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Record Your Screen for Free with Amazing Screen Recorder - The Ultimate Tool for Content Creators!
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Внимание за Амазинг Скрийн Рекордер - идеалното инструмент за създатели на съдържание, които искат да създават висококачествени видеоклипове без да превръщат банковата сметка в разорително престъпление. С Амазинг Скрийн Рекордер, можете лесно да записвате екрана, раздела или прозореца си и да изразите своята видеокамера и микрофона. Ето някои от основните характеристики на този вълнуващ инструмент:
- Лесно записване на целия екран, раздел или прозорец
- Изразете вашите видеоклипове с видеокамерата и микрофона си, за да добавите личен допир
- Записване само на звука на веб камерата и микрофона за онези моменти, когато искате да се фокусирате върху визуалите
- Избор между форматите WEBM и MP4, за да отговори на вашите нужди
Обаче, има някои ограничения, за които трябва да знаете, когато използвате Амазинг Скрийн Рекордер. Ако приложението застои или се срива, вероятно нямате достатъчно RAM. Освен това, не можете да записвате системен звук в ОС. За да получите аудио, трябва да изберете определен раздел с аудио поток.
Общо казано, Амазинг Скрийн Рекордер е мощен и прост инструмент, който всеки може да използва, за да създава забележителни видеоклипове бързо и лесно. Изтеглете го днес и започнете да записвате екрана си като професионалист!
Introducing Amazing Screen Capture - the perfect tool for content creators who want to create high-quality videos without breaking the bank. Amazing Screen Capture is the ideal screen capture tool for recording your screen, tab, or window, and narrating with your webcam and microphone. Here are some of the key features of this amazing tool:
- Easily record whole screen, tab, or window with Amazing Screen Capture
- Narrate your videos with your webcam and microphone for a personal touch
- Record only webcam + mic sound for when visuals are the priority
- Choose between WEBM and MP4 formats to suit your needs
However, there are some limitations to keep in mind when using Amazing Screen Capture. Since Amazing Screen Capture requires a lot of RAM, the app may hang or crash if you don't have enough RAM. Additionally, you can't record system sound in the OS, so to get audio, you should select a specific tab with an audio stream.
Overall, Amazing Screen Capture is a powerful and simple screen capture tool that anyone can use to create engaging videos quickly and easily. With Amazing Screen Capture screen capture, you can record your screen like a pro! Download Amazing Screen Capture today and start capturing your screen with ease!
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-03) Artemi Lebedev: No option "recording this tab" and records sound either system or from a microphone or from both devices
- (2023-09-06) Venkat P: Good that it doesn't have time limit but you can't drag and move through video. It shows infinite time in some players. Developer, please fix it
- (2023-08-19) Nathan Royters: didn't work and blacked out my screen, had to force quit
- (2023-08-16) Patricio1978: NO FUNCIONAAAAAAAAAA
- (2023-07-23) Gareth Rossi: Another useless screen recorded that does not work. Failed to record every time.
- (2023-07-13) mate: i love it it records in 1080p60 i tested it for games and it didn't lag that much
- (2023-06-08) Azhar Mashuri: I use it to record google meet. It can record video, my audio and others audio. The interface can be improve, like use small popup at icon.
- (2023-04-24) Dominique Turner: For me personally, this plugin is just a real find. It is optimally suited for recording small videos. Captures the screen and sound from the microphone with high quality.
- (2023-04-24) Moira Finch: A functional and pretty good service for recording the browser screen. I didn't notice any errors in the work. Stable expansion.
- (2023-04-24) Brandon Hardman: It is convenient that the extension can record both in MP4 and AVI. A large selection of quality settings and other parameters. The rendering is pretty fast.
- (2023-04-24) Caleb Williams: What I like about this recording tool is its simplicity, functionality and relatively large output file. I strongly advise you to take a closer look. Excellent extension.
- (2023-04-24) Eva Martinez: I use this extension quite often, shooting various training videos. The quality of recording and post-processing is very decent.
- (2023-04-24) Cecilia Anderson: I have been using this tool for almost a year. It is commendable that the developers are developing the project and adding new relevant functions. I advise everyone.
- (2023-04-24) Michael Baker: Compared to analogues under Windows, resource consumption is minimal. At the same time, the video recording quality is very decent.
- (2023-04-24) James Gilbert: Settings are not enough, in my opinion. But still, I definitely approve of the expansion. The recording quality is high and memory consumption is very low.
- (2023-04-24) Caleb Chandter: A high-quality multifunctional tool for recording screen contents. With a large selection of settings and the ability to create your own configurations.
- (2023-04-24) Alex Babcock: If you need a normal plugin for recording video from a browser window, then I advise you to pay attention to this one. Personally, I really liked the addition.
- (2023-04-24) Nancy White: For bloggers, it is a very useful plugin, because it allows you to record the contents of the screen and does it efficiently. Anyway, it's worth a try.
- (2023-04-24) Michael Austin: Thanks to this addition, recording the screen has become much easier. Post-processing is fast, the video quality is very decent.
- (2023-04-24) Thomas Moore: A very practical screen recording tool, with convenient usability and wide functionality. There are many output formats.
- (2023-04-24) Gregory Donovan: Quite a convenient means of recording the browser window. It's a pity that the whole screen can't capture. But for work, this is quite enough. Respect to the developers.
- (2023-04-24) Katrin Otter: When recording, it practically does not affect the overall performance of the browser. Settings are quite enough. It is much more convenient than any special program that works from under Windows
- (2023-04-24) Ivan Miller: The functionality works efficiently. There are no complaints about the quality of capture, recording. The only thing would be nice to add more post-processing settings.
- (2023-04-24) Daniel Grant: A large selection of recording output formats, a lot of configurations and settings. The weight of the output file is quite small. A great tool overall.
- (2023-04-24) Stefan Batler: If you need a high-quality tool for recording the browser screen, then I advise you to try this extension. In my opinion, the best option. Memory consumes a minimum.
- (2023-04-24) Kate Hammel: It has become much more convenient to record the screen with this extension. A large set of settings and configurations, low RAM consumption.
- (2023-04-24) Patric Nelson: A lightweight and fairly simple screen recording tool. Large selection of format settings and area capture. Productivity is at a height.