extension ExtPose

音频捕获 - 音量记录器

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Image from store 音频捕获 - 音量记录器
Description from store 音量记录器浏览器扩展是一款功能强大且易于使用的工具,旨在帮助您直接从浏览器录制音频。无论您是捕捉最喜爱的歌曲、录制播客,还是保存在线讲座,这款音频记录器扩展都能确保无缝和高质量的声音录制。 🎙️ 主要应用: ✅ 播客录制 – 保存您的想法或在线采访。 ✅ 讲座或演示录制 – 轻松记录教育内容。 ✅ 教程视频制作 – 为指导性视频创建音轨。 ✅ 录制您最喜爱的歌曲 – 轻松捕捉流媒体音频。 🔧 特点: ▸ 浏览器音频记录器 – 直接从活动标签页捕获声音。 ▸ 音量调节 – 控制录制输出。 ▸ 录制语音 – 记录语音备忘录或会议。 ▸ 流媒体音频捕获 – 无需额外软件即可保存声音。 ▸ 用户友好界面 – 易于使用的音频录制工具。 ▸ 快捷键支持 – 使用简单的快捷键快速开始或停止录制。 🛠️ 如何使用音量记录器: 1. 在浏览器中安装扩展。 2. 打开您想要录制声音的标签页。 3. 按下“开始录制”(或使用快捷键)启动过程。 4. 保存并享受您捕获的音频! 🌟 为什么选择音量记录器? ▸易于使用的音频记录器,具有多种应用。 ▸无需外部软件 – 在浏览器内记录所有内容。 ▸非常适合捕捉系统音频、流媒体声音或语音输入。 ▸兼容流行的浏览器,如Chrome、Firefox和Edge。 📣 我们重视您的反馈: 您的意见帮助我们改进!分享您的建议或评分,帮助我们提升您的体验。 🛠️ 需要支持吗? 如果遇到任何技术问题,请随时与我们联系。我们将为您提供帮助。 ⚡ 今天就使用音量记录器来增强您的录制体验 – 这是一款值得信赖的浏览器扩展,可快速高效地捕获音频、录制语音和保存系统声音。 在线卷录音机:浏览器的终极录音工具 在当今的数字时代,对可靠,高效的录音工具的需求从未有所更大。 无论您是播客,教育工作者还是喜欢捕获流音频的人,都可以直接从浏览器中直接录制高质量的声音的工具是必不可少的。 以前被称为卷录音机浏览器扩展程序,在线卷录音机在线是一种功能强大且用户友好的工具,旨在帮助您轻松录制音频。 借助其多功能应用程序和易于使用的界面,此扩展名已成为希望捕获自己喜欢的歌曲,唱片播客,保存在线讲座或为教学视频创建音频曲目的用户的最爱。 🎙🎙️键 申请: ✅podcast录制 - 轻松地保存您的想法或在线访谈。 ✅讲座或演示文稿捕获 - 记录没有任何麻烦的教育内容。 ✅教程视频创建 - 创建教学高质量的音轨 视频。 ✅录制您喜欢的歌曲 - 毫不费力地捕获流式音频。 🔧功能: ▸浏览器录音机扩展 - 使用卷录音机在线,您现在可以轻松地从您的活动选项卡中直接录制声音 浏览器。 ▸浏览器的声音录音机 - 不需要外部软件 - 记录浏览器中的所有内容。 ▸音频捕获插件 - 非常适合捕获系统音频,流媒体声音或语音输入。 ▸网络音频 录音机 - 保存声音而无需其他软件。 ▸浏览器音量捕获 - 控制录制输出以确保高质量的声音。 <浏览器录制音频 - 轻松浏览扩展名的功能和选项。<<br >▸录音工具 - 使用简单的快捷方式快速启动或停止记录。 🛠️如何在线使用卷记录器: 1。 在浏览器中安装扩展名。 2。 打开所需的选项卡,您要录制声音。 3。 按开始录制(或使用快捷键)启动该过程。 4。 保存并享受捕获的音频! <为什么要在线选择音量录音机? ▸▸▸带有多功能应用程序的易于使用的录音机。 <无需外部软件 - 在浏览器中记录所有内容 。 扩展。 📣我们重视您的反馈: 在线录音机上,我们重视用户的意见。 您的意见有助于我们改善扩展并增强您的录音体验。 随时与我们分享您的建议或评分。 🛠️需要支持吗? 如果您遇到任何技术问题,请随时与我们联系。 我们的团队致力于为我们的用户提供出色的支持和帮助。 ⚡在线使用卷记录器在线增强您的录制体验 - 可信赖的浏览器扩展程序,用于捕获音频,录制语音和保存系统的速度快速有效地听起来。 浏览器音量捕获:您在线体验的最终声音录制工具 在这个现代数字时代,不可夸大的是可靠有效的录音工具的必要性。 无论您是经验丰富的Podcaster,专门的教育者,还是只是陶醉于捕获流音频内容的人,拥有可以直接从浏览器中录制一流声音的工具,都是必不可少的。 输入浏览器卷捕获。 以前被认为是卷录音机浏览器扩展程序,浏览器卷捕获逐渐脱颖而出,是一种坚固且用户友好的工具,精心制作,以简化您的音频录制需求。 该扩展名拥有多功能应用程序和直观的界面,吸引了寻求使自己喜欢的曲调,文档播客,档案在线讲座或生成音频轨道的用户的赞美。 🎙🎙️关键应用程序: ✅播客录制 - 无缝保留您的头脑风暴会议或在线访谈。 ✅讲座或演示捕获 - 毫不费力地记录了教育内容的无用麻烦。 ✅教程视频创建 - 手工艺品顶级音频轨道的教学视频。<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< br>✅录制您喜欢的歌曲 - 毫不费力地捕获流音频内容。 <功能: ▸浏览器音频录音机:轻松地从活动浏览器选项卡中直接捕获声音。 - 原始声音质量的录制输出。 ▸语音录制:语音备忘录或仅一键单击。 ▸流式传输音频捕获:无需其他软件安装而保存声音。 ▸ 用户友好的接口:无缝浏览功能和选项。 ▸快捷方式支持:使用简单的快捷方式迅速启动或停止记录。 🛠️如何使用浏览器音量捕获: 1。 将扩展名安装在您喜欢的浏览器上。 2。 打开所需的选项卡,您希望录制声音。 3。 单击“开始”记录(或使用快捷键)开始过程。 4。 保存并品尝您捕获的音频! 🌟为什么选择浏览器卷捕获? ▸直觉音频记录器带有不同的应用程序。 <无需外部软件 - 在浏览器环境中记录所有内容。<br >▸非常适合毫不费力地捕获系统音频,流式声音或声音输入。 卷捕获,用户反馈对我们至关重要。 您的见解有助于我们完善我们的扩展并丰富您的录音。 请随时与我们分享您的建议或评分。 🛠️需要帮助吗? 您是否应遇到任何技术挑战,随时与我们联系。 我们的团队致力于向用户提供卓越的支持和指导。 ⚡今天通过浏览器卷捕获来提升您的录音旅程 - 捕获音频,录制配音和保存系统的值得信赖的扩展,听起来很快有效。 音频录音机扩展:浏览器 的最终声音录制解决方案在这个现代数字时代,使用可靠有效的录音工具的必要性从未如此重要。 无论您是播客,教育工作者,还是仅仅喜欢捕获流音频内容的人,都可以完美地从浏览器中直接录制一流的声音,这是必不可少的。 输入音频录音机扩展。 以前被认为是浏览器录音机扩展程序,音频录音机扩展是一种健壮且直观的工具,旨在帮助您轻松录制音频。 凭借其广泛的应用程序和用户友好的设计,此扩展名在寻求保存自己喜欢的歌曲,唱片播客,存储在线演讲或制作教学视频的音频曲目的用户中获得了知名度。 🎙️关键应用程序 : podcast录制 - 轻松保留您的想法或在线访谈。 ✅✅✅✅✅✅演讲或演示文稿捕获 - 毫不费力地记录教育内容。 ✅教程视频创建 - 为教学视频开发高质量的音轨。<<<br >✅录制您喜欢的歌曲 - 无缝捕获流音频内容。 <功能: ▸浏览器录音机 - 使用录音机扩展程序,您现在可以直接从浏览器中的活动选项卡中捕获声音。 BR>▸音量级调整 - 调节录制输出以确保一流的声音质量。 ▸语音录制 - 录制语音备忘录或一次点击。 。 ▸用户友好的接口 - 毫不费力地浏览扩展功能和选项。 ▸快捷方式支持 - 使用简单的快捷方式迅速启动或停止记录。 🛠️如何使用录音机扩展程序: 1。 在浏览器上安装扩展名。 2。 打开所需的选项卡,您希望录制声音。 3。 单击“开始”记录(或使用快捷键)开始过程。 4。 保存并享受您捕获的音频! 🌟为什么选择音频录音机扩展? ▸<to sipple-to使用多功能应用程序。 <不需要外部软件 - 直接记录所有内容 在您的浏览器中。 ▸非常适合捕获系统音频,流式声音或语音输入。 ▸与Chrome,Firefox和Edge等领先的浏览器兼容。 我们重视您的反馈:< BR>在Audio Recorder扩展程序中,我们高度重视用户的反馈。 您的见解有助于我们完善扩展并丰富您的录音体验。 随时与我们分享您的建议或评分。 🛠️需要帮助吗? 如果您遇到任何技术挑战,请随时与我们联系。 我们的团队致力于向用户提供卓越的支持和指导。 ⚡今天通过音频录音机扩展来提升您的录音体验 - 可信赖的浏览器插件,用于捕获音频内容,录制语音备忘录和节省的系统听起来很快。 并有效。 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 卷录音机,浏览器录音机,录音机扩展,浏览器的声音录音机,在线音频录音机,浏览器音量捕获,录制工具,浏览器的录制音频,音频捕获插件,网络音频录音机 The Volume Recorder browser extension is a powerful and easy-to-use tool designed to help you record audio directly from your browser. Whether you’re capturing your favorite song, recording a podcast, or saving online lectures, this audio recorder extension ensures seamless and high-quality sound recording. 🎙️ Key Applications: ✅ Podcast recording – Save your ideas or online interviews. ✅ Lecture or presentation capture – Record educational content with ease. ✅ Tutorial video creation – Create audio tracks for instructional videos. ✅ Recording your favorite song – Capture streaming audio effortlessly. 🔧 Features: ▸ Browser audio recorder – Capture sound directly from active tabs. ▸ Volume level adjustment – Control the recording output. ▸ Voice recording – Record voice memos or meetings. ▸ Streaming audio capture – Save sound without additional software. ▸ User-friendly interface – Easy-to-use audio recording tool. ▸ Shortcut support – Start or stop recordings quickly with simple shortcuts. 🛠️ How to Use Volume Recorder: 1. Install the extension in your browser. 2. Open the desired tab where you want to record sound. 3. Press Start Recording (or use shortcut keys) to initiate the process. 4. Save and enjoy your captured audio! 🌟 Why Choose Volume Recorder? ▸Easy-to-use audio recorder with versatile applications. ▸No need for external software – record everything within your browser. ▸Perfect for capturing system audio, streaming sound, or voice inputs. ▸Compatible with popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. 📣 We Value Your Feedback: Your input helps us improve! Share your suggestions or ratings to help us enhance your experience. 🛠️ Need Support? If you encounter any technical issues, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to assist you. ⚡ Enhance your recording experience today with Volume Recorder – the trusted browser extension for capturing audio, recording voice, and saving system sounds quickly and efficiently. Volume Recorder Online: The Ultimate Audio Recording Tool for Your Browser In today's digital age, the demand for a reliable and efficient audio recording tool has never been greater. Whether you're a podcaster, educator, or simply someone who enjoys capturing streaming audio, having a tool that can seamlessly record high-quality sound directly from your browser is essential. This is where Volume Recorder Online comes in. Formerly known as the Volume Recorder browser extension, Volume Recorder Online is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to help you record audio effortlessly. With its versatile applications and easy-to-use interface, this extension has become a favorite among users looking to capture their favorite songs, record podcasts, save online lectures, or create audio tracks for instructional videos. 🎙️ Key Applications: ✅ Podcast recording – Save your ideas or online interviews with ease. ✅ Lecture or presentation capture – Record educational content without any hassle. ✅ Tutorial video creation – Create high-quality audio tracks for instructional videos. ✅ Recording your favorite song – Capture streaming audio effortlessly. 🔧 Features: ▸ Browser recorder extension – With Volume Recorder Online, you can now easily record sound directly from active tabs in your browser. ▸ Sound recorder for browser – No need for external software - record everything within your browser. ▸ Audio capture plugin – Perfect for capturing system audio, streaming sound, or voice inputs. ▸ Web audio recorder – Save sound without the need for additional software. ▸ Browser volume capture – Control the recording output to ensure high-quality sound. ▸ Record audio from browser – Easily navigate through the extension's features and options. ▸ Audio recording tool – Start or stop recordings quickly with simple shortcuts. 🛠️ How to Use Volume Recorder Online: 1. Install the extension in your browser. 2. Open the desired tab where you want to record sound. 3. Press Start Recording (or use shortcut keys) to initiate the process. 4. Save and enjoy your captured audio! 🌟 Why Choose Volume Recorder Online? ▸ Easy-to-use audio recorder with versatile applications. ▸ No need for external software – record everything within your browser. ▸ Perfect for capturing system audio, streaming sound, or voice inputs. ▸ Compatible with popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. ▸ Audio capture plugin – Enhance your recording experience with our trusted browser extension. 📣 We Value Your Feedback: At Volume Recorder Online, we value our users' opinions. Your input helps us improve our extension and enhance your recording experience. Feel free to share your suggestions or ratings with us. 🛠️ Need Support? If you encounter any technical issues, don't hesitate to contact us. Our team is dedicated to providing excellent support and assistance to our users. ⚡ Enhance Your Recording Experience Today with Volume Recorder Online – The Trusted Browser Extension for Capturing Audio, Recording Voice, and Saving System Sounds Quickly and Efficiently.Browser Volume Capture: The Ultimate Sound Recording Tool for Your Online Experience In this modern digital era, the necessity of a dependable and effective audio recording tool cannot be overstated. Whether you are a seasoned podcaster, a dedicated educator, or simply someone who revels in capturing streaming audio content, having a tool that can seamlessly record top-notch sound directly from your browser is indispensable. Enter Browser Volume Capture. Formerly recognized as the Volume Recorder browser extension, Browser Volume Capture stands out as a robust and user-friendly tool meticulously crafted to simplify your audio recording needs. Boasting versatile applications and an intuitive interface, this extension has garnered praise from users seeking to immortalize their favorite tunes, document podcasts, archive online lectures, or generate audio tracks for instructional videos. 🎙️ Key Applications: ✅ Podcast Recording – Seamlessly preserve your brainstorming sessions or online interviews. ✅ Lecture or Presentation Capture – Effortlessly record educational content hassle-free. ✅ Tutorial Video Creation – Craft top-tier audio tracks for your instructional videos. ✅ Recording Your Favorite Song – Effortlessly capture streaming audio content. 🔧 Features: ▸ Browser Audio Recorder: Capture sound directly from active browser tabs with ease. ▸ Volume Level Adjustment: Fine-tune the recording output for pristine sound quality. ▸ Voice Recording: Record voice memos or meetings effortlessly with just one click. ▸ Streaming Audio Capture: Save sound without the need for additional software installations. ▸ User-Friendly Interface: Navigate through features and options seamlessly. ▸ Shortcut Support: Initiate or cease recordings swiftly using simple shortcuts. 🛠️ How to Use Browser Volume Capture: 1. Install the extension on your preferred browser. 2. Open the desired tab where you wish to record sound. 3. Click on Start Recording (or utilize shortcut keys) to commence the process. 4. Save and relish your captured audio! 🌟 Why Opt for Browser Volume Capture? ▸ Intuitive audio recorder with diverse applications. ▸ No external software required – record everything within your browser environment. ▸ Ideal for capturing system audio, streaming sound, or voice inputs effortlessly. ▸ Compatible with leading browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. 📣 We Value Your Feedback: At Browser Volume Capture, user feedback is paramount to us. Your insights aid us in refining our extension and enriching your recording encounters. Do not hesitate to share your suggestions or ratings with us. 🛠️ Need Assistance? Should you encounter any technical challenges, feel free to reach out to us. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional support and guidance to our users. ⚡ Elevate Your Recording Journey Today with Browser Volume Capture – The Trusted Extension for Capturing Audio, Recording Voiceovers, and Preserving System Sounds Swiftly and Effectively.Audio Recorder Extension: The Ultimate Sound Recording Solution for Your Browser In this modern digital era, the necessity for a reliable and effective audio recording tool has never been more crucial. Whether you're a podcaster, educator, or simply someone who loves capturing streaming audio content, having a tool that can flawlessly record top-notch sound directly from your browser is indispensable. Enter the Audio Recorder Extension. Formerly recognized as the Browser Recorder extension, the Audio Recorder Extension is a robust and intuitive tool crafted to assist you in effortlessly recording audio. With its wide range of applications and user-friendly design, this extension has garnered popularity among users seeking to save their favorite songs, record podcasts, store online lectures, or produce audio tracks for instructional videos. 🎙️ Key Applications: ✅ Podcast recording – Easily preserve your thoughts or online interviews. ✅ Lecture or presentation capture – Effortlessly record educational content. ✅ Tutorial video creation – Develop high-quality audio tracks for instructional videos. ✅ Recording your favorite song – Seamlessly capture streaming audio content. 🔧 Features: ▸ Browser audio recorder – With the Audio Recorder Extension, you can now capture sound directly from active tabs in your browser. ▸ Volume level adjustment – Regulate the recording output to ensure top-notch sound quality. ▸ Voice recording – Record voice memos or meetings with just one click. ▸ Streaming audio capture – Save sound without requiring additional software. ▸ User-friendly interface – Effortlessly navigate through the extension's features and options. ▸ Shortcut support – Initiate or halt recordings swiftly with simple shortcuts. 🛠️ How to Use the Audio Recorder Extension: 1. Install the extension on your browser. 2. Open the desired tab where you wish to record sound. 3. Click on Start Recording (or utilize shortcut keys) to commence the process. 4. Save and enjoy your captured audio! 🌟 Why Opt for the Audio Recorder Extension? ▸ Simple-to-use audio recorder with versatile applications. ▸ No need for external software – record everything directly within your browser. ▸ Ideal for capturing system audio, streaming sound, or voice inputs. ▸ Compatible with leading browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. 📣 We Value Your Feedback: Here at the Audio Recorder Extension, we highly regard our users' feedback. Your insights aid us in refining our extension and enriching your recording experience. Feel free to share your suggestions or ratings with us. 🛠️ Need Assistance? If you encounter any technical challenges, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional support and guidance to our users. ⚡ Elevate Your Recording Experience Today with the Audio Recorder Extension – The Trusted Browser Plugin for Capturing Audio Content, Recording Voice Memos, and Saving System Sounds Swiftly and Effectively.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-21) victor holanda: muito bom
  • (2024-03-16) Paulo cesar: não funciona de maneira alguma , já tentei mil maneiras.
  • (2024-03-16) Regis Santiago: só grava na segunda tentativa
  • (2024-03-13) Emokol Anthony: 2 slo
  • (2024-03-04) Bendegúz The 3rd of Hungary: I recorded a 5 second vocal and it took over 20 min to render
  • (2024-02-22) Ji Mike: very very slow
  • (2024-02-21) Benny Chaw: doesn't work at all, waste my time, useless developer
  • (2024-02-21) Dragan Djokic: If I could I would give you 0. I was recording very important radio show, my best friend was in it. After I've stopped recording nothing happened. Only a message Please wait for almost an hour. Recording was lost forever!!!
  • (2024-02-08) Arda Emirhan: VAJİNAAA
  • (2024-02-08) Theo: slow takes about 10 mins to load don't recommend
  • (2024-02-06) Ricky C: good but slow
  • (2024-01-31) Charles Helbert Tolentino Silva: Não funciona!
  • (2024-01-29) Kuba Gajda: doesnt work. i recorded, than was waiting for nothing hehe so NOOOO! :)
  • (2024-01-28) Mustafa Elali: لا يسجل صوت الكمبيوتر ولا يمكن مراجعة الصوت قبل حفظه
  • (2024-01-21) Ali UFUK: Bir kaydediyor bir kaydetmiyor delirtti
  • (2024-01-17) Emilio Martínez Varela: Despues de grabar 15 min en directo se quedo procesando 30 min y nunca me salio lo de guardar audio.... una autebtica basura
  • (2024-01-16) Arthur Damasio Ferreira Santos: Nao gravou nada, perdi todo o audio !
  • (2024-01-09) Berenice M_B: No merece ni una estrella, no sirve para nada.
  • (2024-01-09) Conflee: Doesn't actually capture any audio, even when I am careful to open in in the tab I want to record.
  • (2024-01-08) Henry Jaspe: No sirve es una kgada
  • (2024-01-07) Chela Arjona: Jajajajaja, impresionante que GOOGLE permita esta extensión. Es una porquería. No procesa el audio grabado, si es que realmente lo grabó. No hay cuadro de diálogo dónde elegir la carpeta dónde guardar el audio. no se la descarguen, es una pérdida de tiempo
  • (2024-01-01) Dani: I like it! but i think you should add a option where you can hear the recorded sound + audio
  • (2023-12-31) Uvalle Camarillo: doesnt work sometimes
  • (2023-12-30) James Y: record 20 minutes, save, record 20 minutes, save, etc Is it possible to record for 80 minutes?
  • (2023-12-27) Agung Wiendarto: Just try.. see what i will get. processing time takes time
  • (2023-12-22) Michel GOUET: Sembre fonctionner, mais lorsqu'on l'arrete semble ne rien enregistrer. Ne demande même pas de nom de fichier... Peut-être blocage par Youtube ??? D'autres méthodes de capture fonctionnent sans problème (Audacity...).
  • (2023-12-10) CANAL DE NOTICIAS GOSPEL: parece bom veremos
  • (2023-12-09) Ellis D: Great keep up the good work
  • (2023-12-09) Zafar Abbas Baloch: highly recomended for Work
  • (2023-12-01) Bruno Borges: Doesn't work.
  • (2023-11-18) Marta: Después de esperar 30 minutos a que se cargara el audio que he grabado, sigue sin funcionar. Una pérdida de tiempo
  • (2023-11-15) Yendelin Canio: no me gusta para nd no sirve y no se guardan las capturas super mala no la instalen
  • (2023-11-11) ayush gamer: this is very bekhar
  • (2023-11-09) Bryan Richard Paz Caya: Pesimo, no instalen no guarda nada
  • (2023-11-04) Frédéric Rheme: Ne fonctionne tout simplement pas, et plus de 400K utilisateurs sur un plugin non fonctionnel ? No comment.
  • (2023-11-01) Robson luiz: Valeu muito bom, funciona bem.
  • (2023-10-31) Rick Nelson: Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt!!! annoying af
  • (2023-10-31) S Matkal: So you start recording. close the small window this extension makes (it makes a floating window), tab out to do something else come back and you can't click "SAVE". A waste of time. Chrome Audio Capture is more efficient but sometimes speeds up the music to x2 the BPM. if you do not tab-out and stay on the tab you are recording the CAC works great.
  • (2023-10-26) Frank Morschner: Au delà 30 secondes, l'enregistrement ne fonctionne plus. Dommage.
  • (2023-10-25) Dharmesh Ujanya: used to work. now it doesn't
  • (2023-10-23) Alfredo Perez: Pésima, solo graba 20 minutos de 6 veces solo 1 lo he conseguido después de 20 min de grabación
  • (2023-10-22) Raffles Stamford: The recording was lousy. Whats the point?
  • (2023-10-20) Aldo Gamboa: Doesn´t work. At all. There was an old version that was excellent. Now is just a waste of time.
  • (2023-10-20) E T Daniel: No pierdan el tiempo, se queda pegada y no puedes guardar el archivo
  • (2023-10-18) Tim Papavgeris: Only records the first minute
  • (2023-10-17) alfonso payra: solo sirve para grabar pocos segundos, si te pasas de los 30s basicamente se queda estupida en "saving..."
  • (2023-10-16) Otnir Luk: terus kembangkan
  • (2023-10-12) yuhjazz: Pierdes todo despues de grabar, una perdida de tiempo basicamente. No la descarguen.
  • (2023-10-12) Gunther Hicks: no guarda archivos
  • (2023-10-12) Kendall Wix (Kwix): Doesn't work. You cannot stop the recording once started.


1,000,000 history
4.2649 (789 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-04 / 1.2.9
Listing languages
