extension ExtPose

Temni način - temni bralnik za Chrome

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Description from extension meta

Preprost temni način za Google Chrome. Po želji vsa spletna mesta preklopite v temni način. Poskrbite za svoje oči z nočno temo.

Image from store Temni način - temni bralnik za Chrome
Description from store Temni način za Chrome lahko spremeni temno temo na katerem koli spletnem mestu. Zdaj je brskanje po internetu bolj udobno, saj se bodo vaše oči počutile veliko bolje! Poleg tega bo vaša izkušnja brskanja bolj elegantna. Lastnosti razširitve: - Popolnoma brezplačno, brez nakupov v aplikaciji. - Temni način lahko vklopite za katero koli spletno mesto. - Vtičnik lahko namestite z enim klikom. - Vtičnik je majhen, računalnika ne upočasni. Naše oči temno temo bolje zaznajo ponoči ali v zaprtih prostorih s slabo osvetlitvijo. Prav tako izgleda samo kul. Ta oblika je popolnoma elegantna in minimalistična. Deluje na preklopnem gumbu v zgornjem desnem kotu. Tako enostavno je preklopiti iz dnevnega v nočni način. Temni način je razširitev, ki vam pomaga hitro zatemniti zaslon (brskalnik) ponoči. Družbena omrežja, običajna spletna mesta in vsa druga spletna mesta bodo skupaj prekrita s črno barvo.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-06) Eric Ketzer: not bad, but could be much better. it misses some spots and some sites flash white when opening,
  • (2023-03-20) Bhu Van: didn't work for me - may be incompatible with uBlock extension although this extension failed to work even with uBlock disabled on the Wikipedia website
  • (2023-02-23) Shadow X: Tres utiles pour la santé de nos yeux
  • (2023-02-20) Valeria Alexandra Rojas Vasquez: Best dark mode extension! There are some copycats btw. And this extension is still out performing them. So keep up the excellent work.
  • (2023-02-19) 平田勝巳: BEST DARK MODE I'VE EVER USED!!
  • (2023-02-17) Carp Nezumi: I can finally get dark theme for every app. But it screws up app with a built-in dark theme
  • (2023-02-09) 中田明夫: It is helpful to care your eyes!
  • (2023-02-07) 坂口ミカ: Exactly what I wanted. Seamless integration with no lengthy configuration up front. Just works. So much easier on the eyes.
  • (2023-02-04) Etienne Malkine: LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I use it at work and at home. Really reduces the eye strain from the bright white screens. This app inverts just the right pages and allows you to make exceptions. It doesnt get better than this app.
  • (2023-02-03) yumi: Extremely good dark theme. I could not believe how brilliant, seamless and captivating everything looks!


60,000 history
4.5714 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2023-10-31 / 1.0.3
Listing languages
