Guard your focus! FocusGuardian helps you block distracting sites so you can remain concentrated on what matters most.
**FocusGuardian - 守护您的生产力!🛡️**
厌倦了社交网络和无尽的干扰侵蚀您的生产力?我们为您提供解决方案!FocusGuardian 是您在数字世界中的可信赖盟友,帮助您保持专注,一次屏蔽一项干扰。
主要功能 🚀
- **屏蔽干扰性网站**:通过将网站添加到您的个性化屏蔽列表,避免意外浪费时间。
- **按工作日和时间范围个性化专注**:通过在特定的日期和时间屏蔽网站来优化您的专注力。
- **多语言支持**:扩展程序支持英语、俄语、土耳其语和印地语。
- **安全保障**:您的隐私至关重要。FocusGuardian 不会收集或分享您的个人数据。
如何运作 🖱️
- **初始设置**:点击 Chrome 工具栏中的 FocusGuardian 图标,设置您首选的语言。
- **添加网站到屏蔽列表**:只需点击一下即可轻松将干扰性网站添加到您的屏蔽列表。
- **配置基于时间的屏蔽**:设置特定的日期和时间以屏蔽特定网站。
- **激励语录**:当您尝试访问被屏蔽的网站时,阅读激励语录提醒您实现目标。
🔒 **您的隐私至关重要**
在 FocusGuardian,我们尊重您的隐私。扩展程序完全在您的设备上运行。我们不会存储、共享或传输您的浏览数据或个人信息。我们的主要目标是帮助您保持专注,同时保护您的隐私。
🌐 **开源项目**
FocusGuardian 很自豪成为一个开源项目!这意味着完全透明,您可以随时查看代码、提出改进建议,甚至亲自参与开发。我们相信通过社区协作,让互联网成为每个人都更加高效的空间。访问我们的代码库:
为什么还要等待?立即安装 FocusGuardian,迈出更加专注和高效的数字生活的第一步。因为您的时间宝贵,而我们会帮助您充分利用它!
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-25) Ruslan Dzhafarov: Thanks for such minimalistic way to block resources which keep me distracted. I tried multiple other extensions but sometimes they are to bloated with setting. But more important If there is any way you could allow such resources you eventually keep use them and keep your focus low. I would say the only way is "cold turkey" method. And your tool exactly helps to do it. It would be nice if your app became more popular so you can improve it. I am not sure but people often rely on design to choose app. It just my option but mb changing design could help your app to be more appealing for users. Also consider please using more "mental frictions" for removing resources from block so it would be much harder to subconsciously unblock resource. Thanks
- (2023-08-20) Ivan Sky: This extension has its own potential, I'd like to see it to give me more motivation to get back to work. Could it have some interesting quotes that gives me energy boost? It might also have a good impact reducing social networks addiction.