Gratuït Juga a Rubik directament al navegador.
Practiqueu jugant al cub digital rubiks avui. speed cube
Voleu millorar el cub de rubiks? Simplement jugueu a la versió digital avui abans de comprar una còpia física. rubiks race
L'objectiu d'aquest joc és aconseguir que tots els colors del cub s'alineïn correctament. És un joc senzill i divertit que
posarà a prova el vostre cervell i habilitats mentals. Proveu d’utilitzar aquest cub rubiks avui mateix. magic cube
Exempció de responsabilitat: tingueu en compte que aquesta extensió NO la fa Google i la fa un equip de desenvolupament independent. Tots els drets d'autor pertanyen als seus respectius propietaris.
Google no recolza ni patrocina aquesta extensió. Rubiks Cube per a Google Chrome no és propietat de, no té llicència ni és filial de Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-16) ojas: super cool
- (2023-07-28) Đức Nguyễn: ok
- (2023-06-28) Prointex. Ventas.: CTYYGYH
- (2023-06-17) Suhan Sharma: teaches me skills
- (2023-05-19) Rafi Lederman: it was good but it needs rubix cube tricks .
- (2023-02-07) Seema Pareek: It is great but make it so it can be straight I can solve the rubik's cube but in middle I forgot the algoritham 🤣
- (2023-01-27) Jack Fay: It's great
- (2022-11-30) Whysint: So hard to move im trying to move one side and it doesnt move and i have to turn the whole cube make hotkeys so you can use keys on the keyboard
- (2022-09-22) Jack: Turning is impossible.
- (2022-09-21) Kingston Lee: good but hard to turm/solve
- (2022-09-09) yazidelpro2018: asdasdasdasd
- (2022-08-06) Gaming Soda: ok
- (2022-05-19) dylan lizardo: ecelente xd
- (2022-05-18) X G: 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰😄😄😄
- (2022-04-13) Yuze Wang: cool thing
- (2022-03-22) wesam mohammed: gooooood
- (2022-03-18) Emmanuel fefey: bhbhb
- (2022-03-13) Mathematics Olympiad Asian Science and: ok
- (2022-02-17) freeve4: it is hard to use, made countless mistakes
- (2022-02-14) mohammad taha aramideh: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
- (2022-02-13) Xuân Phúc Trịnh: ok
- (2022-02-09) Antonella Bernal: Buena
- (2022-02-09) Çɪʟᴇᴋʟɪ ꜱÜᴛ: Loved itttt I' a speedcuber and it's perfect to play with during class if Rubik's cubes aren't allowed :D
- (2022-02-09) Komal Patel: It's not coming. Can anybody say how to start the game? Well, I know how to solve a cube.
- (2022-02-03) Groovy Critters: e4575eh
- (2022-02-03) raggy WAGGY: NERF MINER
- (2022-01-01) Suresh Kumara: gooooooooood
- (2021-12-21) Rekha Sethiya: owaa i hate
- (2021-12-18) Ni Kola: круто
- (2021-12-16) Thắng Nguyễn Đức: ok
- (2021-12-12) Tuyền Tâm: hai vai
- (2021-12-11) phượng thuý: ok
- (2021-11-23) Hasziel Lenyn Castillo Gonzales: mas o menos
- (2021-11-22) Gessef Lorenz Bulilan: NICE
- (2021-11-21) niko yilka: wow
- (2021-11-18) Glob2Go: lol i think i broke it there are random cubes everywhere reaaly goood tho
- (2021-11-16) katerina tourok: I love it
- (2021-11-11) Hoàng Sa Việt Group: ok
- (2021-11-04) Alexis Inzunza: aun que me gustaria que se pudiera jugar sin abrir otra pagina
- (2021-11-02) Video Awesomeness: Loved itttt I' a speedcuber and it's perfect to play with during class if Rubik's cubes aren't allowed :D
- (2021-10-22) The Copy Ninja: Can't even turn some slices.
- (2021-10-10) alberto ramirez: VAYA CHUSCO DE JUEGO
- (2021-10-04) brysonn cowan: it was great but i wanna know how to solve it
- (2021-09-22) priyanka sahni: it was good but it needs some tricks and help
- (2021-09-06) Patrick Ponce berrios: muy bueno con arroz blanco
- (2021-08-28) V_e_N_o_M: very good game 👍
- (2021-08-08) Oanh Oanh Tạ: SO COOL
- (2021-08-03) brandhy gonzales: mejor extension del mundo
- (2021-07-06) yusuf fuad: it so cool
- (2021-06-18) kaleb sultan: oooo