extension ExtPose

Volume Control - Audio Enhancer

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Description from extension meta

Increase the volume, shape the sound with equalizer and effects. Amplify the audio loudness on tabs. Customize and control your own…

Image from store Volume Control - Audio Enhancer
Description from store የእርስዎ ፒሲ በቂ የድምፅ ድምጽ እንደሌለው ይረብሻሉ? ከዚያ ይህ ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን ከፍ ያለ ድምጽ ማጉያ ከድምጽ ድምጽ ጋር በጣም የሚፈልጉት በትክክል የሚፈልጉት ነው. ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን Pro Pro የሙዚቃ ጥራት Pro የበለጠ ምቹ በሆነ መንገድ መንገድዎን ያሻሽላል. በጥቂት ሰከንዶች ውስጥ እሱን ለመፈለግ በፍጥነት ሊጾሙ የሚችሉ ቀላል UI, ዋስትና አለው. በአምሳሰባችሁ የተጻፉ ቪዲዮ, ቪዲዮ እና ጨዋታ - ለሙዚቃ, ለቪዲዮ እና ለጨዋታ. > - ድምጹን ከ 200% እስከ 200%, 300%, 400% እና ከፍተኛው ደረጃን ለማስተካከል በፍጥነት ይገኛል - ሙዚቃ, ጨዋታ, ቪዲዮ, የጥሪ መጠን የድምፅ አሞር ኦ.ግ.ፒ. - - ለተለያዩ ድርጣቢያዎች መጠን ይቆጣጠሩ አሁን የእኛን ፍጹም ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን Pro - ተጨማሪ ድምጽን ከፈለግክ እና የሚፈልጉትን ማንኛውንም ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን ያገኙታል. የድምፅ መጠን ከፍተኛ መጠን ያለው ትንሽ መሣሪያ ነው. የድምፅ ማጫዎቻን Pro አሁን ያውርዱ እና የፓርቲ ስሜትን ይጨምሩ! እርስዎ ከፒሲዎ የድምፅ መጠንዎ ጋር እየገፉ አይደሉም ብለው ይመገባሉ? ከዚያ ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን. ድምጸ-ከል ማድረግ ለእርስዎ ፍጹም መፍትሄ ነው. ይህ አስደናቂ መሣሪያ የሙዚቃ ጥራት የሙዚቃ ጥራት የበለጠ አመቺ በሆነ መንገድ ያሻሽላል, እናም ቀላሉ የተጠቃሚ በይነገጽ ምንም ጊዜ አያገኝም. ባህሪዎች: - ተጨማሪ የድምፅ ክፍተት. ጭማሪ ድም sounds ች በተለይ ከፍተኛ እና ግልፅ ድምጽ ለሚወዱ የሙዚቃ አፍቃሪዎች እና ተጠቃሚዎች የተዘጋጀ ነው, የተንቀሳቃሽ, ለተጠቃሚ ምቹ - ለቪዲዮ እና ለአገልግሎት አሰጣጥ ለሙዚቃ , ቪዲዮ እና ጨዋታ - አብሮ የተገነቡ ተናጋሪዎች እና የብሉቱዝ ተናጋሪዎች ጋር ተኳሃኝ ከሆኑ - ድምጹን ከአንድ ማንሸራተት ጋር ያዘጋጁ - ከ 200%, 300%, 400% ያስተካክሉ ወይም ከፍተኛው ደረጃ በፍጥነት ..... የሙዚቃ ተሞክሮዎን ለማሻሻል ታላቅ የድምፅ ስሜት እየፈለጉ ነው? ከተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን የበለጠ አይዞሽ. ድምፅን ይጨምሩ! ይህ ትንሽ መሣሪያ ትልልቅ የድምፅ ማሻሻያዎችን ይሰጥዎታል. ተጨማሪ የድምፅ ክፍፍልን ያውርዱ. የፓርቲ ስሜቱን ለማሳደግ አሁን ድምጽን ይጨምሩ! ከኃይለኛ እኩልነት, ከከባድ እኩልነት, ከፍተኛ የድምፅ ባህሪዎች, የድምፅ አስተዳዳሪዎች, የድምፅ ተከላካይ ቴክኖሎጂዎች, የድምፅ ማሳያዎች, የድምፅ ማሳያዎች, የድምፅ ማሳያዎች, የድምፅ ጭማሪ አማራጮች እና የአስጨናቂዎች ተግባራት - አይዝናዱም! የድምፅ ተሞክሮዎን ከድምራካው የድምፅ መደነቅ ጋር ያሳድጉ. ድምጽን ይጨምሩ እርስዎ ስለኮምፒዩተር ቅጣት የድምፅ መጠን ደክመዋል? ከተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን የበለጠ አይዞሽ. ድምፁን ይጨምሩ, የመጨረሻውን የድምፅ ማጎልበቻ ሙዚቃዎን ለአዳዲስ ከፍታ የሚወስድ. ከቁጥቋጦ እና ለተጠቃሚ ምቹ በይነገጽ የተነደፈ, ይህም ሙዚቃ, ቪዲዮዎችዎን እና ጨዋታዎችዎን, ቪዲዮዎችዎን, ቪዲዮዎችን እና ጨዋታዎችንዎን ያሻሽላሉ. ድምጽ መጨመር የሚወዱትን ሙዚቃ, ቪዲዮዎችን እና የጨዋታዎችን ድምፅ በጥቂት ጠቅታዎች ጋር እንዲጨምር ያስችልዎታል. ለዝቅተኛ ጥራጥሬዎች እና ጤና ይስጥልኝ ከዚህ በፊት እንደነበረው የጥምቀት የድምፅ ልምምድ. ኃያል የድምፅ ክፍፍል ብቻ አይደለም. አጠቃላይ የድምፅ ክፍፍልን ከፍ ማድረግ, ግን እሱ ደግሞ ኃይለኛ ባስ ማሳያ ችሎታዎች ይሰጣል. ሙዚቃዎ በህይወት እንዲመጣ ከሚመጣው የተሻሻለ ባዝ ጋር የተሻሻለ ባዝ ጋር የሚመታ ቢትሪዎችን ይደሰቱ እና ከተለያዩ የኦዲዮ መሣሪያዎች ጋር ይደሰታሉ አብሮገነብ የጆሮ ማዳመጫዎችን የሚጠቀሙ ከሆነ አብሮ የተገነቡ, ወይም የብሉቱዝ ድምጽ ማጉያዎች , ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን. ከፍ ያለ ድምጽ ተሸፍኗል. በሚሄዱበት ቦታ ሁሉ እንዲደሰቱ የሚያስችልዎትን ከፍ አድርገውት እንዲደሰቱ የሚያስችልዎትን ሁሉንም ዓይነት የኦዲዮ መሳሪያዎች ዓይነቶችን ከሥድ ማዋሃድ በቃ ቀላል ማንሸራተት ብቻ ይቆጣጠሩ, የድምፅ መጠንዎን ወደ እርስዎ በቀላሉ ማዋቀር ይችላሉ ተፈላጊ ምርጫ. ስውር ጭማሪ ወይም ከፍተኛው, ከ 200%, 300%, ወይም 400% የሚሆኑ ቢሆኑም, ከ 400%, ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን. የጨምዎ ድምጽ በድምጽ ልምምድዎ ላይ ሙሉ ቁጥጥር ይሰጥዎታል. የተጨምር ድምጽ ወደ ተለያዩ ፍላጎቶች ለማሟላት የተለያዩ የመጫኛ አማራጮችን ያቀርባል. ለሙዚቃ, የጨዋታዎች, ለቪዲዮዎች, ለጥሪዎች እና ለየት ያሉ ድር ጣቢያዎች ድምጹን ከፍ ለማድረግ. በዚህ ሁለገብ መሣሪያ, በምርጫዎችዎ ላይ በመመርኮዝ የድምፅ ቅንብሮችዎን ማበጀት ይችላሉ. ተጨማሪ የድምፅ ክፍፍልን ማንሳት ያስረዱ. አሁን ድምፁን ይጨምሩ! ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን. የድምፅዎን ድምጽ ለማሻሻል የመጨረሻው መፍትሄ ነው እና ትክክለኛውን የፓርቲ ከባቢ አየር እንዲፈጥር ለማድረግ የመጨረሻው መፍትሄ ነው. በዚህ ትንሽ መሣሪያ ላይ ትልቅ ቦታ የሚያሽከረክሩ አይሆኑም. ተጨማሪ የድምፅ ክፍፍልን ያውርዱ. ድምፁን አሁን ይጨምሩ እና ከዚህ በፊት እንደነበረው ድምጹን ያዙ! የድምፅ ተሞክሮዎን ከድምራካው የድምፅ መደነቅ ጋር ያሳድጉ. ድምጽ መጨመር በኮምፒተርዎ ላይ በዝቅተኛ የድምፅ መጠን ደክመዋል? ከተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን የበለጠ አይዞሽ. ድምፅን ይጨምሩ! ይህ አስደናቂ የድምፅ መጠን የሙዚቃ ጥራትዎን ማጎልበት እና የድምፅ ተሞክሮዎን ወደሚቀጥለው ደረጃ መውሰድ ያለብዎት ነገር ነው. በተጠቃሚ ምቹ በይነገጽ እና ኃይለኛ ባህሪያቱ አማካኝነት ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን. በጥቂት ሰከንዶች ውስጥ በቀላሉ እሱን ማስተራራ ይችሉ ዘንድ የድምፅ ማረጋገጫዎችን ይጨምሩ. ዳሰሳ - ድምፁን ለሙዚቃ, ለቪዲዮዎች እና ለጨዋታዎች ድምፁን ከፍ ለማድረግ - ከሐመታ ኦዲዮ ልምምድ ጋር ማሻሻል - ከሐሳብ ተናጋሪዎች, እና በብሉቱዝ ተናጋሪዎች ጋር ተኳሃኝ - - አንድ-ማንሸራተት ድምጹን በአንድ የተወሰነ ደረጃ ለማዘጋጀት ይቆጣጠሩ - በፍጥነት ከ 200%, 300%, ወይም ከፍተኛውን መጠን የተለያዩ የማበረታቻ አማራጮች ይገኙታል , ጨዋታዎች, ቪዲዮዎች እና ጥሪዎች የብሉቱዝ ተናጋሪዎች እና የጆሮ ማዳመጫዎች ላይ ድምጹን ከፍ ለማድረግ የተለያዩ ድርጣቢያዎች ድምጽን ይቆጣጠሩ አሁንም የሙዚቃ ልምድን ከፍ ለማድረግ አሁንም ትክክለኛውን የድምፅ ማጎልመሻን ይመርጣሉ? ከእንግዲህ አይመልከቱ! ተጨማሪ የድምፅ መጠን. ድምጽ መጨመር ማንኛውንም ድምፅ የበለጠ ድምጽ ለመስጠት እዚህ አለ. ተጨማሪ የድምፅ ክፍፍልን ያውርዱ. የድምፅ ስሜትን ለመጨመር ተዘጋጁ እና የፓርቲው ስሜት ለማብራት ዝግጁ ይሁኑ! , የድምፅ ውጤቶች, የድምፅ ማሻሻያ, ከፍተኛ ጭማሪ, አሚርአይፒ, ከስትራቴጂያዊ በጽሑፍ ውስጥ ተካትተዋል. volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier Are you bothered that your PC doesn't have enough sound volume? Then I believe this Extra Volume Booster - Loud Speaker with Extra Sound is exactly what you need. Extra Volume Booster PRO enhances your music quality in a way more convenient way. It has a simple UI, guaranteeing you can fast to master it just in a few seconds. Features: - Volume Booster is designed for music lovers and users who like loud and clear sound - Volume Booster PRO has a neat, simple user interface - Boost sound for music, video, and game - Boost bass for music, video, and game - Support use with headphone, bult-in speaker and Bluetooth speakers - One-swipe to set the volume to a specific level - Fast to adjust the volume to 200%, 300%, 400% and maximum level Various Boost Available: - Music, game, video, call volume boost - Bluetooth speaker, headphone volume amplifier - Control volume for various websites ...... Still finding a great volume booster to improve your music experience? Now you find our perfect Extra Volume Booster PRO - Loud Speaker with Extra Sound and make any extra sound volume as you want. Volume Booster is a little tool that boosts big volume. Download Volume Booster PRO now and increase party mood! Are you fed up with your PC's sound volume not being loud enough? Then Extra Volume Booster. Increase sound is the perfect solution for you. This amazing tool will enhance your music quality in a much more convenient way, and its simple user interface guarantees that you can master it in no time. Features: - Extra Volume Booster. Increase sound is designed especially for music lovers and users who like loud and clear sound - It has a neat, user-friendly UI - Boost sound for music, video, and game - Boost bass for music, video, and game - Compatible with headphones, built-in speakers and Bluetooth speakers - Set the volume to a specific level with one swipe - Adjust the volume to 200%, 300%, 400% or maximum level quickly Various Boosts Available: - Music, game, video and call volume booster - Bluetooth speaker and headphone volume amplifier - Control volume for various websites ...... Are you looking for a great volume booster to improve your music experience? Look no further than Extra Volume Booster. Increase sound! This little tool will provide you with big volume boosts. Download Extra Volume Booster. Increase sound now to boost the party mood! With its powerful equalizer, bass booster, loud sound features, volume control options, volume master capabilities, Booster PRO settings, volume manager options, sound effects capabilities, sound enhancer technology, loudness increaser options and amplifier functions - you won't be disappointed!Boost Your Sound Experience with Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound Are you tired of your PC's lackluster sound volume? Look no further than Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound, the ultimate volume booster that will take your music experience to new heights. With its sleek and user-friendly interface, this volume booster is designed for music lovers and anyone who craves loud and crystal-clear sound. Enhance Your Music, Videos, and Games Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound allows you to boost the sound of your favorite music, videos, and games with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to low-volume frustrations and hello to an immersive audio experience like never before. Powerful Bass Boosting Not only does Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound amplify the overall volume, but it also provides powerful bass boosting capabilities. Feel the thumping beats and enjoy a richer audio experience with enhanced bass that will make your music come alive. Compatible with Various Audio Devices Whether you're using headphones, built-in speakers, or Bluetooth speakers, Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound has got you covered. It seamlessly integrates with all types of audio devices, allowing you to enjoy your boosted sound wherever you go. Take Control of Your Volume With just a simple swipe, you can easily set the volume level to your desired preference. Whether you want a subtle increase or a maximum boost of 200%, 300%, or even 400%, Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound gives you full control over your sound experience. Amp Up Your Sound with Various Boost Options Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound offers a wide range of boost options to cater to different needs. Boost the volume for music, games, videos, calls, and even specific websites. With this versatile tool, you can customize your sound settings based on your preferences. Download Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound Now! If you're still searching for the perfect volume booster to enhance your music experience, look no further. Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound is the ultimate solution to amplify your sound and create the perfect party atmosphere. Don't miss out on this little tool that packs a big punch. Download Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound now and turn up the volume like never before!Boost Your Sound Experience with Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound Are you tired of the low sound volume on your PC? Look no further than Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound! This amazing volume booster is exactly what you need to enhance your music quality and take your audio experience to the next level. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound guarantees that you can easily master it in just a few seconds. Features: - Designed for music lovers and those who crave loud and clear sound - Simple and neat user interface for effortless navigation - Boost the sound for music, videos, and games - Enhance the bass for a richer audio experience - Compatible with headphones, built-in speakers, and Bluetooth speakers - One-swipe control to set the volume at a specific level - Quickly adjust the volume to 200%, 300%, 400%, or maximum level Various Boost Options Available: - Amplify the volume for music, games, videos, and calls - Boost the volume on Bluetooth speakers and headphones - Control the volume for various websites Still searching for the perfect volume booster to elevate your music experience? Look no further! Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound is here to make any sound extra loud. Download Extra Volume Booster. Increase Sound now and get ready to turn up the party mood! Note: Keywords such as "volume booster, sound booster, equalizer, bass booster, loud sound, volume control, volume master, Booster PRO, volume manager, sound effects, sound enhancer, loudness increaser, amplifier" have been strategically incorporated into the text.


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