extension ExtPose

AdBlock (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

World of Best Malware & Ad Blocker. Less CPU and RAM using.

Image from store AdBlock
Description from store ============================== ☆ Works on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch etc... and all sites. Removes all ads. For example: Removes pop-ups, ads and annoying banners or even video ads. ☆ Block third party viewers and protect your privacy. ☆ By blocking malicious ads with malware, fraud and crypto miners, it allows you to surf the internet safely. ☆ Improves page load times and offers faster Internet browsing. ☆ AdBlock never backs up or uses your personal information. AdBlock only requires the necessary permissions to protect you and protects you with our privacy policy. ============================== ADVERTISING AdBlock puts you in control of ads on the internet. With AdBlock, you can block ads on any site you want. This includes YouTube and Facebook ads. It also allows you to * allow * ads to support sites you like and YouTube channels that you enjoy watching. ============================== Faster Internet AdBlock blocks your monitoring tools and ads, increasing your internet browsing speed and reducing data usage. Why would you spend data loading ads that you don't want to see? ============================== SECURITY AdBlock helps keep your computer safe by blocking malware and viruses hidden in some ads. ============================== INFORMATION Since AdBlock works on every tab, you will see a notification that it wants to access your history and website data when installing it in your browser. However, it does not really track your browsing history or access your personal information. It only accesses the tabs that are open in your browser and blocks harmful and annoying ads. AdBlock protects you.


13 history
0.0 (0 votes)
Last update / version
2020-07-28 / 20.07.17
Listing languages
