Discover Web Fonts Instantly and Simplify Typeface Exploration - All for Free!
Introducing FontSpotter, the ultimate browser extension revolutionizing your web font discovery experience.
ð Uncover the magic of typography effortlessly and for free with our powerful tool!
ð Instantly identify any font used on a web page with just a click
ð Seamlessly copy font family data to your clipboard for quick access and integration
ðļ Enjoy all the incredible features absolutely free of charge, no premium subscriptions required!
Say goodbye to font guesswork and hello to effortless font exploration with FontSpotter. Download now and elevate your design game!
FontSpotter has similar functionality and compatible with the following extensions: Font Finder, ColorFont - Color and Font Picker, Fontanello, WhatFont - What html font, What the font? - Web Font Inspector, Find That Font: What Font, Find Font, Font Finder 2000, Rapid What Font Finder, What Font, Detect Font, Rapid Font Finder, Font Bucket, What Font - font finder, Find That Font: Font Finder, Fontify, TypeScan, Fontsnatcher, FONT Finder PRO, Font Finder by WhatFont, Which Font Finder, Text Fu, Advance font finder from any website, Font Identifier by WhatFontIs, What Font - find font, WhatFont, What Font?
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5.0 (2 votes)
Last update / version
2023-12-11 / 1.0.1
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