Description from extension meta
Spoiler Protection 2.0 - NO MORE SPOILERS :)
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Description from store
Enjoy surfing on the internet with Spoiler Protection by preventing spoilers ruining the experience of a movie, series or sport event you haven't seen yet.
Get rid of the unwanted spoilers!
This extension helps you to hide spoilers what you don't want to see on your screen.
You can hide spoilers from ...
- facebook(message board, chat, etc...)
- twitter
- youtube
- google
- news sites
- etc....
NOTE: When installing, your browser shows a warning that Spoiler Protection for Chrome has access to your browsing history and browsing data. This is a standard message, we NEVER collect any information about your browsing history and browsing data! We collect only anonymized data with google analytics about the extension usage to improve it in the future.
By using this extensions you contribute to the extension and the will store your and username. If you want to delete your and username please contact us at [email protected]
Spoiler Protection extension was made in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Accordingly, Gold lion development Kft will not be liable for any claims, losses or damages resulting from use of Spoiler Protection extension.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-11) Maciej Świtała: Used to be 5/5 but stopped working on YouTube. I managed to get it working, so leaving this for posterity: 1. Go to the 'Spoiler context' tab in the extension 2. Press the pencil next to 'youtube' 3. Set the 'class list' field (third one from the bottom, if you delete all text from a field you'll see the name) to the following: video-list-item,yt-lockup-video,iv-card,ytd-comment-renderer,ytp-suggestions,yt-core-image--fill-parent-height,yt-core-image--fill-parent-width,yt-core-image,yt-core-image--content-mode-scale-aspect-fill,yt-core-image--loaded yt-core-image,style-scope ytd-rich-grid-media 4. Press the '+' button in the top right to save the settings. 5. Reload YT if you have it open. Voila, now it works properly, at least for thumbnails and titles, which I think is most important.
- (2023-10-01) Amir Aziznezhad: Test the plugin in Playlist (Playlist youtube). It does not work in this part!!
- (2023-09-02) Roman K.: Das Programm funktioniert gut und ist einfach zu verstehen.
- (2023-08-13) Martin Vaagert: Doesnt work at all, blocks videos that have nothing to do with spoiler tags and only blocks the actual spoiler after reloading youtube. For example it blocked a video called:"One Pot Pastas | Basics with Babish" cause apparently it has Luffy in the name and so far has blocked none of the gear 5 one piece videos that most have one piece or luffy in the name.
- (2023-08-03) 乙口尺口: It just for Starfield, Thank you for the extension.
- (2023-07-22) Kyler Jackson: It works, getting this before Spider-Man 2 releases
- (2023-06-21) StormEsper: Thanks so much, now I can watch youtube in peace without being worried about FF 16 spoilers
- (2023-06-07) The Meme Lord: Works, only issue is it, no matter what, removes end screens from youtube videos, and does not bring them back unless the extension is disabled from the extension settings from chrome. (even the extensions built-in off switch doesnt fix it). This is a problem for me particularly because I have a youtube channel where I use endscreens and I end up having to disable it every time to see if they work.
- (2023-05-01) XXX XXX: a realy great extension :3
- (2023-04-18) Emil Støvring: its ok but it does so i cant see my youtube notifications
- (2023-04-15) NJMProductions: works like a charm, whitelisting function could be easier to use but yeah this is useful
- (2023-03-29) Habencon: It just works.
- (2023-02-16) Yoshikage Kira: Hogwarts Legacy protaction
- (2023-01-29) Noir électrique: it doesn't work anymore, nothing is hidden anymore
- (2022-12-15) Facundo F: used it to block news about the World Cup, since I was getting too anxious about the final. works perfectly, many customization options
- (2022-11-02) HAZAH!: This is perfect for avoiding spoilers to Sonic Frontiers and other stuff so now I can play the game blind without people spoiling
- (2022-10-12) Mr. Pogi: Thank you so much for this, now I don't have to see Chainsaw Man spoilers these youtubers have been spitting left and right.
- (2022-09-30) Space: Working fine in 2022. Now YouTube will finally stop spoiling my Lucifer :)
- (2022-07-06) Cordelia Stewart: Great when it works, but every once in a while all my keywords will disappear, so the app is almost useless. Seems like this won't be fixed any time soon as this app hasn't been updated in 2 years, such a shame :(
- (2022-06-13) Hoschen: Works very well, but it kills all the video suggestions in the endcard of Youtube videos.
- (2022-05-05) Muthu Raj: Works really well. I love it.
- (2022-05-03) Zauchi: doesn't seem to work anymore :(
- (2022-04-12) John Doe: Doesn't work properly anymore.
- (2022-02-24) Mob Mentality: Probably the best of the spoiler protectors. Very clean and good modification options. I use it for general web editing - deleting unhelpful search results etc. and can't live without such a tool. HOWEVER, I have abandoned it now as it will throw away my list of data after some indeterminate time. I'm back to an empty list of data yet again.. this was the last time.
- (2022-02-23) Matthias Hädrich: I downloaded this for YouTube and Facebook. Works great on Youtube, but not on Facebook.
- (2022-02-21) Tifani Kozma: Nagyon hasznos bővítmény. Minden családi gépen rajta van :). Köszönjük!
- (2022-02-21) József Szabados: OMG! It's really useful. Can't wait the 3. version.
- (2022-02-10) Federico Natale_Fed_: l'app è ottima, vorrei avere un opzione per censurare solo le immagini e non i titoli. su youtube ad esempio censura sia immagine che testo, sarebbe bello poter censurare solo l'immagine
- (2022-01-30) Kiran Appiah: I thought I found the perfect extension for blocking spoilers, but even this has its game-breaking issues. It prevents every image and video thumbnail from loading when I turned the Images switch and videos switch off. This is not acceptable, as just keeping those switches on does not block images on google images, for example, just the caption below them... the only way to actually block those images is by turning the switch off, which just blocks everything. PLEASE fix this. I really want to like this, as it's the only good extension I've found.
- (2022-01-20) Christopher Connelly: Oh yeaahhhhh! In the time of Spider-Man No Way Home this is just what I needed!
- (2022-01-18) Sofi Otame: muito fácil de usar e eficaz
- (2021-12-27) Relax: This extension is literally my lifesaver. You know how many times i choke myself when those Youtube recommended videos just give away the important plot by one single line in its title? Not anymore, i pray those jerks rot in hell. And you or your team who made this, have special place in heaven.
- (2021-12-15) Nista: very useful
- (2021-12-15) Matias Maticov: Me salvaste de los spoiler de una peli que estoy esperando.
- (2021-11-24) Iftekhar Uddin: As others mentioned it worked fine at first, then the spoilers warnings started to disappear and it instead marked things that had nothing to do with the keywords I entered
- (2021-11-01) Colli_CF: 10/10, Got what I wanted.
- (2021-06-16) jesus canelada: Increíble, la hostia.
- (2021-04-24) Eduardo Simioni: I like it a lot, really saved me a lot of time and energy by hiding bad news I don't want to even glimpse their headlines, like murders and etc. from news websites. Unfortunately the words/phrases I'm adding right now are not being picked up, I have hundreds already on the list, it still blocks all I have added up to a point, not new ones. I'm not sure if I have reached some kind of limitation. In any case looks like a bug to me.
- (2021-03-29) Hisham Mohamed: works great thank you so much for this extension
- (2021-03-18) Gavin Huxford: the file for it is ejfnjabchbsahbcha so yeah but also spoilers on youtube for godzilla vs king kong which i want to watch more than anything it spoiled the winner so heck.
- (2020-12-19) Fernando Gutiérrez: A problem I see is that when you import a category made by someone else, the keywords it contains are displayed in the main menu. Those keywords may be necessary, but can be a spoiler too. For example, telling you that certain character is going to show up, when it might have been a surprise otherwise. It's not theoretical, I have already seen it. The keyword list can become a comprehensive source of spoilers for that particular thing, exactly what you are trying to avoid. I think it would be better if the keywords were only accessible when you edit a category. It's still useful without that, because you can add your own keywords. Still, you don't know what you don't know, which means it's impossible to filter unless you add a category made by someone else. And that... is dangerous.
- (2020-12-10) Max McIver: Thanks:3 No more cyberpunk spoilers
- (2020-12-06) К Copernicus: Ignores filtered words quiet often for some reason (on youtube especially), not 100% reliable for now
- (2020-10-17) Samuel Awachie: Just what I needed as a avid sport fan. Thanks for this. Out of interest, what language was this extension coded in? It appears to be Javascript or C++. Which exactly is it?
- (2020-09-30) ExiledAssassin55: I liked it for the longest time but now it's not working anymore.I have to now turn "hide keywords on site" off and then back on for it to take effect. Which defeats the purpose because by that point I've already seen the spoiler. It's even blocking other stuff that doesn't even have the keywords in it
- (2020-09-28) Rafaello Adler-Abramo: As far as I am aware, this extension is the cause of the significant CPU issues I've been having recently. Specifically, pages with lots of text, as well as youtube, will over the course of ~20 minutes start consuming massive amounts of CPU (cycles?), despite nothing changing. This is all with **no keywords selected in the extension currently**. I've been pulling my hair out the last week or two, trying to figure out the issue. I ended up having to disable all my extensions, then reenable one or two at a time.
- (2020-08-01) Stefano Caridi: One of the best plugins ever!
- (2020-07-29) FrozenFirestorm54: Two major problems with this extension. First of all, this extension doesn't account for no spaces between words for censoring spoilers. For example, if "dies" is one of your keywords and text on a website says, for instance, "GaryDies", then this extension will not block that text. I've already seen a spoiler once because of this issue. Secondly, spoiler keywords will sometimes disappear at random and you'll have to constantly check if they are there just to be safe. Overall pretty unreliable extension.
- (2020-07-16) Draconyx: Due to its lack of customization, I have to give this two stars out of five. Why, you may ask? Well, that's because you can still get recommended spoilers from other media.