Just hover over a product photo in Pinterest and our AI will find the product by photo!
🔥 Find products on Pnterest by photo with AI
💻 Search by product photo
👉 Just hover over the product photo, and our AI will find offers with the best prices in different stores.
📌 How to use the extension?
👉 Install it in your browser and pin it to the toolbar.
📌 How to use Search by image?
👉 Hover over the image and click on the search by image icon in the upper left corner, the product you selected and similar products will be shown to you, to go to the store, click on the image in similar products, to download the image, click the button under the product you selected
📌 How to set up the "Search by image" logo on certain sites?
👉 Click on the extension logo, then click on the "gear-settings", then write the name of the sites via https:// on which you do not want the "Search by image" logo to be shown, then press enter, the site will be added to the exceptions and the "Search by image" logo will not be shown on this site, to return the "Search by image" logo again, click "close" next to the name of the site you specified.
📌 The extension can use affiliate (referral) links to some products and stores.
📌 To be able to buy products found by picture even cheaper, use the Promo codes section. Just find a suitable product by picture, and then go to the Promo codes section and check for promo codes. If there is a promo code for a product or category of products, just copy it and paste it when buying, this way you can not only find a cheaper product by picture, but also use the promo code to buy this product even cheaper.