extension ExtPose

Audio Compressor

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Description from extension meta

Compress audio to make sound volumes more even

Image from store Audio Compressor
Description from store Audio Compressor is an addon that uses dynamic range compression to make sound volumes more even. There are presets for different levels of compression. You can customize the default settings or the settings for a specific site or page. There are some sites it doesn't work with, cross-origin browser security blocks scripts from modifying audio/video from a different host. As far as I know there's no way around this. This works by using the Web Audio API to get the audio context for a page, and inserting a DynamicsCompressorNode.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-11) John Liverdos: Works well. Restart your browser after first install to activate.
  • (2023-11-08) Matt Hadlock: Love this extension. Latest update has broken the interface however.
  • (2023-10-28) faew daw: Использую его в Kiwi браузере на андроид. Это единственный действенный способ что я нашел для нормализации громкости смартфона. Для прослушивания ютуба на динамике смартфона. Спасибо тебе огромное!
  • (2023-09-02) T T: Enableボタンの位置をUIの上方に、大きく設置してほしいなと思いました。それ以外は特にバグらしいバグもなく、満足に働いてくれるので満足です。
  • (2023-08-25) Roberto García: Works great for me, thanks!
  • (2023-07-16) Kim Junk Moon: This is the only compressor with tweakable settings I could find for chrome. However, there's very poorly done auto gain that you can't disable and the makeup gain can only increase volume, so you can't lower the output. It would be an awesome extension if you could disable the auto gain, but it is unusable in it's current state.
  • (2023-06-24) Domi: not working on kick.com. works on youtube
  • (2023-06-15) Иван МакГрегор: Всё работает! Сначала не заработало, но после перезагрузки браузера начало пахать! Поэтому если у кого не работает, попробуйте перезагрузить браузер. А так я затестировал компрессор на ютубе, в вк и на некотрых сторонних сайтах с музыкой, всё работает. А то на некоторых видосах громкость скачет с невозмодной динамикой - эта прилажуха спасает! Спасибо!
  • (2023-05-16) scyhte82: Why does it say it wants to read all my data on all websites when i install it but under the privacy tab it says no data will be collected? Bit sketchy, isn't it?
  • (2023-05-04) Robert: Works great in Brave and Firefox
  • (2023-03-28) Conor: Not functioning
  • (2023-03-07) Wyatt Tensuda: does nothing. played around with all settings and it changed nothing lol
  • (2023-02-22) oak: look, i know how to use a compressor, i work with audio on a daily basis. why does this compressor, even on the default "medium" setting, just straight-up mute what im playing? applied it to a single website and all it did was removed sound completely.
  • (2023-02-14) Nick Webs: Works really well, and certainly beats the extensions that just give additional gain. There's some pitfalls with using it on cross-origin sourced audio, but thankfully it's simple to disable on a per-site basis. Great work, and looking forward to future upgrades!
  • (2023-02-12) Bokeh13: I've been using this extension for over a year, and I love this extension! I can finally hear the in-game speech in "let's play" videos. One feature I would like to see, is assigning settings to specific Youtube channels. I often find myself having to toggle between audio settings when watching different Youtube channels.
  • (2023-01-14) Haski i: не работает в яндекс музыке
  • (2022-12-04) Игорь Кузнецов: Великолепно! Есть возможность включить компрессор для отдельных сайтов, либо и вовсе страниц. Наконец-то могу смотреть видео не боясь за свои ушные перепонки. Спасибо автору, мир ему!
  • (2022-11-15) Dongxing Li: YouTubeで音量調整がイマイチな動画を見るのに重宝します。UIもわかりやすくて素晴らしい。
  • (2022-09-15) Lost Entertainment: This thing crashes more than my grandma when she tries to drive.
  • (2022-08-05) Pierre “Ridou” Brunet: Works as expected, thanks i can finally watch bad mixed content
  • (2022-07-31) Топпер Харли: не работает
  • (2022-06-24) Caleb Morris: Worked great before but now on both my browsers (firefox and chrome) all audio comes out muted
  • (2022-06-02) Jezer Ferris: Not working on Spotify Web.
  • (2022-05-30) Bradley Corwin: Fantastic plugin. I used to use a different one that was for some reason removed from the extensions store. I found this one from that and it offers WAY more control over how it works. This is a true life-saver as someone with audio sensitivities. It works with all sites I've tried, from Netflix to Youtube, Twitch and Disney+, even browser games and those annoyingly loud Outlook audio pings. The controls are full compressor controls, so a minor amount of audio knowledge is helpful to operate this if you want to fine-tune it beyond the "low" "medium" "high" settings.
  • (2022-05-30) Cody Dalgliesh: It works Pretty good! Some of these videos were unwatchable without actively changing the volume throughout the video before this extension.
  • (2022-05-09) r: It's not very apparent that you can click on different portions of the "save setting for: link" to save the setting for an entire site. I would preferred a setting for the current tab only and discard once closed.
  • (2022-03-15) Nelson Green: I don't often write reviews but this is perfect for watching YouTube videos where the creator is super quiet and the music is way too loud. It works great and is perfect for anyone who uses "BetterTTV" on twitch who wants the compressor part on youtube
  • (2022-02-28) Tueik: Funcional
  • (2022-02-03) Jannik V. Korsvold: It works, but I have a couple of issues with it: - To get it to work you have to go into Chrome's extension settings and enable it "on all sites" instead of the default "on click". - Even with boost at 0 it applies automatic makeup gain. I really wish it didn't.
  • (2022-01-28) Jason Richard: Exactly what I was looking for. This is a great option instead of running everything through your DAW everyday. Simple for movies, videos, etc. Thank you for the FX.
  • (2022-01-20) Poge Smit: From an experienced audio engineer -- well done, sir. Absolutely outstanding.
  • (2022-01-01) Peter Kionga-Kamau: Does nothing, and controls are cryptic.
  • (2021-12-29) tikhiy: does not work for iframes.
  • (2021-12-19) Oeaoo: Делает что нужно! Выравнивает звук, вместо кривовытых звукорежиссерских рук!
  • (2021-12-13) Emersette Vaunt: I'm pretty sure I'm not using it properly but adjusting the sliders does nothing. There are no noticeable changes when I use this extension.
  • (2021-12-08) Pierre Dioj: Если вас бесит, когда звук скачет от супер громкому к мега тихому, то это расширение для вас
  • (2021-11-26) Mrs. K Paul: This is the only extension that worked in my Edge browser. Others just cut out the audio. Thank you very much, developer! Well done!
  • (2021-09-12) Naman Arusia: This is Exactly what I am looking for! It's a shame I had to dig this up in chrome store, and it doesn't show up in Google search's result (tried tens of different combination of key words). Plus this is site agnostic, so work with other video streaming sites too, other than Youtube.
  • (2021-09-09) Simón Chasnovsky: 10/10 only extension that gets this niche job done quick and easy, and with a fair amount of customization. Tends to break other sound control extensions (sound fixer and volume master in my case) but I barely even need those with this one on.
  • (2021-09-05) Brian Ion: If you're looking for an audio compressor that gives as good of an experience as Twitch's FFZ compressor, you're in the right place. If you simply just want to be able to hear the videos and audio you listen to better, and customize exactly how in a simple manner, you're in the right place. Does its job perfectly, only extension that does this. Excellent
  • (2021-08-26) Jared Thomas: Works great with YouTube! That's all I wanted. It would be great to add compression visualisation to give users inexperienced with audio compression some visual feedback on what is happening to the audio as they tweak the settings. Also a slider to mix-in the original, uncompressed signal would be great. Also some extras, like a second instance of the compressor on a duplicate track would be awesome, as well as de-esser and a master limiter for the ultimate audio dynamics control for Chrome :).
  • (2021-08-23) Albert Chen: Firstly, thank you so much! I've have been looking for this for so long. Thank you for making this because I lack the technical knowledge to do so. This is a game changer!
  • (2021-06-20) Gou: This is something that I needed for a long time, Really good for bad audio level content. Some features I would have liked are a gain reduction meter and a bipolar output gain (boost). Also a transfer curve line would be dope. Anyway this is really usefull!
  • (2021-05-27) Trish: Thank you!
  • (2021-03-29) Shaller10: не работает!!! полностью выключает звук!
  • (2021-03-11) Klaus-Dieter Fischer: It just works. :-) For all users - Do a full reload of the page you are listening to or even better restart the browser after installing this plugin. I use the "high" preset and it "irons out" pretty much all volume changes in a very pleasent manner. Very good for speech audio. Thank you Sir/Miss Developer.
  • (2020-12-14) Louis Vanderhaeghen: Thanks a lot! Really great. You can boost the audio but it would be perfect if there was a way to reduce the output volume, too.
  • (2020-11-29) dlr5668: Pretty good. I use it for a twitch streams
  • (2020-11-05) Jeemin Kim: Really like it! Thanks for developing this You can fully enjoy this extension if you have a bit of knowledge about DynamicsCompressor Here's a reference that you can look up for it https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DynamicsCompressorNode


10,000 history
4.0761 (92 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-30 / 0.1.28
Listing languages
