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The official Expedia Member Only Deals extension - now with Hotel Price Alerts! Stay connected and save 10% or more on select hotels
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Description from store
This is an official Expedia extension exclusively for Expedia Members. Sign-in and instantly search over 230,000 hotels & 400 airlines worldwide directly from Chrome.
Access exclusive Expedia Member benefits:
Price Alerts - never miss a price change on hotels in your Scratchpad
- New: You'll now receive a notification when the price changes for a flight you've searched for.
- Fixed: Sometimes the notifications screen was blank or notifications were missing.
to enjoy these exclusive Expedia Member benefits:
- Hotel & flight price change notifications
- Member Pricing - save 10% or more on select hotels
- Earn points to redeem for rewards travel with no blackout dates
- Get double value for your points at our Nectar hotels
Book online or call 020 3564 4851
Latest reviews
- (2019-09-30) Paul Schmied: Can't sign in from my (un-mananged) Chromebook using a GMail address with a password different from my Google account password. Also stalls when using te Android Play Store app. Using the Expedia site worked last night.
- (2018-03-21) Melissa Ignaciuk: just added Expedia Member Only Deals on my lap right far so good, we'll see if the proof is really in the pudding if the deals keep a comin my way and getting better and better based on expedia members seniority :) thats whats up
- (2018-03-06) Maria-Isabel Capacete: Great
- (2018-02-27) Bangunadi Pratama: ude member insyaallah di asuransikan!!! #beratringankitehadepisamesame
- (2018-02-01) Herwig Lutterbach: Sehr hilfreich,danke
- (2017-12-25) John Arsenault: Love it!!
- (2017-11-27) Mindy Eilertson: I get great prices and don't have the middle man to deal with.
- (2017-11-08) Geovana Cunha Rodrigues: ele e muitoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bommmmmmmmmmmm
- (2017-10-10) Helmuth Konnen: much easier to find the right bookings for my needs
- (2017-09-06) Keelee Pigg Adams: I love the special deals that Expedia offers.
- (2017-07-10) Angela Cobb: It is not usable for users in the US apparently... I, amongst many others I see posting, am not in Japan.
- (2017-07-09) Roberta Hayward: For some reason it keeps giving me prices and information in other languages.
- (2017-01-11) Jacqueline Hunt: Flight and hotel package deals were great prices
- (2016-06-22) Frank Zen: Hopelessly broken. The links back to Expedia don't work! Neither did the login!
- (2016-06-01) Yusuf Ziya GÜZEY: Can not sign in to the extension on chrome, search does not work. garbage...
- (2016-05-28) Ao Shen: Very nice and convenient design!!! Very smart tool
- (2016-05-24) Very difficult to locate, navigate, execute, options.
- (2016-04-20) Bring on the GREAT deals Expedia!!! We love ya. Moni
- (2016-03-19) Mamdo A: great prices for flights and hotels.
- (2016-03-17) Laurie J. McNeil: No option for car rental. Wondering where and when the discount comes in, since when I click on the pop out, it simply brings me to expedia website...
- (2016-03-16) Suvendu Dash: Flawless, Fast and Easy...
- (2016-02-29) Kyle Boyd: Gives you great prices for multiple different Hotels, and all inside that area that you are traveling too.
- (2016-02-10) Mayra Parra: makes booking a breeze
- (2016-01-20) lynn hudnell: makes booking very easy
- (2015-12-26) Fredy Sosa (SON OF GOD): I LOVE IT