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Video Downloader Pro - 從網站下載影片的終極工具。
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隆重介紹 Video Downloader Pro:滿足您所有下載需求的終極工具
了解 Video Downloader Pro,這是用於從網路擷取和管理您喜愛的視訊和音訊內容的首要解決方案。 Video Downloader Pro 旨在滿足各種需求,讓您可以輕鬆下載和欣賞來自 1000 多個平台的媒體,包括社群媒體網站和串流服務。
✅ 廣泛的相容性:輕鬆從 1000 多個網站下載內容,確保您可以存取各種媒體。
✅ 多種格式支援:處理多種媒體格式,以便在任何裝置上無縫播放。
✅ 進階串流下載:輕鬆捕捉HLS(m3u8)和DASH(mpd)串流,簡化複雜音訊和視訊格式的下載。
✅ 視頻預覽功能:下載前預覽視頻,以確保您獲得所需的準確內容。
✅ 方便分享:透過二維碼連結與朋友和家人分享您的下載,或直接將其儲存到您的手機以供離線存取。
✅ 批量下載功能:只需單擊一次即可下載多個視頻,從而節省時間。
✅ 強大的錄音功能:從任何網站精確錄製音訊、視訊和元資料。
✅ 專業網頁錄製:直接從網頁擷取 MP3 音頻,非常適合播客和音訊剪輯。
導航至包含您要下載的影片或音訊內容的網站,然後點擊 Video Downloader Pro 擴充圖示。
友情提醒:有些網站可能會要求您開始播放 Video Downloader Pro 來偵測和擷取內容。
免責聲明:由於 Google Chrome Web Store 政策,Video Downloader Pro 不支援從 YouTube 下載內容。我們感謝您的體諒。
立即體驗 Video Downloader Pro 的便利性和強大功能!當我們努力增強您的體驗時,您的回饋、評分和建議對我們至關重要。感謝您的支持!
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-14) ANGUDE MATUA: Its a very good extention
- (2023-12-10) kyriak: really good works really well
- (2023-11-27) Włodzimierz Kaźmirowski: jest bardzo dobra
- (2023-11-21) Richard Slater: fantastic free download music sight for both mp3 and mp4 i alway download mp3 music from it as i have an mp3 player.
- (2023-06-29) Arnold Kühn: funktinoert nicht unter chroembook
- (2023-06-09) Anton Voronov: Don't working!
- (2023-05-30) Coot Master: very good today i converted my mp3 and adaware guard shield blocked download ebsite blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD) Website Blocked: Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this page because it may contain malicious activity. Warning icon We strongly recommend you do not continue. You may be putting your safety at risk by visiting this site. For more information, visit Malwarebytes Support.
- (2023-04-05) Meng KoemSe (KSe): I'm very satisfied to this extension. Thx Developer.
- (2023-02-24) Riley Phillips: ok im a tec kid and im useing this for my school chromebook and i give it 11 out of 10 this works well and i 100% saugest it to people like me looking to download music off youtube for free and listen to it off line on chromebook 👍
- (2023-01-12) Kevin Aguilar: It's the only working one yet, I wanted one to put music in my yt videos and now I could, thanks a lot
- (2022-12-11) Nicole Lam: Its says is dangerous, idk
- (2022-11-15) kalpana lamsal: a very very very nice and good extension. you can download any music or video from this extension. it also very easy to use, i love this extension and i recommend to add to chrome
- (2022-09-14) Vrill Odin: Absolut Amazing Thing, i never miss !!!
- (2022-08-30) BTS FOR LIFE: So easy it looks good
- (2022-02-19) Dangart: Ничего не ищет само, но если скопировать название и вставить в поиск то всегда находит нужное.
- (2021-09-09) Ермакова Елена: не работает в Я музыке
- (2021-08-29) Roman K: не работает (в я.музыке как минимум)
- (2021-05-14) Ruby Lucien: Just downloaded it. No problems so far; works beautifully.
- (2021-04-14) 邓龙: Amazing Extension!
- (2021-04-09) Rick E. G.: dont work
- (2021-04-05) Erick: Did not work
- (2021-02-14) oğuzhan güder: DENEMENİZİ TAVSİYE EDERİM
- (2021-02-02) kaito maiorino: THIS IS THE ONLY FREE MUSIC DOWNLOADED THAT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
- (2021-01-29) Виктор Демихов: Мне это приложение не помогло скачать файлы озвучки
- (2021-01-12) BeHappyBeVegan: doesn't work
- (2020-12-25) XJ W: 太棒了!Amazing Extension!
- (2020-09-28) Hashibira Inosuke: Çok Güzel
- (2020-08-10) Michael P. Dye: It looks good for me, thx.