Translate easy with LinguaReef. LinguaReef is extension with help you find words in web site by your vocabulary
Translate easily with LinguaReef. LinguaReef is extension that is going to help you find words on the website based on you vocabulary.
This application can do several things such as:
- translate words and sentences, similar to Google Translate
- can accept speech to text or text to speech
- remember selected and highlighted text from a previously visited page
This application is still in beta testing. It means:
- name of application and icon can change,
- some bugs can occur
you can easily send an issue if you want, it would be helpful for me
Or send me an email.(nice to put here email) THX for your patience.
This application helps you easily translate and save a new word to your vocabulary.
When you open a web page all word which you've added before into your vocabulary will be found on the page and highlighted afterwards.
And that will give you the possibility to show the words that you know and not.