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Amplificador de volum, aquest amplificador de greus fàcil d'utilitzar amb control de volum i equalitzador de so. Controla l'àudio…
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amplificador de volum que us permetrà augmentar el so del vostre sistema. Pot augmentar el nivell de volum fins a un 600%. Proporciona funcions de millora del volum per a plataformes de vídeo populars com YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion i altres. Això vol dir que els usuaris poden veure els seus vídeos preferits a un volum més alt i, fins i tot, millorar la qualitat general del so del contingut.
L'amplificador de volum us permet millorar la qualitat del so al navegador Chrome per gaudir més d'escoltar música i veure vídeos. Augment dels baixos al màxim.
Una de les característiques clau de l'amplificador de volum és la seva capacitat per augmentar la sortida de volum de diversos serveis de música com Spotify, Soundcloud, LastFM, Deezer i molts altres. Això vol dir que els usuaris poden gaudir de les seves cançons preferides a un volum més alt del que normalment és possible mitjançant els controls de volum estàndard del seu dispositiu. Amb aquesta funció, els usuaris poden experimentar la seva música de manera més completa i, fins i tot, descobrir nous sons que potser no havien notat abans.
L'augment de volum també ofereix funcions similars per millorar el volum per a plataformes de vídeo populars com YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion i altres. Això vol dir que els usuaris poden veure els seus vídeos preferits a un volum més alt i, fins i tot, millorar la qualitat general del so del contingut. Tant si els usuaris estan veient una pel·lícula, un programa de televisió o només un vídeo divertit a YouTube, aquesta extensió pot ajudar a fer que l'experiència sigui més agradable.
Una de les extensions més eficients i pràctiques per a Chrome, que permet amplificar el so de qualsevol contingut de vídeo o àudio reproduït al navegador.
Eina de música fàcil i còmoda per augmentar el volum per a un son brillant de les teves cançons preferides. Només intenta aprofitar aquest equalitzador i gaudeix dels seus avantatges.
Com utilitzar l'extensió de reforç de so de Chrome:
1. Instal·leu Volume Booster.
2. Fixeu-lo a la barra d'eines.
3. Feu clic a la icona de l'extensió Music Booster i activeu-lo amb el botó de commutació.
4. A continuació, feu clic a la icona de l'extensió i trieu l'interval de reforç de so.
El reforç de volum és una eina de música fàcil i còmoda per a un son brillant de les vostres cançons preferides. Optimitzeu el so segons el gènere que escolteu amb l'equalitzador per al navegador Chrome.
Audio Equalizer és una extensió senzilla que us permet ajustar fàcilment la configuració d'àudio (l'equilibri entre els components de freqüència d'un fitxer d'àudio) des d'una barra d'eines emergent. Equalitzador per Youtube. Només intenta aprofitar aquest equalitzador i gaudeix dels seus beneficis.
amplificador de baix
Extensió de Chrome de reforç de greus que us ajuda a establir el grau de volum de l'altaveu desitjat per a cada pestanya individual del vostre navegador. Bass Booster té una interfície senzilla d'interruptor de control de volum de so, ja que només és possible mantenint tota la seva potència en un disseny lleuger. Amplificador d'àudio emergent elegant amb un interruptor de volum amb una llista de pestanyes que ara es reprodueixen contingut d'àudio.
Control de volum
Preneu el control de tot l'àudio que necessiteu amb una eina d'ajust del volum d'alimentació amb la possibilitat d'establir paràmetres de volum individuals per a cada pestanya. Per resoldre aquesta tasca hem desenvolupat la nostra extensió de control de volum d'àudio.
Per prendre el control de tot aquest àudio, necessiteu una eina d'ajust del volum d'alimentació amb la possibilitat d'establir paràmetres de volum individuals per a cada pestanya. Per resoldre aquesta tasca hem desenvolupat la nostra extensió de control de volum d'àudio.
L'extensió de reforç de so per a Chrome és una eina útil que pot ajudar a augmentar el volum de sortida de diverses plataformes multimèdia. Amb la seva interfície fàcil d'utilitzar i les seves funcions còmodes, pot ser un complement ideal per a qualsevol persona que utilitzi amb freqüència serveis de reproducció de música i vídeo, xarxes socials o altres plataformes de mitjans en línia.
Esperem que us sigui útil la nostra extensió Сhrome! Esperem els vostres comentaris i valoracions!
Per què conformar-se amb la qualitat del so subpar? Amplifiqueu el vostre àudio amb reforç de so: augmenteu el volum avui. Només recordeu que heu d’utilitzar precaució en ajustar els nivells de volum, ja que els volums elevats o els baixos poden ser perjudicials per als vostres altaveus. Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre Booster de so, Booster de volum, volum, so, àudio, baix, igualat, augment del volum, augment del so, amplifiqueu el so, amplifiqueu el volum, el reforç de baix, el volum mestre A volume booster is a browser extension to control and boost the volume of audio playing per tab.
When you open a site with audio, you get, at the most, two options to control the volume. The operating system provides one option, and it is always available. It changes the volume of the entire web browser, however.
The second option is provided by the browser or the site the audio is playing. You may get individual sound controls or use the browser's muting functionality to mute audio playback.
Volume booster adds sound control options to the browser. One of its main features is that it can change the sound of each tab individually.
If you happen to play a too-loud or barely audible video or audio clip in the browser in a tab, you may use it to either reduce the volume of that tab or boost the sound by up to 600%, all without changing the default volume of the web browser or impacting the sound in any other browser tab.
All you need to do is click on the extension icon in the tab that is playing audio. The extension displays a volume slider that you may use to change the volume. The icon of the extension indicates the volume level at any time so that you see it at first glance.
Boosting works similarly to reducing the volume, only that you don't stop at 100% but can jack the volume up to 600%. The change takes effect immediately so that you may adjust the volume as you see fit.
Another helpful feature is listing all tabs with audio playback in the interface. A click on a listing switches to the tab immediately so that you may control the audio or other functionality on that tab.
Volume Booster will amplify your sound at a maximum and provide you with better sound quality wherever you are!
Play music in your browser and adjust the sound to your headset or speakers just how you want it!
Click on the extension icon to adjust the sound level. You immediately get a more transparent and robust sound.
✔️ Increase volume above maximum - you can amplify up to 600% of the sound of any media files in the browser.
✔️ Very easy to use - you can control the volume of any tab with the popup slider in your browser.
✔️ No sound distortion - volume booster constantly monitors the current gain level and prevents samples from clipping, thus reducing all significant sound distortions.
✔️ Switch to any tab playing audio with just one click
✔️ Remembers previous sound settings.
✔️ Simple and stylish popup window Volume Booster extension with volume control and list of tabs.
Please note that if the video player allows increasing the volume, you should do it. This app can distort the audio, so you should increase the original volume to 100%.
We are not responsible for anything that might happen to your speakers or another audio device! Do not listen at full sound volume or with a bass boost for too long. This can be harmful to your speakers. Use it wisely!
Sound Booster - Increase Volume is the ultimate audio amplifier for your browser. With this handy extension, you can control and boost the volume of audio playing per tab up to 600%, all without changing the default volume of the web browser or impacting the sound in any other browser tab.
The extension adds sound control options to the browser, allowing you to adjust the sound level of each tab individually. Whether it's a too-loud or barely audible video or audio clip, you can reduce its volume or increase it with Sound Booster - Increase Volume's popup slider. The icon of the extension indicates the volume level at any time so that you can easily see it at first glance.
Besides being able to control individual tabs, Sound Booster - Increase Volume also lists all tabs with audio playback in its interface. A click on a listing switches to the tab immediately so that you may control the audio or other functionality on that tab.
Volume Booster is an extension that will allow you to increase the sound of your system. It can raise volume level up to 600%.
Volume Booster allows you to improve the sound quality in the Chrome browser to get more pleasure from listening to music and watching videos. Bass boost to the full. Volume boost by 600%
Here are reasons to choose Volume Booster:
- Our extension can increase the volume of the content being played up to 1000%
- This can be used on current tab, current website, or any website
- Enable/Disable with single click
- Volume booster. Control volume up to 500% boost.
- Bass boost level
- Audio Limiter / Compressor.
- Equalizer 32hz-16khz
How to use Sound booster Chrome extension:
1. Install Volume Booster
2. Pin it in the toolbar
3. Click on the Volume Booster extension icon and enable the volume booster with toggle button.
4. Then, click on the extension icon and choose the Sound boost range.
Volume Booster is an easy and convenient music tool for brilliant sounding of your favorite songs.
Just try to take advantage of this Equalizer and enjoy its benefits.
Optimize the sound according to the genre which you listening with equalizer for chrome browser.
Full screen
Chrome prevents you from going to a complete full-screen when using any extension manipulating with sound so you can always see the blue rectangle icon in the tab bar (to be aware of audio is being manipulated). There's no way to bypass it and after all it's a good thing that keeps you safe. However you can improve the situation a bit by pressing F11 (on Windows) or Ctr+Cmd+F (on Mac).
We hope you find our Volume Booster useful! We are waiting for your feedback and ratings!
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-13) Elizeu Silva: Some audio feed levels are too low, now matter how loud you turn everything up on your computer, especially for people with some hearing loss. This awesome add-on solves this problem completely once for all.nnYou should install it.
- (2023-11-12) Jackeline S. Dutra Costa: Great i think that when it comes to music don't recommend putting out all the way up to 600 because its might sound pretty wonky but other than that i think that its very good with asmr
- (2023-11-10) Traductor: OMG I can't believe something this good exists for free, loved it and it's very useful, recommend to everyone.
- (2023-11-09) FLAVIO MANUPPELLA: awesomely useful, especially during online learning because teams doesnt let u turn it down even if its so loud its giving you headaches even tho my computers volume is only on 1
- (2023-11-07) Giovanna Silva: i like it because i can lower my google meet volume to just enough to where i can hear what theyre saying but not pay attention
- (2023-11-06) Cyntia Paiva: Great. The only problem i had was from my own headphones :)nnwhen i put the volume all the way up the bass in most of the songs i would listen to sounded odd.nnother than that, i love this thing (?) u003c3
- (2023-11-05) bruno michels: It's really good! Sometimes it makes the audio of the tab very spotty or interferes with it in a way that I have to open the same link in a different tab where the extension isn't active. This doesn't happen that often so it doesn't bother me that much. It's really useful and I use this all the time! :)
- (2023-11-03) vf fre: its bad, I highly don't recommend it
- (2023-10-31) Aline Melo: Love it, lots of control from a simple sliding bar, though a quick switch as well as quick mute would be nice
- (2023-10-30) Gustavo Lovatt: Pretty good. I love to blast music in my headphones with this. It's also useful for a great gaming experience. Highly reccomend.
- (2023-10-29) Hélio kane: It was amazing because I always have problem when my teachers turn on videos on google meet but its so loud and I can't hear my video on youtube so this extension helped lower the volume of google meet and raise the volume of youtube.
- (2023-10-28) Io TORRE DEL MERÚ ONO YÚN: Very good, I love being able to limit louder tabs or upping the quiet ones works very well 10/10 would recommend.
- (2023-10-27) rPietro_F: Badass, now I can watch porn quietly without interrupting the news. THANKS guys!
- (2023-10-27) Cristian Cadena: As an older person who has hearing difficulties this was a godsend when attempting to listen to some recorded videos on YouTube where the volume was too low. The same for other web sites that offer TV programs and videos for free. Thankyou for this wonderful program.
- (2023-10-23) Yazen Jan: Thank you so much for this extension :). Helps me focus on important stuff while staying in college meetings.
- (2023-10-20) DOHKO LR: My laptop speakers gets loud when playing videos offline, but when videos from amazon prime or youtube are played, i can barely hear the dialogues. This extension comes handy then. Only problem is, this extension prevents the player from getting fullscreen. But by pressing F11, the problem can be solved.
- (2023-10-19) Camila Santos Santana: Its great only problem is u cant fullscreen videos idk if im the only one have that problem but it works and i find other ways to fix that its just a bit annoying
- (2023-10-17) maria josé Lima da siva: Nah this is really the best extension in my opinion, and I sure as hell aren't one of these bots flooding the reviews but for real you can literally use your computer sound to it's FULL capability, AND IT ALSO WORKS ON HEADPHONES, I always hated how my very expensive headphones sounded so low on youtube or other tabs but it was never the headphones at fault. Youtube and other sites has a sound limit, somehow this extenstion boosts your sound so much I love it. PS. If you're like me and watch youtube while in class, YOU CAN SHUT YOUR TEACHER UP just lower the sound low for the meeting tab and boom. Probably the best extension I had used.
- (2023-10-15) Mr. Hygs: I had doubt on this app until I didn't try this app. It is actually working very well and boost my laptop volume pretty much higher. It will work after you turn your laptop volume at maximum level. Great.
- (2023-10-04) David Maxime: It is very good and useful only because I have one thing that bothers me and that is that it always changes the icon from the site where the extension is used and I as I always have many tabs open I do not know which and how it is and I have to take them to row.
- (2023-10-02) cassandre Surget: It's great. Watch alot of YouTube, and sometitmes the video's have quit Audio. You can just turn it up and do not have to turn the volume up on speakers or the computer itself. This is especially useful when I'm watching videos (or listening to them) whilst doing something diffrent like playing a game or such, so I dont have to turn one up and mess around turning the volume of the other down.
- (2023-09-29) Irfan Varli: Super easy to install and use. I forget it's there until I need it and then am so thankful for it every time!
- (2023-09-28) Kanwil Kemenag Maluku Utara: Use it for YouTube everyday and work without issues. It says boosted until I change the setting. Only goes back to 100% if I close the browser. Unlike other boosters this one doesn't make the audio distorted.
- (2023-09-26) Guilherme Silva: Simple, easy to use and works well. Useful for when what you're listening to is too quiet.
- (2023-09-25) Daniel Bonzani: It runs perfectly and has no bugs according to me, only thing wrong is that you can't go fullscreen on YouTube when pressed the 'F' key but that's for safety reasons so everything's alright 👍🏻
- (2023-09-25) Nikola Visnjic: Exceptional! This is soo much better than other volume controllers. The fact that its so simple also pleases me. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
- (2023-09-23) Angela Lino: First, it's great to have a way to listen to online vids where I can finally hear them. So thank you for this. Truly. BUT I am having crackling throughout every YouTube vid I am watching. Low or high, there is crackling.
- (2023-09-22) Anne Lessin: I love this extension it's so handy whenever I am doing my online classes and i'm in a call with friend and I don't want to hear the volume of the two meets colliding!!!Love it and it's amazing! Can't beleive it's free at that.
- (2023-09-19) Dominic Gerardin: Most excellent extension! 100% on pc u0026 100% (most my external speakers can handle) more. All clean u0026 crisp. Thank you for creating this wonderful extension!!
- (2023-09-17) 3623ab: This should be a standard chrome feature honestly.nPerfect for balancing audio levels while browsing streams, video and music.nExtremely lightweight with minimal CPU footprintnIf you're one of those people who falls asleep to Netflix, Twitch, Youtube, Crunchyroll and etc. trying to listen through your earbuds/headphones or laptop speakers, do yourself a favor and snag this extension.
- (2023-09-14) Brayden Hosmil: It works GREAT on my Raspberry Pi computer and does an excellent job of boosting content enough that the you can hear it through the wimpy built-in headphone jack. This extension doesn't use too much CPU or introduce too much lag into the audio (although it may matter for online games). However, on my ancient laptop, it does not work whatsoever. Sound is not an issue on my laptop (it has good speakers), so I give this extension a 4/5 average across my 2 devices.
- (2023-08-09) Afia Batool: It was good but it distortes the sound when on high volume, overall it works good if you ignore the distorting sounds.