Description from extension meta
Earn miles on your favorite rewards program by getting reminders when you land on a participating online retailer.
Image from store
Description from store
Earn miles and credit card points on your favorite rewards program when you shop online.
Easily earn frequent flyer miles and credit card points when you’re doing your online shopping.
Most frequent flyer, credit card points and loyalty program points are earned through spending on daily purchases. RewardStack reminds you when you are on a site that is part of your rewards program to make it easier to earn points to use on your next trip.
Easily maximize your miles programs and credit card rewards by getting reminded when you're on a site that you can earn extra miles or points on. To earn - click on RewardStack when it appears on a site that is part of your reward program and you will earn points through your airlines’ or credit card shopping program when you make a purchase.
RewardStack currently supports American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines and United Airlines frequent flyer program shopping portals to help you get closer to booking next trip on points.
Do you shop online with extensions like Honey, Keepa Amazon Price Tracker, Piggy, InvisibleHand, Ebates Cash Back Button and Pricescout? Then RewardStack is a perfect addition to your browser!
Latest reviews
- (2018-11-26) Sanjay Rama: Love the extension, but seems to only support airline shopping portals. I use Chase Ultimate Rewards. I believe an extension like this for Chase would be phenomenal. Are you going to be adding that soon?
- (2018-02-22) Matthew Stidham: I have thrown away so many thousands of miles over the last few years... I wish I had this years ago!
- (2017-12-13) Shane Burkle: This is awesome. Just waiting for support for multiple mileage programs!
- (2017-11-17) John Bertrand: Makes sure I maximize my travel points on every single online purchase...and when you buy everything online, it adds up quick. Well supported too.
- (2017-11-08) Sam Belton: I wish it had support for Chase Ultimate Rewards. Also if it could show multiple award program options, that would be great. I collect miles from America, Delta, and South West.
- (2017-08-09) Mauricio De la Torre: Great functionality!!
- (2016-11-28) Daniel Zarick: I've never tracked miles before, and only really get the ones that come as a surprise after I remember my credit card points can be transferred for flights. But this miles reminder bar has been huge for me. I'm collecting miles all the time now when I *never* would've thought to before.
- (2016-11-03) James G: Only thing that would make it better is multi program support - missed a few hundred miles not realizing delta and virgin have programs for airbnb
- (2016-08-24) Brian Feldkamp: This is pretty awesome. Getting miles for things I buy anyway is pretty genius. I find myself using it all the time and haven't had any trouble. Thanks Reply
- (2016-07-11) Chris Campbell: This is super helpful and practical in getting more miles from my regular online shopping. Thanks for creating this plugin.