Automatisch deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen auf der Seite von Google-Konten 'Angemeldet bleiben'.
Stay Signed Out automatically unchecks the "Stay signed in" checkbox on the Google Accounts Sign in page.
It is small, fast, and unobtrusive.
Latest reviews
- (2017-03-31) Puts up a cute icon but doesn't uncheck the stay signed in checkbox. Oh well. I wonder if this broke the same time the tampermonkey script for the same purpose started failing due to Google rewriting the page...
- (2016-08-18) Der Judge: My favorite and most important extension to keep using Google webmail, keeps you successfully away from that 'Stay signed in' annoyance. It's the small things.. thanks to the developer(s)!
- (2015-12-07) Great idea. Only worked for the first time or two. Afterward, it quit working. the timer will go from one minute to off and a dialog box with never open up.