Mass Follow,Unfollow,Like,Unlike,Repost and Unrepost in Soundcloud
Mass Follows, UnFollows, Reposts, UnReposts, Likes and UnLikes.This bot uses variable time intervals to imitate a person.
**Advantages of Using Pro:**
Great Support, New Features on Request, No Pestering Ads, No Crypto Mining.
Important Advice: Be careful, start slow, learn the limits and then start experimenting.
You have the below Buttons, interval inputs and an Options page.
1) Follow - This will help you follow all the people visible on your page
2) Unfollow - This will help you unfollow all the people visible on your page
3) Like- This will help in auto liking
4) Unlike- This will remove likes
5) Repost- This will help in auto reposts
6) Unrepost- This will remove Reposts
7) Stop - This will stop the execution of the above operations
8) Options- Options for controlling the app
9) Chat with Dev- Chat with me for any issues and to request new features
Note: This app will work till the Soundcloud changes its structure. We will try to update the app if Instagram changes but cant guarantee it
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Last update / version
2019-09-19 /
Listing languages