Description from extension meta
Share the Page URL with your comment to your Social channels and also Suggest it to your brand advocacy program admin.
Image from store
Description from store
Discover, Suggest & Share content on the go.
Socxo Chrome extension helps you in improving your personal & professional brand by enabling you to share interesting content with your company Admin as well as your social media channels such as LinkedIn & Twitter.
Suggest - Suggest interesting content you came across to your company Admin
Share - Instant share / Schedule content to you connected social media channels like LinkedIn / Twitter
Note: To use Socxo chrome extension, you should be a registered Socxo user.
How Socxo Chrome extension works
1) Install the Socxo chrome extension from the Chrome store
2) After installing, click on the Socxo chrome extension icon to open the chrome extension
3) Login using using your Socxo login
4) On login, the Socxo chrome extension will be visible for you in the extension list. Make sure to pin the extension for easier access
Once logged in, you can just click on the Socxo chrome extension icon from the Browser tab that you would like to Suggest / Share.
Note: Chrome extension can be currently used only in email based login. SSO based login will be incorporated soon.
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Last update / version
2021-11-21 / 1.3
Listing languages