Then, click on the extension icon and choose the Sound boost range.
Make a sound from your browser really awesome with this Sound Booster extension. Use it on your favorite websites - Youtube, Spotify, VK, Deezer ...
Volume Booster is an easy and convenient music tool for brilliant sounding of your favorite songs.
Just try to take advantage of this Equalizer and enjoy its benefits.
Volume booster extension
Optimize the sound according to the genre which you listening with equalizer for chrome browser.
Equalizer allows you to improve sound quality of your Chrome browser to get more enjoy of listening music and watching videos.
Audio Booster - chrome extension that help you to set a desired speaker volume degree for each individual tab in your browser. This app have a simple interface of sound volume control switch as it just possible with keeping all of its power in a light design. Stylish popup Volume Master with a volume switch with a list of tabs that a now playing audio content.
Full screen Volume Master
Chrome prevents you from going to a complete full-screen when using any extension manipulating with sound so you can always see the blue rectangle icon in the tab bar (to be aware of audio is being manipulated). There's no way to bypass it and after all it's a good thing that keeps you safe. However you can improve the situation a bit by pressing F11 (on Windows) or Ctr+Cmd+F (on Mac).
Bass Booster
- Sound effect to enhance the sound of low frequencies;
- Preset Vocal Booster - boost the high frequencies of the sound.
With this Audio Enhancer, Sound Amplifier, Music Booster amplify sound up to 600% including Youtube, Spotify, Deezer.
Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master, Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master.
Volume, Sound, Audio, Volume booster, Increase volume, Sound max, Volume Master, Bass Booster, Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Facebook, Music, Video, Netflix.
Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master, Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master.
Volume, Sound, Audio, Volume booster, Increase volume, Sound max, Volume Master, Bass Booster, Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Facebook, Music, Video, Netflix.
Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master, Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master.
Volume, Sound, Audio, Volume booster, Increase volume, Sound max, Volume Master, Bass Booster, Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Facebook, Music, Video, Netflix.
Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master, Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master.
Volume, Sound, Audio, Volume booster, Increase volume, Sound max, Volume Master, Bass Booster, Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Facebook, Music, Video, Netflix.
Sound booster, Volume booster, Volume, Sound, Audio, Bass, Equalizer, Increase volume, Increase sound, Amplify sound, Amplify volume, Bass Booster, Volume Master, volume booster is a browser extension to control and boost the volume of audio playing per tab.
Volume, Sound, Audio, Volume booster, Increase volume, Sound max, Volume Master, Bass Booster, Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Facebook, Music, Video, Netflix.
Volume Controller extension helps you to set a desired speaker volume level for each individual tab in your browser. Websites are just bursting with media content such as videos, music, streams, audio and video ads. To take control over all that audio you need a power volume adjust tool with the ability to set individual volume settings for each tab. To solve that task we developed our audio volume control extension.
It helps you to get rid of high volume *auto-play* videos while browsing facebook, twitter, web.whatsapp, youtube and any other streaming sites (html5 videos)
We hope you find our Volume Master useful! We are waiting for your feedback and ratings!
Latest reviews
- (2024-03-25) Josh Stricklin: Malicious redirects for no reason for adware. Antivirus flags something each time I do a search with it enabled, and blocks me going to the website (why did you uninstall website) when I remove it. I wouldn't trust it. Does what it says, but also tries to do more.
- (2023-10-09) Павел Гридяев: не дает разворачивать видео файлы
- (2023-09-14) Sven Luik: Warning this plugin replaces google results with youronlineservices, virus!
- (2023-07-15) S.Eyüp Gürkan: https://boostervolume.com/ sürekli buraya girmeye veri aktarmaya çalışıyor sakın indirmeyin kurmayın antivirus programları hata veriyor lütfen bu uygulamayı iptal edin chrome
- (2023-07-02) Maher Siyal: Yes, it will make a significant difference from the audio coming from laptop. But I think it can damage the speakers. Be caucious.
- (2023-06-30) Black Jax: Mükemmellll
- (2023-06-29) Alberto C.: No hace nada, no noto ningún cambio en Opera, que imagino será lo mismo que con Chrome.
- (2023-06-29) Mike Davis: When I began to move the slider and the volume started to get louder, I knew this was the real thing. No fuss, no muss. Simple, it works, well. I recommend it.
- (2023-06-29) D C: On YouTube with full screen or not; a recording with almost inaudible volume was acceptably audible at 500% i.e. it seemed like about a 100% increase in volume; any its much better than the last one I used which boosted the volume much more but with unacceptable distortion even at 110% so maybe this one has addressed that issue and a mild boost is the best compromise available.
- (2023-06-28) jebbers braun: cpu jumps to 100% and slows it down
- (2023-06-04) Sofia Dogadin: im deaf now...
- (2023-06-03) Smilling Sylvia Helton: FINALLY I CAN HEAR!!!! THANK YOU,
- (2023-05-29) LarezPlay's: For some reason when I try to use it my volume just goes mute. Everything is enabled/allowed as far as permissions go so I dont get the issue. If there is a fix please let me know.
- (2023-05-28) Shakee Chai: been using it while ago , all over its very good but now when i boost sound its making noise with sound
- (2023-05-21) Ra'ad Avijith Sen: increases volume significantly 🔥🔥🔥
- (2023-05-20) Sylvio: Works well so far, thanks dev!
- (2023-05-17) Arif Basri: Boost volume, need to F11 (Windows) to go full screen but no other controls to customize
- (2023-05-16) KC Yang (KC): This extension works entirely like its extension name. Thanks to the extension designer.
- (2023-05-13) Gururaj Jois: It boosts the volume efficiently, but doesn't allow website player to go full screen.
- (2023-05-13) nNewyt500 xd: DOBRY EFEKT O TO CHODZIŁO DZIEKUJEEE
- (2023-05-07) Víctor Miguel Lozada Castillo: esta muy bueno
- (2023-05-07) daniel ivanov: Another scam, no controls, no EQ, is just a simple boost volume.
- (2023-05-04) Gene Nash: As another reviewer asked, where is the stereo/mono toggle? Or the equalizer, for that matter. If they are there, they're very well hidden. The only reason I installed this is for the stereo/mono toggle.
- (2023-05-03) Azims: Where's Stereo / Mono toggle??
- (2023-04-29) Nourine B.: Dangerous!! Permite por defecto el acceso a controladores de pago y el inicio de sesión de terceros entre otros permisos que comprometen la seguridad de tus datos
- (2023-04-29) Whymsic: Great extension: very user friendly and does as it says very well. Allows up to 500% increase to volume | It boosts volume as wanted, very helpful for quiet headsets or speakers. Suggestions for improvements: allow even more boost to volume
- (2023-04-28) Liza: the moment i move the fader to either increase or decrease volume on youtube, i can't go into full-screen mode. well, it does go into fullscreen mode, but only to the extent of the chrome window's size. it's very strange. i use a 2560x1440 screen and i split it in half (two chrome windows on either side), and whenever i try to use the volume controller, the fullscreen mode stops working. when i remove the extension, it starts working again.
- (2023-04-22) andi davidson: Good
- (2023-04-21) Jesús Miguel Cruz Cana: Works, but it doesn't track the last used volume (neither globally nor in a site by site basis). Every new session and every new tab defaults again to 100% volume.
- (2023-04-16) Michael Luna: it does exactly what most apps say they do, individually allows you to raise the volume on tabs. no glitches no changing it one place changes it everywhere just being able to raise volume on whatever tab you want. perfect.
- (2023-03-07) Arthur Miguel: I loved this extension, works great especially if your earphones don't work as well, increases the volume to quite an extent!
- (2023-03-07) Camilla Ribeiro: This actually worksnI play GeoFS (An online Flight Simulator) and the engine sound is too loud, but i still want to be able to hear other tabs at full volume. This is so useful!!!nnYou have to get this!
- (2023-03-06) saeful kohar: Gives me constant headaches but at least I can listen to really loud porn!
- (2023-03-04) Rafael Gustavo: This app does every thing that is advertised. Didn't get much time to use it (problem with 10, what are the odds) I have a BOSE desktop speaker system and it rocks! If you have a good sound system You Need to get this or atleast try it out. Great Job Keep it up.
- (2023-03-04) Inheav Lupus: Boosts sound a LOT. Straightforward functionality, and relatively easy to troubleshoot in comparison to other volume boosters.
- (2023-03-02) 堀部哲士: It is Amazingly Exceptional u0026 Firstly when someone asked me that it is absolutely free I didn't believe Him
- (2023-03-02) Oliver-: I was surprised it worked as good as it does freebie too, im empresed it works for me !!!
- (2023-03-01) Jenny Rose de Leon: I absolutly love this app. I have been looking for an app like this for a long time, thank you so much for making this possible. I can now hear clearly what I have usually been missing.
- (2023-03-01) TOMOKO WILLIS: Absolute must-have WFH extension!nIt's light on the browser, it's ridiculously easy to use and it comes in handy in a LOT of situations. The sound is loud and clear, it doesn't get distorted when it comes to higher volumes.
- (2023-02-28) Felipe Magalhães: This is a very helpful extension that allows you to change the volume for each tab separately. You can also increase the volume of a tab all the way up to 600%.
- (2023-02-27) Jorge Ruben Choque Chavez: This extension is very useful, and amplifies the sound fairly well. However, there is some distortion from time to time. nThat said, overall it's very good.
- (2023-02-25) 김연수: Excellent extension. I only wish you could have more fine control over volume, but otherwise great
- (2023-02-23) ELIAS PABLO BENITEZ: Excellent, useful in online class when i'm trying to ignore the teacher.
- (2023-02-23) Yasushi FUEKI: Thank you so much it works,Cool !
- (2022-03-17) nathan wagner bendlin: Não baixem, coloca Spam no seu computador. Toda pesquisa que fizer no google vai ter propaganda que essa extensão coloca, horrível.