extension ExtPose

Cookie Clicker - 点击游戏

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Description from extension meta

Clicking cookies like a boss - each click makes them feel like the happiest cookie in the universe! 🍪✨

Image from store Cookie Clicker - 点击游戏
Description from store 饼干点击器 🍪 - 是一款令人兴奋的“点击器”式游戏,您可以沉浸在烘焙饼干的过程中,梦想着从谦逊的面包师转变为真正的饼干皇帝。准备好迎接真正的饼干狂潮吧! 非常简单: 1. 点击大饼干:以为点击鼠标很无聊吗?错了!每次点击都会为您带来饼干,让您成为饼干大亨。 2. 使用赚取的饼干购买升级:现在您的饼干将成为您的货币。饼干越多,升级越酷! 3. 增强点击:如果您购买一些升级,点击鼠标可以成为真正的魔法。您的点击速度会非常快,以至于您的鼠标可能会开始冒烟! 4. 自动升级:即使您在睡觉,您的饼干也会继续烘烤。这些精彩的升级会在您休息时制作饼干。 5. 成为饼干之王:解锁所有升级,成为饼干行业的真正君主。别忘了王冠! 这些助手将帮助你: 1. 超级点击:每点击一次,你就会得到更多饼干。你的手指将成为真正的饼干超级英雄! 2. 猫:这个可爱的毛茸茸的助手会消灭所有试图偷走你的配料的老鼠。而且,它非常可爱! 3. 奶奶:一位拥有饼干制作经验的烘焙大师。她知道烘焙的所有秘密,并准备分享它们。 4. ???:你还需要发现 6 个秘密升级。它们会是什么?嗯……也许是饼干龙?🐉 游戏特色: - “点击器”游戏:即使你在休息或睡觉时,你的饼干也会继续烘烤。你的帝国永不停歇! - 大量升级:更多的饼干意味着更多的升级!你的产量将像面团一样增长。 - 甜蜜:游戏非常漂亮,你会觉得自己身处真正的饼干仙境。 - 始终在您的浏览器中可用:无论您身在何处,饼干始终与您同在! - 进度不会消失:即使关闭浏览器,您的成就也会被保存。饼干永远不会被遗忘。 - mymoney.rain.com 的奖励链接:给最优秀的面包师的惊喜。谁知道那里有什么在等着你呢? 游戏仅受您计算机的计算能力限制。那么,您能烤出 1 千万亿个饼干吗?试试看,测试您的技能!🍪🚀 下载 Cookie Clicker 游戏,变身真正的饼干天才!

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-13) Kasey Lee: this is beautiful, a masterpiece : )
  • (2024-02-13) roger rouget: cool game
  • (2024-02-02) Aaryav sharma: oppopopopo
  • (2024-01-31) i love it
  • (2024-01-23) Nedy Abi Aad: good for school at least
  • (2024-01-14) liaw njk: just sucks
  • (2024-01-14) Jade Titchener: cookie
  • (2024-01-13) Meenal Sajwan: good
  • (2023-12-24) Thịnh Đỗ: super very good
  • (2023-12-20) j6 kk: Its very entertaining
  • (2023-12-06) Hoàng Nguyễn Hữu Chí: Very pressure-relieving
  • (2023-12-05) Miwa: this is so fun but i just got the game anyways doodle jump is funner.
  • (2023-11-29) Miranda Cammarano: It good :)
  • (2023-11-12) Nataly Carhuatanta Salazar: muy bueno para esperar que carge algo y te entretiene y es muy cute<3
  • (2023-11-07) Aimu Emma: Everything is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE, makes you rage... every time you buy sth and press esc, the things you buy disappear and your cookies NEVER come back D:< Don't download this it just wastes ur time for nothing
  • (2023-11-04) Yanina Pereira Quinteros: es de lo mejor
  • (2023-11-01) Karenina Steen: I HATE IT IT IS SOOOO FAKE JUST USE THE REAL ONE
  • (2023-10-28) Tracey Kelly: i love it its so cute
  • (2023-10-26) Negrei Adrian Marian: It's so addicting and fun - you basically aim to bake as many cookies as you can by clicking on a giant cookie. If you want to get a little more advanced and explore some hacks to boost your scores, you might want to check out this website: https://cookieclickerhacks.org/. It's been a game-changer for me!
  • (2023-10-17) Hanna: Its great but some stuff are too expensive. I recommend lowering the prices. I wish it also added cookies while using other tabs.
  • (2023-09-09) jarius gill: Its a knock off and the original is better and it super laggy and feels cheaply made
  • (2023-07-10) Scotty Farrae: go here instead: https://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
  • (2023-05-12) Erin Corwin: cool
  • (2023-03-20) Dominic Wayne: This game is fabulous and i play it so much UwU im addicted
  • (2023-02-19) eduarda maria: AMEI
  • (2022-12-04) maddox payne: pretty fun
  • (2022-06-07) Andrew: This is a copy of orteil's CC, 1/5 stars. WORST game EVER.
  • (2022-01-03) Gilberto Tamaroni: Muy buen juego lo recomiendo
  • (2021-12-28) Quỳnh Anh_Sue: mik thành ông hoàng cookie rồi nè
  • (2021-12-11) Quỳnh Anh_Sue: very very good
  • (2021-11-16) kyu: it was fun
  • (2021-11-11) eli.isthebest: i like the og sm better i think this is just a rip-off
  • (2021-11-08) Riftasite: wow it is fun and makes me want to eat a cookie mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 0_0
  • (2021-11-07) Rick And Morty: its fun and all but when u close it and then open it back up can u make it faster but your game is AWESOME
  • (2021-11-05) Sarah Ace: love it
  • (2021-11-05) Fabine Kean Naraya Firmansyah: funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  • (2021-11-02) Saidie Seagull: pog
  • (2021-10-30) Calvin Onofrei: Ok this just blows my mind. I love stuff like this! I thought I would NEVER find a cookie clicker game, but here it is. 5/5 stars.
  • (2021-10-27) Gracie Puzulis: Really fun when ur bored in class
  • (2021-10-25) chang luisa: It so fun! I loved it!!!
  • (2021-10-17) Shruti Somasundaram: I just don't get it. what happens after we buy something
  • (2021-10-15) Saina Rastogi: the cookie was so cute
  • (2021-10-11) Deigniel Sherwin: loved it its very fun
  • (2021-10-06) Jamear Ig: great
  • (2021-10-06) mouad rami: i like it
  • (2021-10-06) châu vũ minh: siêu hay được được
  • (2021-10-02) Oscar Giraldo: esta bien para cuando tienes que esperar una carga de un juego oh video etc,,, 8/10
  • (2021-09-30) Foxy Cory: i love it
  • (2021-09-27) Kim Vân: very good
  • (2021-09-24) Devin Duarte: awsome


60,000 history
4.3737 (289 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-03 / 3.5.0
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