Guarda Puzzle Game
This is a classic slider puzzle game where your goal is to rearrange pieces of a scrambled image to form the complete picture. The game starts with the image broken into several tiles, with one empty space that allows adjacent tiles to slide into it.
### How to Play:
- **Move the Tiles:** You can slide the pieces up, down, left, or right into the empty space. The challenge is to move the pieces in such a way that you gradually rebuild the original image.
- **Choose Your Image:** You can select from different images to use as the puzzle, making each game a unique challenge.
- **Win the Game:** The game is won when all the tiles are arranged correctly to recreate the original image. When this happens, a message will appear, letting you know you've successfully completed the puzzle.
The game is intuitive and tests your problem-solving skills as you figure out the correct sequence of moves needed to complete the image.