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SB Volume Master: the best Volume Master (delisted)

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Take your audio to the next level with SoundBoost Volume Master - the ultimate Volume Master

Image from store SB Volume Master: the best Volume Master
Description from store Kas olete väsinud oma seadme puudulikust helist? Minge üle SB-le, ülimale Volume Masterile, mis viib teie helikogemuse järgmisele tasemele. Meie Volume Masteriga saate hõlpsasti parandada helikvaliteeti ja suurendada helitugevust, et saada kaasahaaravam ja nauditavam kuulamiskogemus. Olenemata sellest, kas voogedaste muusikat, vaatate videoid või mängite mänge, SB tagab, et te ei pea enam kunagi leppima vaikse ja summutatud heliga. Jätke masendav heliprobleemidega hüvasti ja tere karge ja selge heliga SB Volume Masteriga. Proovige seda kohe ja kogege erinevust ise! SB on võimas kroomitud SB, mis võimaldab teil brauseris esitatava heli- või videosisu helitugevust suurendada. SB-ga saate hõlpsalt parandada oma võrgumeedia helikvaliteeti, muutes selle nauditavamaks ja rahuldust pakkuvamaks. Olenemata sellest, kas voogesitate muusikat, vaatate filmi või videot või mängite mängu, on SB ideaalne Volume Master kõigile, kes soovivad kogeda oma helisisu parema helitugevuse ja selgusega. Tänu oma intuitiivsele liidesele on SB uskumatult lihtne kasutada. Installige lihtsalt laiendus, avage brauser ja alustage heli- või videosisu esitamist. Seejärel tuvastab SB heli automaatselt ja reguleerib helitugevuse soovitud tasemele. Helitugevust saate reguleerida ka käsitsi, kasutades liugurit SB. Parim osa on see, et SB töötab kõigi veebisaitidega, nii et te ei pea muretsema ühilduvusprobleemide pärast. SB sobib suurepäraselt neile, kellel on raske helisisu kuulda madala helitugevuse või muude probleemide tõttu. Täiustatud tehnoloogiaga suudab SB järsult suurendada mis tahes heli- või videosisu helitugevust, muutes selle kuulmise ja mõistmise palju lihtsamaks. Olenemata sellest, kas kuulate muusikat, vaatate filmi või mängite mängu, SB tagab, et te ei jäta kunagi ühtegi rütmi vahele. Üks suurepäraseid asju SB juures on see, et seda on täiesti tasuta kasutada. Varjatud kulusid ega tasusid pole ning laiendust saate kasutada nii palju kui soovite. Olenemata sellest, kas kasutate SB isiklikuks või professionaalseks kasutamiseks, on see usaldusväärne ja tõhus lahendus kõigile, kes soovivad parandada oma veebiheli helitugevust. Kui otsite, mis parandab teie võrgusisu helikvaliteeti, otsige SB-st kaugemale. Tänu võimsale tehnoloogiale, intuitiivsele liidesele ja täielikule kuluvabadusele on SB parim lahendus kõigile, kes soovivad kogeda oma helisisu parema helitugevuse ja selgusega. Miks siis oodata? Installige SB juba täna ja kogege erinevust ise! Veel üks SB suurepärane omadus on see, et see on kerge Volume Moster ja ei aeglusta teie brauserit. See töötab tõhusalt taustal, nii et saate seda kasutada ilma jõudlusprobleemideta. Lisaks pakub SB ka rikkalikku helikogemust, pakkudes selget ja karget heli, mis teile meeldib. Kui kasutate helisisu kuulates kõrvaklappe, on SB suurepärane valik. Tänu täiustatud Volme Master tehnoloogiale võib see märkimisväärselt suurendada teie kõrvaklappide helitugevust, võimaldades teil helisisu selgemalt kuulda ja seda veelgi rohkem nautida. Olenemata sellest, kas töötate, puhkate või mängite, SB tagab, et te ei jäta kunagi ühtegi rütmi vahele. Kui otsite, mis on usaldusväärne, hõlpsasti kasutatav ja annab suurepäraseid tulemusi, siis on SB teie jaoks ideaalne valik. Oma kasutajasõbraliku liidese, võimsa Vollume Masteri tehnoloogia ja laialdase ühilduvusega on SB suurepärane lahendus kõigile, kes soovivad oma helisisu täiustada. Miks siis oodata? Installige SB juba täna ja hakake oma veebimeediat nautima nagu ei kunagi varem! Lisaks on SB loodud töötama sujuvalt igat tüüpi heli- ja videosisuga, sealhulgas muusika, filmide, mängude ja muuga. Ükskõik, kas voogesitate veebisaidilt sisu, mängite võrgumänge või vaatate videot, reguleerib SB helitugevust automaatselt soovitud tasemele, tagades, et te ei jäta kunagi ühtegi lööki vahele. Lisaks pakub SB turvalist lahendust, nii et saate seda enesekindlalt kasutada, teades, et teie andmed ja privaatsus on kaitstud. Veel üks Voluume Maasteri eelis on see, et seda on väga kohandatav. Helitugevust saate hõlpsalt oma maitse järgi reguleerida ja saate isegi luua kohandatud profiile erinevat tüüpi helisisu jaoks. See tähendab, et erinevate veebisaitide, mängude ja muu võrgumeedia jaoks võib olla erinev helitugevus, mis annab teile täieliku kontrolli oma helisisu helitugevuse üle. Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et SB on ülim Vollume Maaster kõigile, kes soovivad oma helisisu helitugevust suurendada. Täiustatudtehnoloogia, intuitiivse liidese, laia ühilduvuse ja kohandatavate sätetega on SB suurepärane valik kõigile, kes soovivad kogeda oma võrgumeediat parema helitugevuse ja selgusega. Miks siis oodata? Installige SB juba täna ja hakake oma veebiheli sisu nautima nagu kunagi varem! Are you tired of lackluster audio on your device? Upgrade to SoundBoost, the ultimate Volume Master that takes your audio experience to the next level. With our Volume Master, you can easily enhance sound quality and increase volume for a more immersive and enjoyable listening experience. Whether you're streaming music, watching videos, or playing games, SoundBoost ensures that you never have to put up with quiet and muffled audio again. Say goodbye to frustrating audio issues and hello to crisp, clear sound with SoundBoost Volume Master. Try it now and experience the difference for yourself! Install Volume Master! SoundBoost is a powerful chrome Volume Master that lets you boost the volume of any audio or video content that you play on your browser. With SoundBoost, you can easily enhance the sound quality of your online media, making it more enjoyable and satisfying. Whether you're streaming music, watching a movie or video, or playing a game, SoundBoost is the perfect Volume Master for anyone who wants to experience their audio content with improved volume and clarity. With its intuitive interface, SoundBoost Volume Master is incredibly easy to use. Simply install the extension, open up your browser, and start playing your audio or video content. SoundBoost will then automatically detect the sound and adjust the volume level to your desired level. You can also adjust the volume level manually using the SoundBoost slider. The best part is, SoundBoost Volume Master works with all websites, so you don't have to worry about compatibility issues. SoundBoost is perfect for those who struggle to hear audio content due to low volume levels or other issues. With its advanced Volume Master technology, SoundBoost can dramatically increase the volume of any audio or video content, making it much easier to hear and understand. Whether you're listening to music, watching a movie, or playing a game, SoundBoost will ensure that you never miss a beat. One of the great things about SoundBoost is that it is completely free to use. There are no hidden costs or fees, and you can use the extension as much as you like. Whether you're using SoundBoost Volume Master for personal or professional use, it is a reliable and effective solution for anyone who wants to improve the volume of their online audio content. If you're looking for a Volume Master that will enhance the audio quality of your online content, look no further than SoundBoost. With its powerful Volume Master technology, intuitive interface, and complete freedom from cost, SoundBoost is the ultimate solution for anyone who wants to experience their audio content with improved volume and clarity. So why wait? Install SoundBoost today and experience the difference for yourself! Another great feature of SoundBoost is that it is lightweight Volume Master and won't slow down your browser. It runs efficiently in the background, so you can use it without any performance issues. Additionally, SoundBoost also provides a rich audio experience, delivering clear, crisp sound that you'll love. If you're someone who uses headphones while listening to audio content, then SoundBoost is an excellent choice. With its advanced Volume Master technology, it can significantly increase the volume of your headphones, allowing you to hear the audio content more clearly and enjoy it even more. Whether you're working, relaxing, or playing, SoundBoost makes sure that you never miss a beat. If you're looking for a Volume Master that is reliable, easy to use, and delivers great results, then SoundBoost is the perfect choice for you. With its user-friendly interface, powerful Volume Master technology, and wide compatibility, SoundBoost is an excellent solution for anyone who wants to enhance their audio content. So why wait? Install SoundBoost today and start enjoying your online media like never before! Moreover, SoundBoost Volume Master is designed to work seamlessly with all types of audio and video content, including music, movies, games, and more. Whether you're streaming content from a website, playing an online game, or watching a video, SoundBoost will automatically adjust the volume to your desired level, ensuring that you never miss a beat. Additionally, SoundBoost provides a safe and secure solution, so you can use it with confidence knowing that your data and privacy are protected. Another advantage of the Volume Master is that it is highly customizable. You can easily adjust the volume level to your liking, and you can even create custom profiles for different types of audio content. This means that you can have different volume levels for different websites, games, and other online media, giving you complete control over the volume of your audio content. In conclusion, SoundBoost is the ultimate Volume Master for anyone looking to enhance the volume of their audio content. With its advanced Volume Master technology, intuitive interface, wide compatibility, and customizable settings, SoundBoost is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to experience their online media with improved volume and clarity. So why wait? Install SoundBoost today and start enjoying your online audio content like never before!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-04-30) Sabiq Siyad: how do i fullscreen on other websites like zoro.to
  • (2023-04-19) Ashley GoldStar: it such a helpful extension
  • (2023-04-13) Yeltsa Kcir: Was this extension harmful to the computer??
  • (2023-04-11) Joanna: It personally was a good volume booster for my device. And yes. You will need to use F11 before trying to use yt.
  • (2023-04-02) W Robertson: Didn't do any noticeable change .... Pfft.....
  • (2023-03-31) Sahil Patel: Does it affect the speakers??
  • (2023-03-27) Vincent André: Perfectly what I search and need I just want an extension to boost my volume, witjout bul****it options. Just more volume. You do it. And just this. Thanks
  • (2023-03-26) HeyImWalkinHere: Cant full screen
  • (2023-03-05) Jurao K.: Why do these extensions change how fullscreen works? No, I do not wanna press F11. I want the default fullscreen of youtube to behave the way it did before.
  • (2023-02-25) Marcos Szeinuk: it does boost volume ok. but it prevents going full screen. why is that?
  • (2023-01-25) Stefan Batler: Provides very smooth volume control. Much better than a regular operating system mixer. Everything works flawlessly.
  • (2023-01-25) Kate Hammel: Very smooth and convenient adjustment of volume and other sound parameters. A very practical interface in a minimalist style.
  • (2023-01-25) Stiven Peterson: It has become much more convenient to adjust the sound and control the frequencies. A good multifunctional mixer.
  • (2023-01-25) Ronald Austin: A great booster. High and medium frequencies have become much clearer. It is very convenient to control the volume.
  • (2023-01-25) Alex Nelson: A great plugin with good functionality for volume control. It boosts the sound qualitatively.
  • (2023-01-25) Matthew Roberts: A good application for adjusting the volume of sound in the browser. However, it is worth adding manipulation functions for individual tabs.
  • (2023-01-25) Artur Smith: Excellent volume booster. With many additional parameters and settings. I use it with pleasure.
  • (2023-01-25) Alfred Foster: Intuitive and convenient mixer. Allows you to manipulate the volume level with one slider. Everything works fine. Great plugin.
  • (2023-01-25) Robert White: Great mixer. Turns on and off with a single tap. The volume control is very smooth. Thanks to the developers.
  • (2023-01-25) Arnold Koch: I am very satisfied with the sound quality. In my opinion, a very useful add-on for the browser.
  • (2023-01-24) Bob Potts: If we state in general, then everything works without complaints. However, I would like to adapt the interface to the Chinese language. And in general, an excellent amplifier.
  • (2023-01-24) Jenifer Peterson: Got a pretty high-quality sound with this plugin. A large set of different configurations and settings. Minimalistic interface with no frills.
  • (2023-01-24) Charley Ross: I enjoy the sound. A high-quality software add-in that allows you to squeeze the most out of the audio card.
  • (2023-01-24) Irian Paltrow: There are no complaints, the extension works properly. However, it would be nice to add equalizer settings.
  • (2023-01-24) John Bawerman: Perfectly copes with the amplification of both low and high frequencies. At the same time, the quality practically does not suffer. Cool extension.


6,971,006 history
4.5 (37 votes)
Last update / version
2023-02-08 / 1.0.3
Listing languages
