Watch YouTube without any ads!
MyYoutubeAdBlocker is an amazing extension, allow you to watch YouTube ™ videos without any ad's..
Many YouTube ™ Ad Blocker extensions have become redundant as they try to overcomplicate and cripple its extension. We have purposefully designed a powerful yet compact YouTube ™ AdBlocker thats light, efficient and most importantly Free.. No Internal ads.
Throughout your auto change, no Ads will appear.. give it a try..
★ There are no complex configurations or additional tweaks required
★ Will block all YouTube™ video ads
★ Makes visual and sound flow at optimum quality
★ 100% Free and our developers constantly ensuring all updates are applied automatically.
Watch the instruction video, takes less the 45seconds to install...
Youtube™ & the YouTube logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
Use of these trademarks is subject to Google Permissions. This extension is not created nor endorsed by Google inc.