extension ExtPose

WriteGPT AI Copilot: Brezplačno ChatGPT4, Gemini in agenti AI (delisted)

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Description from extension meta

Brezplačna umetna inteligenca na vseh spletnih mestih. WriteGPT je kopilot za produktivnost AI, ki strokovnjakom pomaga pri…

Image from store WriteGPT AI Copilot: Brezplačno ChatGPT4, Gemini in agenti AI
Description from store 🤖 Odklenite BREZPLAČEN dostop do najboljših modelov AI Raziščite moč ChatGPT, GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4, GPT-4o, Mistral, Google Gemini in agentov AI z WriteGPT, vašim BREZPLAČNIM kopilotom AI. WriteGPT vam pomaga brez težav pisati, prilagajati, povzemati in zapomniti vsebino po internetu. 🧙 Popolni AI pomočniki za tržnike, prodajalce in podjetnike Izboljšajte svojo produktivnost na priljubljenih spletnih mestih, kot so Gmail, LinkedIn, Facebook, GitHub, Medium, YouTube in Google Search. Zdaj lahko pišete e-poštna sporočila, povzemate videoposnetke in članke, prevajate vsebino in z lahkoto prepisujete objave ter samodejno izvlečete podatke s katerega koli spletnega mesta. 🦾 Funkcije AI Copilot vse-v-enem: ✔ Dostopajte do najboljših modelov AI: ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Mistral, Gemini & agenti AI ✔ Prilagodite umetno inteligenco s supermočmi: natančno prilagodite klepete umetne inteligence s podrobnostmi o podjetju, e-poštnimi predlogami, izjavami o položaju in glasom blagovne znamke ✔ Ukazi za pozive: poenostavite učinkovito načrtovanje pozivov z ukazi, prilagojenimi vašim nalogam, ciljem, vlogi, občinstvu in želenemu tonu/slogu ✔ Brezplačen dostop do GPT-4 / GPT-3 / ChatGPT, tudi ko ChatGPT ne deluje 🦾 Spomin in digitalni možgani za AI: ✔ Zaznamujte spletne strani, besedilno vsebino in dokumente za prihodnje reference in personalizacijo ✔ Povzemite videoposnetke YouTube in preuredite vsebino za družbene medije ✔ Povzemite objave v spletnem dnevniku ali članke s katerega koli spletnega mesta in jih spremenite ✔ Izvajajte raziskave in spletna iskanja s spletnim dostopom ✔ Klepetajte z dokumenti in analizirajte dokumente ✔ Podpira večino formatov: pdf-ji, json, predstavitve, dokumenti, spletne povezave. 🦾 Ustvarite prilagojeno vsebino brez napora: ✔ Ustvarite vsebino z ukazi, prilagojenimi vašim ciljem, vlogi, občinstvu in želenemu tonu/slogu ✔ Ustvarite prilagojeno vsebino z glasom vaše blagovne znamke tako, da preprosto dodate svoja spletna mesta ✔ S ChatGPT pišite eseje, e-poštna sporočila, objave v družabnih omrežjih, ocene in drugo ✔ Prepišite vsebino svojih priljubljenih spletnih mest ali konkurentov za namene trženja 🦾 Napredni agenti AI: ✔ Na kateri koli spletni strani ustvarite sezname iskanja prodaje ✔ Postrgajte vse podatke s katere koli spletne strani ✔ Konfigurirajte agente AI, ki lahko klikajo, kopirajo, prilepijo, strgajo podatke 🎬 Začetek je enostaven: 1️⃣ Prenesite razširitev WriteGPT 2️⃣ Obiščite novo spletno mesto ali osvežite obstoječi zavihek v brskalniku 3️⃣ Z izbrano vsebino pritisnite CMD+E (MacOS) ali Ctrl+Y (Windows). 4️⃣ Prijava ali prijava 5️⃣ Raziščite številne primere uporabe agentov, ustvarite supermoči, shranite predmete in zbirke v pomnilnik ❓ Pogosta vprašanja ⁉️ Je WriteGPT brezplačen? Da, WriteGPT je brezplačen do določene stopnje uporabe. Vsak uporabnik dnevno prejme 20 brezplačnih kreditov. Različni modeli umetne inteligence (ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini, Mistral, GPT-4o, agenti umetne inteligence) imajo različne stroške na poizvedbo, kar vam omogoča, da izberete, kako uporabiti svoje kredite. ⁉️ Ali lahko prinesem svoj ključ OpenAI? Da, lahko uporabite svoj ključ API, da pokrijete uporabo in uživate v izboljšanih funkcijah in uporabniški izkušnji. 📧 Kontaktirajte nas Veseli bomo vaših povratnih informacij in idej! Kadar koli se lahko obrnete na [email protected]. 🚀 Z WriteGPT prihranite do 10 ur na teden Avtomatizirajte naloge ustvarjanja in uporabe vsebine z umetno inteligenco in povečajte svojo produktivnost.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-31) Dj Evaloution: This App was slow at first but, I like the new update & right now I can install documents & play with Ai via Documents encrypted etc. I have tried a few other apps, this so far has been standing strong in the competition !
  • (2023-10-31) GPT: After the recent update, I must say that the old interface was much better. It had a unique and distinct design that set it apart from other extensions. However, the new interface feels generic and lacks the charm of its predecessor.
  • (2023-10-29) Belay Mulat: This extension is great! Edit: less than 20 queries on the free version is pretty much useless
  • (2023-10-27) Артем Jexlyy: Always not working, always say "Something went wrong please try again". Not working more then 7 days. Developers very lazy guys. Not recommend. They even don't read and answer on my messages to their email. No reaction on feedbacks. UPD 27th October. They removed "rephrase GPT". I deleted this.
  • (2023-10-18) Alex Ngo: I absolutely love WriteGPT! This AI writing assistant has been a game-changer for me. The interface is so easy to use, and the real-time feedback is a lifesaver.
  • (2023-09-24) Bags For Life SRL: Super App!
  • (2023-09-21) Akash Sharma: Exactly what the doctor ordered!
  • (2023-08-26) sivaprasad s: Great extension and simple to use
  • (2023-07-25) George Banda: Good better best
  • (2023-07-17) Alex Yu: It is great but the "transcript and summarize" feature is broken on youtube.
  • (2023-07-12) Ярослав Індиков: This is a great extension. The prompts edited by it turn into real masterpieces when neuronets generate pictures based on them. I do love it!
  • (2023-07-07) Judith Hill: WOW. I am just beginning to explore the possibilities. Can't wait to expand my knowledge and use of the tool!
  • (2023-06-04) hero 007: its not working for me downloaded and deleted it many times not working
  • (2023-06-01) Nikos Atlidakis: Τέλειο!!!
  • (2023-05-29) rajkumar vlogs: It is a very useful and effective tools. Thank you
  • (2023-04-28) Sandu Tudor: ok
  • (2023-04-27) Ratu Ummu: Fantastic AI writing app! The best one that I have tried so far!
  • (2023-04-12) Marc Green: Looks and works great. I especially like that it gives you suggestions to improve your prompts.
  • (2023-04-11) David Freddy: I've found the software to be effective in generating natural language text. However, the chat limit of 10 can be limiting for users who need to generate longer text outputs like me. Additionally, the software feels like a small or older version of the NEW BING AI. Nonetheless, WriteGPT is a solid product with an easy-to-use interface and impressive language generation capabilities.
  • (2023-04-08) Hamdy El Shimi: easy to use, fast and accuracy i can say 95%
  • (2023-03-28) Vasile Mariana: nu raspunde ,se incarca continuu si nu da raspuns
  • (2023-03-23) Huy HOANG: super cool and easy to use. Hope to see improvements (like image search..) in the future
  • (2023-03-22) libra study: Wow I'm very impressed with this tool someone has made a difference . It helped me publish my AI
  • (2023-03-17) Solomon: Fantastic AI writing app! The best one that I have tried so far!
  • (2023-03-10) Tashriba: I loved using WriteGPT, but it suddenly stopped working. I even tried changing the activation shortcut but it still does not work. I also tried deleting it and reinstalling, but still nothing. I will miss it.
  • (2023-02-24) Sorin Amzu: Loved the summarization function! Overall, I enjoy all the freedom to bring my own prompts.
  • (2023-02-22) Isabela Ana Petcu: Amazing tool, thank you for enabling all the use-cases. I love the summarize and rewrite ones.
  • (2023-02-22) Radu Andrei Cornea: Easy to use, faster than ChatGPT, crystal clear on the use-cases and great support for prompt writing! You found the perfect formula, congrats :)
  • (2023-02-21) Rares Ionel: Nice work on this extension. Very useful and well integrated with chrome.
  • (2023-02-21) Mihai Vlad Tociu: my overall experience with writeGPT is replying to emails in professional ways and researching and evaluating code. It helps me a lot to write emails in the fastest and most desired way, as well as evaluate code easier! Love the product & its user experience, so keep rocking!
  • (2023-02-21) Razvan Todoran: The extension is great for enabling more productive workflows. It's seamless to use on any website, with good design, and user-experience. Looking forward to using it more heavily for other use-cases too! Good job
  • (2023-02-21) George Cosmin Scripcariu: this tool has been an absolute game changer for me. Its ease of use and intuitive interface make it a breeze to use for anyone, regardless of their technical skill level.
  • (2023-02-21) Denisa Benedic: Congratulations on the brilliant idea it works so well and saves so much time!
  • (2023-02-21) Mike Daniel: Amazing extension useful for me and my work!
  • (2023-02-21) Flaviu “Pedalaaa” Vrînceanu: Love using this ChatGPT extension. It's super useful to access GPT on any website, plus it helps with discovering new use-cases and writing great prompts for many workflows.
  • (2023-02-21) livia rusu: Amazing tool for productivity, helps me focus on my deep work!
  • (2023-02-21) Mihai Profiroiu: Congrats for the idea, it works amazing and saves a lot of time!
  • (2023-02-21) karthick baalaiyah: When I first started using it, it functioned okay, but now anytime I try to search for information or enter code in WriteGPT, the page won't load and the search item will remain visible. Please address the bug as soon as you can.
  • (2023-02-20) Michał Będkowski: Fantastic! The only thing is that the popup closes so easily... one wrong move of the mouse and all the generated text is lost. It would be great if the popup had an exit button [X] instead... and even better if it remembered the previous generation when re-open.


20,000 history
4.5396 (265 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-20 / 5.1.4
Listing languages
