Description from extension meta
按照您想要的方式导出所需的 WhatsApp 联系信息或备份聊天数据。
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Description from store
● 以您想要的方式从 Group 中导出联系人信息!
● 以您想要的方式从 ChatList 中导出联系人信息!
● vCard(用于将联系人导入 iOS 和 Android 设备)
● CSV(轻松将联系人导入 Google 联系人)
● Excel(轻松将联系人导入任何 CRM 系统)
● 以您想要的方式从 Chat 中备份聊天信息!
● 以您想要的方式从 Group 中备份聊天信息!
● HTML(直接通过浏览器查看聊天记录)
● EXCEL(适用于需要整理聊天记录的场景)
● CSV(适用于传输或共享聊天内容)
● JSON(适用于自定义聊天数据)
此扩展程序提供了灵活性,可以根据需要导出 WhatsApp 联系人信息或备份聊天数据。无论您喜欢从群组还是聊天列表中导出,此扩展程序都允许您轻松地根据自己的喜好定制导出过程。
使用此扩展程序,您可以方便地以各种格式(如 vCard、CSV 和 Excel)导出联系人。这种多功能性确保与各种设备和平台兼容。
通过广泛的专业测试和比较,此扩展程序已被证明是 WhatsApp 下载工具中的首选。与 waxp、WA 和 contact saver 等替代品相比,此扩展程序以其可靠性、效率和用户友好的界面脱颖而出。
WhatsApp 是 WhatsApp Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区注册的商标。此扩展程序是一个独立项目,与 WhatsApp 或 WhatsApp Inc. 没有任何关系。
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-08) Nitin Kumar: Very bad tool, do not use. takes a lot of time always crash the browser and also very costly
- (2023-10-08) Alex Dover: Doesn't work. brings a single contact from a group instead of 30.
- (2023-09-28) Dr. Rajani K S: Put a use case how to use it. I don't see any download option...
- (2023-09-14) Freedom: Супер! Спасибо огромное!
- (2023-08-27) Marcel SIKLI: Parfait pour le moment... mais je ne comprend pas que cela fonctionne de temps en temps et que l'on doivent passer de l'application "Contact Saver for WA" à "WA - Download Group Phone Numbers". Quelle est la différence entre ces 2 applications. De plus depuis ce matin, j'ai une bannière qui fait de la pub pour une autre application "WADeck - Best AI-Driven WA CRM" et c'est vraiment pas génial et même si on clique sur la "X" pour fermer la bannière on arrive sur l'extension de cette application.
- (2023-08-15) Sekhar Reddy: Shame on you. You are an imposter, stealing some one else extension name and gaining traction. I got confused between these two and corrected by other extension folks. To all the users, please report this extension as absue. This FREE tool is someothers hard work.
- (2023-07-30) ozer babad: its awesome- buthow do i make the saved names show up as well??
- (2023-07-28) Sia Pan: cool
- (2023-07-23) Mateus: Worked perfectly! Awesome
- (2023-07-19) negocio desde casa: descarga los contactos pero no descarga la columna con el nombre que se guardo }
- (2023-07-15) NF Ciputat: This is good, but when I export to excel, the saved name is blank. Usually, it'll export the name of the contact we've save in our phone. Please fix that
- (2023-07-13) Piergiorgio “Zibri” Zambrini: Very nice, BUT the VCF export does not save the names.. only the numbers! Please fix that!
- (2023-07-13) Damilola Justinah: Perfect for what I need it for. Thanks
- (2023-07-12) Siva Kumar Ratnam: how do you save the names with the numbers
- (2023-06-27) Mohamed Fahim: we can use to download all numbers at once only
- (2023-06-16) Ayo Odedere: Does not work
- (2023-06-13) Flaminio Ranzato: It simply does what is expected, I couldn't rate it less than 5 stars...
- (2023-05-22) Alex Rafael Oneda: Ótima extensão, tem justamente as funções que eu precisava.
- (2023-05-16) Sisyon Danismanlik: Perfect and very easy to use. Exports the group contacts (single, multiple or all) including names and phone numbers. Thank you.
- (2023-05-12) Marta Morales: No funciona!!! :-(
- (2023-05-11) Clayton Araujo: works ;)
- (2023-05-11) Karthik Reddy: This is SCAM. I was expecting different extension, but ended up paying to this which is a copy product. Google Webstore should stop the imposters who steal others work / resources to quickly gain profits ..
- (2023-04-19) Krishna Kishore: Works perfectly for free.. unlike others..
- (2023-04-18) Tribes Sh: Works wonders! 18/4/2023
- (2023-03-27) Vinit Yadnik: It works - is there any way we can download the status?
- (2023-03-05) Родион Ионов: Работает!
- (2022-12-23) brayan garcia: 23 de diciembre no funciona
- (2022-11-11) Sanjay ANAND: It works like a charm. thank you.
- (2022-08-25) Mauricio Hernandez: On activation when selecting WA chats at the cursor hover the chats dissappear !!!. Weird !. uninstalling.
- (2022-04-15) SIDDHARTH PANDEY: Perfect one Thanks for your efforts for making the best thing in the market!!
- (2022-04-09) Arthur Andrade: Muito bom, a melhor extensão para essa função.