Description from extension meta
Justdial에서 20개 이상의 카테고리에서 목록을 자동으로 추출하고 CSV, JSON 또는 Excel로 다운로드합니다.
Image from store
Description from store
We can help you scrape and export search results from the Justdial website, and download it as a CSV file. requires no programming knowledge or coding skills. Try the “Justdial Scraper” browser extension today and see how simple it can be!
What categories can be scraped?
Search results from these categories: Restaurants, Hotels, Beauty Spa, Home Decor, Education, Rent & Hire, Hospitals, Contractors, Pet Shops, PG/Hostels, Estate Agent, Dentists, GYM, Consultants, Event Organisers, Driving Schools, Packers & Movers, Courier Service.
What information does It scrape?
Name, Area, Address, Phone, Rating, Review, Total Reviews, Type, Thumbnail, Images, Video, Opening Time, Pincode, Doc ID, Latitude, Longitude, Web URL, Verified, Scraped Time.
How to extract these data?
Scraping search results from can be done easily with our tool, without coding. Simply follow these steps:
- Open any category listed above on the Justdial website
- Search anything as you did before, There should be an "Export CSV" button beside the search keywords
- Click "Export CSV", wait for the process to complete, and then click "Download Items" to download the data in a CSV file.
How quickly will I receive the results?
The data extraction process begins immediately after you make a request. The duration of the extraction will vary depending on the amount of information you need to retrieve.
Data Privacy
Your data stays on your device and is not stored or transmitted to our servers. We prioritize keeping your information secure and confidential.
This extension is an independently developed product by ExtensionsBox and has no association with Justdial.