Automatically integrate your Leetcode & GeeksforGeeks submissions to GitHub
What is CodeHub?
A extension that automatically pushes your code to GitHub when you pass all tests on a Leetcode problem and GeeksForGeeks. It's forked from the original LeetHub V2 and improves on it to be faster, cleaner, and compatible with the old and new dynamic LeetCode UI and GeeksForGeeks UI.
Why CodeHub?
There's no easy way of accessing your Leetcode and GeeksForGeeks problem's solution in one place!
Moreover, pushing code manually to GitHub from these platform is very time-consuming. So, why not just automate it entirely without spending a SINGLE additional second on it?
CodeHub just makes it much easier (autonomous) to keep track of progress of problem solving across the leetcode and geekforgeeks platform
Recruiters want to see your progress and solving algorithms/data-structures. As of now, GitHub is developers' #1 portfolio. CodeHub just makes it much easier to show progress and problems solved.
How does CodeHub work?
It's as simple as:
After installation, launch CodeHub.
Click on the "Authenticate with GitHub" button to automatically set up your account with CodeHub.
Copy the displayed code and enter that on proceeded URI
Set up an existing/new repository with CodeHub (private by default) by clicking the "Get Started" button.
Begin Coding! To view your progress, simply click on the extension!
BONUS: Star this repository for further development of features. If you want a particular feature, simply request for it!
Let's see you ACE that coding interview!