Use ChatGPT Prompts along with web page's context.
Take your browsing experience to the next level with ChatGPT Prompts!
Customize your prompts by adding, editing, or deleting them and saving them in your browser.
Get started quickly with default prompts such as extract keywords, summarize, and rewrite, Suggest Tweet, LinkedIn comment and Facebook comment all powered by the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT.
Directly execute your prompts against selected text on the web page or against the main content of the page using ChatGPT's cutting-edge natural language processing technology.
You can copy the results of your prompts with ease.
ChatGPT Prompts can act as a single app for multiple mini task apps with the help various prompts.
Install ChatGPT Prompts powered by ChatGPT to start experiencing smarter browsing like never before!
1.0 (1 votes)
Last update / version
2023-03-22 / 1.2.2
Listing languages