L'extension vous notifie des nouvelles réponses dans vos discussions sur la communauté Tom's Hardware.
Receive notification of new answers to your threads and incoming private messages on the Tom’s Hardware France community. This extension will conveniently alert you as soon as a new message or response is available and will display the relevant links for easy access.
* Alert notification when a topic you are participating in is updated or replied to.
* Track unread messages and threads.
* Receive notice when you get a new private message.
* Easy, 1-click opening of all your topics with new, updated answers.
More Information:
* Extension is secure and doesn’t store your username or password.
* Just log in on Tom’s Hardware France so that the extension can access the information on your threads.
Latest reviews
- (2011-11-04) Yama 310: Excellente extension. Très pratique pour suivre ses sujets.
- (2011-11-03) Christophe Frenet: Excellent, je ne peux plus m'en passer ! Je suis notifié rapidement dès qu'un topic auquel je participe est mis à jour, très pratique.
4.8 (4 votes)
Last update / version
2013-11-14 /
Listing languages