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Simple button turns on dark mode for all webpages. Classic design of Dark Theme changes web to black color
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आपके द्वारा ब्राउज़ की जाने वाली सभी वेबसाइटों के लिए डार्क मोड चालू करना एक साधारण बटन है। क्रोम वेबसाइटों के लिए डार्क थीम को सक्षम / अक्षम करने के लिए बस एक्सटेंशन आइकन दबाएं। क्या आप एक स्टाइलिश डार्क वेब डिज़ाइन करना चाहते हैं और आपकी आँखें चमकीले रंगों से विराम माँगती हैं? क्रोम के लिए डार्क मोड सभी वेब पेजों को काले रंग से कवर करता है। क्रोम के लिए डार्क मोड क्रोम ब्लैक बनाने का एक स्वचालित तरीका है।
एक ही स्थान पर सभी लोकप्रिय साइटों के लिए डार्क मोड। Chrome के लिए काली मोड सक्षम करने के लिए बस एक एक्सटेंशन स्थापित करें।
क्रोम के लिए डार्क मोड एक काले रंग में नया टैब लागू करता है। सभी न्यू टैब के लिए डार्क मोड लाएं। आप एक्सटेंशन आइकन पर क्लिक करके किसी भी समय काली मोड को आसानी से सक्षम और अक्षम कर सकते हैं।
लोकप्रिय साइटों में काले रंगों का आनंद लें और काली मोड में बदलकर अपनी आंखों की रक्षा करें।
डार्क क्रोम थीम अब मुफ्त में उपलब्ध है।
It’s a simple button to turn on dark mode for all websites you browsing. Just press the extension icon to enable/disable dark theme for Chrome websites. Do you want to have a stylish dark web design and your eyes ask for a break from bright colors? Dark Mode for Chrome covers all web pages to a black color. Dark Mode for Chrome is an automatic way to make Chrome black.
Dark mode for all popular sites in one place. Simply install an extension to enable black mode for Chrome.
Dark Mode for Chrome applies New Tab in a black color. Bring dark mode for all New Tabs. You can easily enable and disable black mode in any time by clicking the extension icon.
Enjoy black colours in popular sites and protect your eyes by changing to black mode.
Dark Chrome Theme is available now for free.
Dark Theme for Chrome
Dark Mode for Chrome
Black Theme for Chrome
Black Mode for Chrome
Dark Theme for Youtube - Black Youtube Theme
Dark Mode for Youtube - Black Youtube Mode
Black Theme for Youtube - Dark Youtube Mode
Black Mode for Youtube - Dark Youtube Theme
Dark Theme for Facebook - Black FB Theme
Dark Mode for Facebook - Black FB Mode
Black Theme for Facebook - Dark FB Mode
Black Mode for Facebook - Dark FB Theme
Simple button turns on dark mode for all webpages. Classic design of Dark Theme changes Chrome to black color. Enable dark skin for Chrome
Latest reviews
- (2021-07-23) Jnana Srija: I search up something in chrome, everything goes dark. that is okay! but i can't see the bar of all, images, videos, news toolbar in chrome.
- (2021-07-22) Jeff Tian: Only works perfectly on some websites, and with bugs that you need to reload sometimes to work. Does not work on PDFs and when used on Google search, many videos just disappeared as well as website picture backgrounds turning black as well. Many links were missing/out of place. Would not recomend.
- (2021-07-15) Didi: esta chida
- (2021-07-15) Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup: This is a nice extension, but it should not be always on by default. I like using night mode when using my computer at night, but I don't want Chrome to *always* start in night mode, even during the day. As a minimum, the extension should default to the setting last set, rather than always start up in night mode.
- (2021-07-13) Scribble Cloud: unfortunately it looks pretty bad on most websites :( i especially dont like how some text turns an ugly red for some reason and how blocks of a different color turn into like corner outlines or something? it looks broken
- (2021-07-11) Tara Khadka: time waist hawa
- (2021-07-08) Łukasz Nowogrodzki: Doesn't work at all
- (2021-07-06) Md shah samir: Nice one. Well done developers. But I think the dark background color can be more comfortable with some modification. Like dark more color on Android Studio feels more comfortable than the color this extension has on dark mode. I hope you guys to give it a try.
- (2021-07-05) 동글: 매우 거지같은 모드. 절대 쓰지 마세요. 이거 적용하고 나서 모든 사이트의 화면이 제대로 불러와지지 않으며, 넷플릭스 시청 시 구간 이동, 멈춤, 뒤로가기 등의 버튼이 먹통 됩니다. 호환성 매우 구림. 절대 적용하지 마세요. 개 쓰레기.
- (2021-07-02) Talha Boyraz: wp tarzı sitelere giriyorsanız hiçbirşey görünmüyor
- (2021-07-02) Abrar Ahmed: I think a major bug is it does not recognize text in a box different from flow of webpage. Also it makes pics and flowcharts black. Ex: try with whimsical
- (2021-06-29) Astolfo Garza Peña Arzate: Excelente para google drive. Me gustaría poder ponerlo en gris oscuro, en lugar de negro.
- (2021-06-28) Justin Solms: Does not work with all websites. See and others. The images and text become invisible (all black client space)
- (2021-06-24) Adam Luzuriaga: Does the job, but then blocks every image on Google Images. Completely blotting out the content I'm after is not what I'm looking for in a dark mode.
- (2021-06-24) Tetraden: It messes up usability for Youtube, Facebook, Google Calendar, Amazon, Google Keep and especially WhatsApp web. Nope!
- (2021-06-24) Mr CumGod: finally my eyes can be at peace
- (2021-06-23) Xu Deheng: 非常有效,如果能加入黑名单就更好了
- (2021-06-21) 67 here: 没什么用,b站视频直接看都看不了,还不如另外一个深色插件
- (2021-06-20) Anton Stjerna: Doesent even work. "Current state: BLACK" and its just like before...
- (2021-06-20) Ann: it worked to some websites but not on to websites that I usually go to.
- (2021-06-16) Ayush Bhowate: IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2021-06-16) nu ll: It's easy to use, just turn it on and off, but it might be a bit annoying to have the dark mode turned on from the beginning when you start the browser. Can't you just turn it off first?
- (2021-06-12) 오윤석: 안돼
- (2021-06-08) Liam: This was decent but it isn't dark mode it just inverts the colours, i am trying to use it for a school project and it just makes all the colours look weird.
- (2021-06-07) Michael Kwan: Should be default off. The extension is excellent by converting bright websites to dark for an easier reading at night. However, it sometimes doesn't work too well and could mess up the website. Also, when I open chrome on a different device/computer, the extension is inadvertently default to on, and many websites were messed up. I wouldn't notice because they're new websites that I'm not familiar with. Therefore, if the extension can have a setting for defaulting on or off, that'll be very useful.
- (2021-06-07) Furkan Geçmez: it totally blacks out the pictures on google search!
- (2021-06-05) Benjamin Forbes: Just downloaded, clicked on/off on multiple websites...does absolutely
- (2021-05-30) Varun Yadav: This is amazing extension thanks to the devs ..who dev this extension kudos to you ...Hope they bring some more amazing extensions
- (2021-05-29) swäggy: im just trying to get dark mode on wattpad :| it wont work
- (2021-05-28) Mason: It makes some elements darker, but it does a very poor job of making it seamless and it doesn't even look nice.
- (2021-05-26) Ethan S.: i mean it works but once you "exclude from dark mode", you cant re-include it. maybe make that toggle to "include"...
- (2021-05-25) Home Tv: can someone pls say how I am supposed to enable this, I'm confused right now
- (2021-05-21) Anti Imp: Best dark mode I've ever found, and it works on all websites I visit except Google Chat
- (2021-05-17) xk zhao: 挺好用的,就是有个问题,chrome打开,自动是黑暗模式,没办法调节哦
- (2021-05-10) Parth Salat: TLV night mode was my favourite. But due to some security issues I had to remove it. This isn't as good as TLV coz I can't change the text color to yellow and make background more darker. Also we can't keep a set of blacklisted sites, on which we don't want to invert colors. I've found a better extension: dark reader
- (2021-05-10) Yasna Granger: I've installed it but doesn't work. What should I do now?
- (2021-05-09) bryce: Images dont load overall very bad a site went complete dark nothing showed up everything is messed up
- (2021-05-07) Toy Yoda: I like dark mode, but there are still problems. When I like comments on Youtube or Facebook, there is no visual indicator (the icon doesn't turn blue) so it's harder to tell whether I've liked something.
- (2021-05-06) lindsayamber: Not only is it more suitable for my eyes but it also makes everything look better and cooler. 5/5 stars. Also I read some other reviews and they have seemed to fix everything else because I can see the thumbnails on Youtube. Overall it is a great extension as it is able to also make the tabs themselves dark mode.
- (2021-05-06) alicia bustamante: Es muy útil
- (2021-05-05) Allison Barosko: Doesn't work asus Chromebook c202s
- (2021-05-05) Pérola Karolyne: amo modo escuro e essa extensão não me decepcionou
- (2021-05-05) 강민욱: 왜 안돼;;;
- (2021-05-04) Harry Carter: absolutely awful darkmode, highly aggressive and actually messes with the spacing on certain "supported" website, and absolutely ruins them if you're using anything more than 1080p.
- (2021-04-29) Bullseye Gaming: Unable to get it to turn on, when I click extensions and try to enable it nothing happens
- (2021-04-29) Kurt D.: Its always at the start Dark.
- (2021-04-27) DUMINDA BANDARA: gd
- (2021-04-26) Christian Beregula: Eu gostaria que existisse a opção onde ao contrario de marcar quais sites ele deve ficar ativo, fosse o contrario, deixo ele ativo para todo e adiciono onde eu não quero ele. Seria muito mais pratico e util.
- (2021-04-24) Dark Aleph Tsukino: Work as intended most of the time, some webpages became completely invisible (like Youtube Studio) or images won't show at all. Another problem is that if you accidentally exclude a webpage you can't add it back, there's no excluded webpage list or configuration to manage this, and the worst part, even if you uninstall the extension the configuration stays.
4.2 (624 votes)
Last update / version
2021-07-16 / 1.6
Listing languages