Effortlessly Measure Pixel Sizes of Page Elements with Smart Page Ruler
Er du træt af besværet, der følger med måling af pixelstørrelser af sideelementer til webprojekter? Se ikke længere, fordi vi har den perfekte løsning til dig! Introducer Page Ruler Smart, den ultimative browserudvidelse designet til at revolutionere din måleworkflow.
Med Page Ruler Smart kan du nu nemt måle elementer på websider med uovertruffen præcision. Uanset om du arbejder med HTML-elementer eller skal foretage hurtige målinger med vores innovative gratis udvælgelsesværktøj, dækker denne udvidelse dig. Farvel til tidskrævende manuelle beregninger og hej til en effektiv og strømlinet måleoplevelse.
Hvorfor vælge Page Ruler Smart? Lad os fortælle dig om nogle af de utrolige fordele:
📏 Mål elementer på websider: Glem gætværket! Vores udvidelse giver dig mulighed for nøjagtigt at måle pixelstørrelserne på forskellige elementer på websider. Uanset om det er knapper, billeder, divs eller andre elementer, kan du hurtigt bestemme deres dimensioner med lethed.
🔍 Mål HTML-elementer eller brug gratis udvælgelsesværktøj: Page Ruler Smart tilbyder dig fleksibiliteten til direkte at måle HTML-elementer, hvilket sikrer præcise målinger uden gætværk. Desuden giver vores geniale gratis udvælgelsesværktøj dig mulighed for nemt at måle uregelmæssige former og områder. Det er som at have en virtuel lineal ved hånden!
⌨️ Tastaturgenvej: Alt + P: Vi forstår vigtigheden af effektivitet i din workflow. Derfor har vi designet Page Ruler Smart med en bekvem tastaturgenvej, Alt + P, som gør det muligt for dig at få adgang til og aktivere udvidelsen problemfrit. Ingen mere søgning igennem menuer eller spild af værdifuld tid. Bare én simpel genvej, og du er klar til at måle!
Gå ikke glip af denne mulighed for at forbedre din udviklings- eller designproces med den ultimative målefølgesvend, Page Ruler Smart. Øg din produktivitet, strømlinje din workflow og opnå pixel-perfekt præcision som aldrig før.
Få Page Ruler Smart i dag og oplev forskellen selv! Besøg vores hjemmeside eller download den fra din foretrukne browsers udvidelsesmarked.
Husk, at i verden af udvikling og design tæller hver pixel. Stol på Page Ruler Smart til at hjælpe dig med at måle dem fejlfrit.
Introducing Screen Ruler Smart - The Ultimate Measurement Tool to Streamline Your Workflow
Are you looking for an efficient way to measure pixel sizes of page elements on web projects? Look no further, because Screen Ruler Smart is the perfect solution for you!
This powerful browser extension is designed to revolutionize your measurement workflow and help you achieve pixel-perfect precision.
With Screen Ruler Smart, you can now effortlessly measure elements on web pages with unparalleled accuracy. Whether you're working on HTML elements or need to make quick measurements using our innovative free selection tool, this extension has got you covered.
Benefits of Screen Ruler Smart:
• Measure Elements on Web Pages: Easily measure the pixel sizes of various elements on web pages, such as buttons, images, divs, and more.
• Measure HTML Elements or Use Free Selection Tool: Measure HTML elements directly for precise measurements or use our ingenious free selection tool to measure irregular shapes and areas with ease.
• Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + P: Quickly access and activate the extension with a convenient keyboard shortcut, Alt + P.
Screen Ruler Smart is the ultimate measurement companion for developers and designers. Streamline your workflow and increase your productivity with Screen Ruler Smart. Get it today and experience the difference for yourself! Visit our website or download it from your favorite browser's extension marketplace.
Make sure to trust Screen Ruler Smart to help you measure pixel sizes flawlessly. With Screen Ruler Smart, you can ensure that every pixel counts. Get Screen Ruler Smart now and unlock the power of precise measurements.
Experience the convenience and accuracy of Screen Ruler Smart. With Screen Ruler Smart, you can measure elements on web pages with ease. Forget tedious manual calculations and embrace a streamlined, efficient measuring experience.
Screen Ruler Smart is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to measure pixel sizes of page elements. This powerful browser extension helps you accurately measure HTML elements or use the free selection tool to measure irregular shapes and areas.
Say goodbye to the hassle that comes with measuring pixel sizes of page elements on web projects and hello to Screen Ruler Smart. It's like having a virtual ruler at your fingertips!
Trust Screen Ruler Smart to revolutionize your measurement workflow and help you achieve pixel-perfect precision. Get Screen Ruler Smart today and enjoy the benefits of a streamlined, efficient measuring experience.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your development or design process with Screen Ruler Smart. Increase your productivity and ensure that every pixel counts with Screen Ruler Smart. Download it from your favorite browser's extension marketplace today and experience the difference!
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-20) John Hindes: Unusable. Clicking on the extension icon does nothing, even after restarting Chrome. The UI initially showed up when I first installed it, but it was not responsive either. After subsequent removals and reinstalls, the UI doesn't show up anymore.
- (2023-10-12) Valeh Salimov: Самая удобная линейка! Для фронтендеров мастхев После того как PageRulerRedux удалили из магазина Chrome я долго не мог найти такую же удобную альтернативу. Спасибо, что вернули отличный инструмент! P.S. Правда по пути нашел копию под названием PixGrid Ruler, видимо это всё просто форки
- (2023-09-20) Eugene Mikhaylov: I don't understand how to use. Part of the UI it provides is not clickable.
- (2023-09-07) Philippe Lhoste: Nicely done. Default position, on the top of the page, moves the elements when appearing. It is better below the page. The cursor is black, we don't see it on a black background! Either we should be able to change its color, or probably better, the extension should draw it in Xor mode (black on white, white on black). (The workaround is to draw a rectangle, then move it and resize it.) Overall, useful and nice.
- (2023-08-19) Tech Knowledgy: need help, do not know how to use it...
- (2023-08-02) Tedros Mekonen: I really LOVE this extension and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to someone else! but it seems no what matter what i try i can't find it on firefox. can anybody help me with that?
- (2023-07-14) Marco Aurélyo Santos Borchardt: The best with all you need!
- (2023-06-29) Artur Smith: I installed this extension on all my browsers and use it regularly during HTML creation. Determines the geometric parameters of objects very accurately.
- (2023-06-29) Alfred Foster: A unique extension for web developers that has no analogues. It has become very practical to work with the geometry of individual elements.
- (2023-06-29) Arnold Koch: I don't update tabs manually anymore. Since now this plugin copes with this task perfectly. I rate it at a solid 5.
- (2023-06-29) Robert White: It would be nice to add more options for determining the color encoding in HEX and RGB. And as for working with the geometry of the elements - I have no complaints here.
- (2023-06-29) Elisabeth Masters: I do not observe any bugs in the work. I use this extension regularly in the process of creating websites and HTML in particular. Many thanks to the developers.
- (2023-06-28) Jenifer Peterson: Defines the parameters of objects quite accurately. A minimum of manipulations in order to get data on margins, length and width.
- (2023-06-28) Charley Ross: For ordinary users, I don't see the point in this plugin, but for web developers it will be very useful. I personally have been using it for a very long time.
- (2023-06-28) Bob Potts: A great plugin that greatly simplifies the work when creating HTML pages. Manipulating the geometry of elements is much more convenient with its use.
- (2023-06-28) Irian Paltrow: The addition is certainly useful, especially for web developers and designers. I have been using it for more than a year now and I am very satisfied.
- (2023-06-28) John Bawerman: I've been designing for years and have been looking for such an extension for a very long time. The length, width and margins can now be obtained by simply selecting the area of the target element. An excellent solution on the part of the developers.
- (2023-06-28) Stiven Landy: The tool turned out to be very convenient and even indispensable in the process of website development. Now it has become much more productive to work with the geometry of web pages.
- (2023-06-28) Otto Salevan: A useful addition. Allows you to get the parameters of elements and margins with just a couple of mouse clicks. I use it in my work on a regular basis.
- (2023-06-27) Daniel Ramires: I am developing websites and I use this plugin every day. Working with geometry has become much more intuitive and easier.
- (2023-06-27) Liana Turing: It is a very useful service for developers and web designers. I have been using it myself recently, but I have already managed to evaluate the full potential of the plugin.
- (2023-06-27) Ronald Roberts: I use this plugin in my work. It is very convenient to manipulate the parameters of web pages and individual elements. It would be nice to add synchronization settings.
- (2023-06-27) Patric Nelson: A very useful plugin for scaling pages and managing their geometric parameters. Flexible settings, many different configurations and a very intuitive interface.
- (2023-06-27) Donald Hesser: As a web designer, for me it's just an indispensable plugin that greatly simplifies the development process. Quite a wide functionality and a lot of possibilities for manipulating page parameters.
- (2023-06-27) Emma Anderson: For me personally, this is a real find. A useful plugin that allows you to manipulate the parameters of web pages. I recommend it to all web designers.
- (2023-06-26) Debra Trump: A great tool for scaling pages. With a lot of different settings and features. When zooming, the content practically does not lose quality.
- (2023-06-26) Oliver Peters: A high-quality extension for manipulating the size of web pages, as well as individual elements. I have been using it for a long time and there are no complaints. In my opinion, a very useful tool.