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Make your Chrome browsing experience more fun and exciting with custom cursor pointers! Replace your regular mouse cursor with a…
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Chrome'i kohandatud kursorilaiend on brauseri laiendus, mis võimaldab kasutajatel muuta oma hiirekursori välimust. Laiendus pakub kohandatud kursoripiltide kogu, mille vahel kasutajad saavad valida kursori vaikekujutise asendamiseks.
Kui laiendus on installitud, saavad kasutajad selle hõlpsalt aktiveerida ja saadaolevaid kohandatud kursoripilte sirvida. Nad saavad iga kursori kujutise eelvaate vaadata enne selle valimist ja brauseris rakendamist. Kohandatud kursor ilmub seejärel alati, kui nad liigutavad hiirt brauseriaknas.
See laiendus pakub kasutajatele võimalust oma sirvimiskogemust isikupärastada ja kursorile nalja või loovust lisada. See võib olla kasulik ka inimestele, kellel on raskusi vaikekursori nägemisega või kes soovivad kursorit, mida on nende ekraanil lihtsam näha või jälgida.
Üldiselt on Chrome'i kohandatud kursorilaiend lihtne ja arusaadav tööriist, mis lisab sirvimiskogemusele lõbusat ja isikupärast hõngu.
Muutke oma veebis surfamine selle kohandatud hiirekursoriga nauditavamaks. See sobib igas vanuses inimestele.
Pange tähele, et Google'i reeglite kohaselt ei saa laiendused töötada Chrome'i veebipoe lehtedel ja Chrome'i brauseri siselehtedel, nagu avaleht, seaded, allalaadimised jne. Samuti ei saa laiendus kohandada kursorit brauseri navigeerimisribal , näiteks vahelehtede nupud, URL-i riba, tööriistariba jne.
Pärast selle laienduse installimist avage mõni muu veebisait (nt ja kontrollige, kuidas laiendus sellel töötab.
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-15) Sissi Inn: This is exactly what I was looking for. At first I was like, this looks grainy and sloppy...But little did i know, you can scale the size of the cursor and now it looks really cool. I highly recommend if you want something cool and new!!!
- (2023-06-15) #serbayulger: it is good just they should add the fnaf security breach cursors like roxanne wolf and glamrock freddy and monty gator and sun drop and moon drop.though it pretty good and if it does not work on new tab it only works like youtube or roblox or like a website sometimes so this is a good app the n fnaf security breach cursors would be so cool if this app had it!
- (2023-06-13) Shaniqua Davis: Love it, but I wish there was a Banana Fish or Black Butler cursor. Other than that disappointment, IT'S GREAT!!
- (2023-06-12) David de Sousa: I love this app, it is easy to use and works great. The variety is wonderful!
- (2023-06-11) Orlando jose Tapias Ariza: It is totally amazing for me, a lot of cool staff, and love them. My friends were also jealous at me, because I got this app! haha, this game is so enjoyble, love it!
- (2023-06-10) Fernando Lopes: I think custom cursor is really cool. It helps with making homework and work fun. I recommend custom cursor to a lot of people who think that work or homework is not fun enough.
- (2023-06-10) Amanda Silva: works really well went far beyond my expectations especially because it is a google extension only problem is I wish it works on more websitesʕ•ᴥ•ʔ.
- (2023-06-07) Beyhan sıla Dursun: I love how you can pick any cursor and the pack is a amazing, and the GREAT part is (ITS FREE) i love is thank you creator for doing this cursor stuff and this is what i was looking for its perfect don't give up on doing this cursor app^^.
- (2023-06-07) Tuninho Net: it is really good, but on some web pages it dosent show up as a cursor that you have chosen. and that is kind of annoying. can you please fix it?nother than that, it was really fast and it is a really good extention. good job!
- (2023-06-06) RAMSES EDUARDO BRICENO BEGAZO: This is really fun and a small but simple idea, only if it could be your cursor on all your computers programs.
4.7766 (94 votes)
Last update / version
2023-03-29 / 1.0.1
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