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Gratis PDF-fil sammenslåing - Slå sammen PDF-filer gratis. Du kan combine pdf gratis.
• Denne programvaren støtter sammenslåing av PDF-filer
• Slå sammen 2 eller flere PDF-filer
• Ubegrenset antall PDF-fusjoner gratis
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Latest reviews
- (2024-06-02) Tricia Stanley: This product has worked well for what I need. I need certain files separate as well as them all in one file. THIS has been amazing!
- (2024-05-13) Drew Saunders: No fuss, no mess, no obnoxious watermark! Simp as advertised!
- (2024-04-14) Mason Liu: I used to merge my pdfs with WPS office but never after I found Merge PDF. It gets the job done fast and hassle-free, absolutely love it.
- (2024-03-28) Chacras Santa María: impecable, sencilla y rapida
- (2024-03-15) Colette Mallory: I love this. It enables me to merge multiple pdfs into one for student assignments. I really appreciate its ease of use.
- (2024-03-10) Santiago Willie Montero Alvarez: MUY BUENA
- (2024-02-16) 國貞宏季: ファイルがアップロードされん
- (2024-02-14) Loroman1.: buenisima
- (2024-01-20) Jesus Arcila: EXCELENTE APICACION
- (2023-12-28) Julien Gelot: Je cherchais un fusionneur de Pdf, extension Chrome = sureté en plus (?) et fonctionne parfaitement
- (2023-12-22) Kelly Kao: 真的很好用,感謝!!
- (2023-12-11) Logan: merger is not working
- (2023-12-02) laurent lebel: Facile et intuitif, trés bien
- (2023-11-20) Juana María Mendoza Martínez: GENIAL ¡¡ cómodo , rápido y fácil
- (2023-11-16) albert neumann: Why I can't no longer import PDFs from my google disk? Now it is very uncomfortable to use it.
- (2023-11-07) 芒果爸爸: thanks alot
- (2023-09-10) Hikari Hoshi: Köszönöm, nagy segítség volt: <3
- (2023-09-05) Kourtney Greene: Merged documents Quick and easy
- (2023-08-28) Suthej Manjunath: awesome greatly admired
- (2023-07-29) Ogura llc: 便利です。
- (2023-07-26) DON LOHITHA WANASINGHE: doesn't work on the very first use
- (2023-07-25) Tristan Jace: Perfect for my need!
- (2023-07-24) ALEJANDRO SOTO SALDIAS: Excelente muy facil de utilizar y además es rápido.
- (2023-07-18) Nelson Puerta: excelente
- (2023-07-11) maximiliano faustino: MUY BUENA
- (2023-06-29) Raul Murguia: Excelente aplicación.
- (2023-06-19) Rina Vpolosochku: Класс! Очень быстро и без проблем объединила несколько файлов в один. Пока все супер!
- (2023-06-14) Field Street Boots: Perfect for my needs! Thanks!!
- (2023-06-14) Nestor Matos Garcia: Excelente Plug in, simple y funcional
- (2023-04-21) Hosein Khanmohamady: خیلی سریعه ولی حجم رو زیاد میکنه
- (2023-04-01) MILFAUKEE YOU: Total waste of time I can't even download it Due to technical limitation, we cannot let you save file to your
- (2023-03-25) Dr Mohinder Singh Bhagat: PEERLESS ONE !
- (2023-03-21) Crearte -S: muy buena e intuitiva
- (2023-03-02) David Griffiths: Downloaded on my Chromebook as an extension to merge my Google Drive company credit card receipts, it does that with ease and has presented me with no problems so far. Unable to fault so will continue to use until there are!
- (2023-02-13) mari ikshan: ありがとうございます。使いやすい!
- (2023-01-17) Jose Garcia: muy intuitiva y funciona perfectamente
- (2023-01-04) MONTSE PERAZA ORTEGA: Funciona perfectamente, muy rápido y fácil.
- (2023-01-03) Luis Rivas: Exelente programa, rapido, eficiente y versatil
- (2022-12-05) Fabian Fernando Tapia Novoa: EXCELENTE
- (2022-12-02) NTC Project ATM K-Bank: ดีมาก
- (2022-11-28) aopen00000: 無料でこの機能はありがたいですが、アップロードとダウンロードをワンクリックで出来たらなお良いと思います。
- (2022-11-27) BAND FOREST: 複数のPDFファイルを統合するのに便利です。 ファイル名で統合するファイルの順番を並べ替えるので、PDFファイルの順番を把握しないとなりません。サムネイル画像で並び替え出来ればなお良いと思います
- (2022-11-23) ファーストステップ: adobeが、CS6以前のソフトのacrobatProのみ、インストールができなくなってしまったので、困っていました。adobeに比べて操作が簡単で、すばやく統合できて、助かりました。
- (2022-11-22) Eiichi Kimura: 無料ですが、完璧です!ありがとうございます!
- (2022-11-19) I Y: GOOD
- (2022-11-02) Manuel Acevedo Moreyra: Muy bueno.
- (2022-10-30) Vicki Hill: The progress bar showing the merging doesn't show up well and I can't tell anything is happening. It never seems to get "done." Ads are popping up everywhere it is also hard to find the key buttons, like Select, when you are selecting files.
- (2022-10-24) Mary Ann Markowitz: apparently I must have wavebrowser loaded to use this? Uninstalled, did not work out of the gate. And, to have a new browser take over; not cool.
- (2022-10-17) lucas bauducco: Barbaro