Description from extension meta
テキストの追加、図形の描画、線の描画、曲線の描画、メモの作成、リアルタイムでのページへの矢印の描画 スクリーンショットの作成 / 共有 / 印刷
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ペイントオンウェブ - すべてのWebページに描画できる以下の使いやすい描画ツールを提供します。 ペイントオンウェブは、多機能ツールを備えたChromeブラウザで動作することを大幅に拡張します。 当社の新しい品質製品は、オンラインで描くためのペイントWebツールです。 あなたが描くのが好きなら、これはあなたのための単なる神の恵みです! この拡張機能は、サイトの使用中に描画する機能を提供します。 記事を読んで、必要な情報を強調して、画面を作成することができます。 これにより、必要な情報を忘れません。 ペイントウェブツールは、それ自体がペイントできる多くの異なる色を収集しました。スクリーンショットも配置されています。 スクリーンショットはすぐにデバイスに保存されます。 確かに、それは非常に便利です。 つまり、ユーザーにとって、ペイントWebツールで、ロボットを促進する多くの有用で必要な機能を収集しました。 拡張機能をインストールし、使用を開始します。 ページの行または領域を簡単に強調表示したり、メモと推奨事項を追加したり、Webペイントを描き、写真を描き、数字を追加できます。 終了したときに作成したスクリーンショットを保存するだけです。
Paintは、ユーザーがコンピューターから直接無料スタイルの塗装を描画/ペイントできる無料のWebペイントスタイルの塗装プラットフォームです。 Webペイントは、コンピューターで最初の一歩を踏み出し、マウスを制御する方法を学んでいる子供/大人にとって非常に役立ちますが、それだけではありません。 紙を無駄にすることなく、内側の画家にクールな塗料を描いてもらいましょう。
Webペイントがユーザーフレンドリーで、すぐにペイントを開始できます。 ペイントの方法を学びたい場合は、何かがあなたに起こった最高のことかもしれません。 カスタムカラーとさまざまなラインサイズを選択できます!! 絵を保存したり、印刷することもできます。
pencilツール - カスタムラインを描きます
🌈カラーピッカーツール - ペイントで使用するカラーWebページを選択してください
🔤テキスト - 注釈を追加します
➖直線 - 開始点とエンドポイントを置くために直線をペイントする
➰カーブライン - 開始点とエンドポイント移動マウスを設定して曲率を設定します
🔝矢印ライン - 直線として塗装し、最後の矢印の違い
〰カスタムシェイプツール - 二重曲率を持つカーブラインと同じ
⭕サークルシェイプツール - 丸い形を描くサークル卵子など
🔲平方形状ツール - 長方形と正方形を作成します
↖カーソルツール - ペイントツールのスイッチ、Webページの上または下にスクロールする
🧼消しゴムツール - 画面上で不要な部品を削除する
Paintバケット - パレットから任意の色で描かれた塗りつぶし
別のユニークなオプションは次のとおりです。すべてのWebペイント機能に合わせて独自のショートカットを設定します。 それは役に立ちませんか? したがって、躊躇しないで、このアドオンをインストールすると、失望することはありません。 簡単な方法で、困難なしにウェブ上でペイントします。 Chromeブラウザ用の新しい絶対に無料の拡張機能でオンラインで描画します。
拡張機能は、システムChrome Webページでは機能していません
今すぐあなたのクロムにウェブペイントを追加してください!! 数秒でペイントを始めましょう!
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-02) wasasaa: basuraa
- (2024-01-14) Hanki Lee: 3 star because it doesnt work on every website. works great when it does. tried again now in 2024, it removes ur marks if u scroll down and come back up.
- (2023-10-19) Trevor Hart: After WEB PAINT's sad removal from the Chrome Web Store, I felt a gaping hole in my browser. I was happy to see this! A successor that is worthy.
- (2023-09-03) Sona: loks cool app lets use this 🎨
- (2023-09-02) BLANCA MARGARITA CADILLO ESTRELLA: No me deja realizar dibujos hasta cierto límite de la página. Es decir, si la página es muy larga, hay un límite en el que ya no me deja hacer nada
- (2023-06-13) Denilson Anachury: The best one !!!, it is very easy to use
- (2023-04-29) G o: 오류 : 단축키 사용이 안됩니다. 1. 텍스트 기능에 한글을 입력할 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 2. Close control panel 외 기능들도 옵션에 단축키 설정이 가능했으면 좋겠습니다.
- (2023-02-28) CHAN WOO KIM: good
- (2023-01-31) A. K: rien a dire SUPER ! ! ! 2023
- (2022-12-30) Mussa: the best one, because it has an option to use the curser and react with the page while still seeing the markers. good job thanks
- (2022-12-10) Person 1: No dark mode in this day and age. C'mon.
- (2022-12-07) 恆恩 Joshua Huang: super good! but i wish it can have a laser pointer to teach
- (2022-09-30) Amber B: Pretty good, but the cursor and the actual drawing are ever so slightly mismatched and that small discrepancy goes a long way...
- (2022-08-22) 王敏蕊: 为什么不可以输入中文
- (2022-07-26) ylluminate: First, it needs to be able to hide with the click of the extension icon in the extensions toolbar area at the top. It simply cannot be there if you're using this tool to redact information and for and during a presentation. Second, it needs to keep the drawing / markup on the page even after reload and changing pages.
- (2022-07-15) Pat MySecret: It's nice that it has Text and that a screenshot can be taken. As soon as page is refreshed, everything disappears. I think there are some extensions that allow info to be saved. I am looking for them.
- (2022-07-12) Gabriel I: Excelente
- (2022-05-30) данил хайрулин: very helpful extension, but i have one issue: the pen icon is a little higher than it draws. It's not critical but annoys a bit
- (2022-05-28) virtual green sports: extensão muito boa, da para editar atalhos para cada função. nota 1000**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************muitas estrelas para sua extensão, trabalho ótimo.
- (2022-05-22) Antonio Dias: use it with a drawing tablet it is indeed a painting app designed for chrome
- (2022-05-09) Mr. Phillip: Fits on all demand.
- (2022-05-09) zerkew: really helpful app, I noticed that the paint cursor is changed and it's very good, but could you make the cursor upside down? because when I make underline, the cursor overlaps on the text I see, if you make the cursor showing under the text, it would be very helpful I guess, thank you.
- (2022-05-03) Alisha Blalock: It's OK. Was WAY better before they updated it!
- (2022-05-03) itamar: great app and very helpful. but the newest update (altough it looks much nicer) made the paint start in the middle of the curser instead of the tip of the curser which is quite disorientating
- (2022-04-17) Quinton Conoly: The best drawing tool on chrome. Not perfect, but really nice and simple with a decent amount of options.
- (2022-01-24) Giang Thu: Didn't work on some pages but work very well on allow pages. Easier with shortcuts to draw. Thank you alot.
- (2021-12-08) parsa sedghi: It's not bad .I can use it in my online class . It's practical for me
- (2021-11-11) Riley York: Fill tool does not work at all.
- (2021-10-26) InPixel: It is too good for doing homework like worksheets on websites etc. Tho it can't access PDF's and some websites. If you fix this it will be very cool 😊. But still my mind is blown with this awesome extension 🤯.
- (2021-10-20) Allen Chen: Very nice format, didn't like that the white box didn't extend all the way down tho.
- (2021-07-30) Hrithvik Moonot: Doesn't work :(
- (2021-06-29) Madeline Fox: Don't advertise that it works on PDFs if it doesn't work on PDFs. :(
- (2021-06-23) Sarel Myburgh: This is exactly like the "Web-paint" extension, but the UI is even more buggy.
- (2021-06-11) Breno Martins: Ok, but i can't use on pdfs opened by chrome :/. Hope you can add this feature.
- (2021-05-20) Skrrby: It does it's job but it spies on you, it literally goes through your browsing history and when you install it, it redirects you to "g suite new tab" which i assume is another piece of spyware. Don't add unless extremely desperate.
- (2021-05-11) Roomer Mantis: very good this is super helpful for school and other things try it out!
- (2021-05-01) Olga Filatova: i decided to delete the extension, and when i did, it took me to a page that said "We'll miss you!" on it, and guess what it said on the link? IT LITERALLY SAID ON IT!!! total copy of web paint!!!
- (2021-04-24) ikcikoR: Really great but the text tool is glitching out quite a bit sometimes and a large issue for me is that for some reason I can't see my cursor when using the rubber tool, however somehow when I once screenshared my screen, it was visible over that screenshare despite me not being to see it locally.
- (2021-03-11) San: Really displeased with this extension that only works on a certain part of a webpage, but not on the rest of the webpage! If a webpage has some sort of panel on top of the original webpage, and it's the same color as the original webpage (making it impossible to differentiate one from the other), This extension will not work on that overlapping panel at all. Only on the portion of the webpage that's still visible... Because of that, this extension is useless on a lot of websites. I need something that can write EVERYWHERE on the website/webpage... So, 0 star for this extension!
- (2021-02-27) Wiesia Sadowski: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG AMING!!!!!!!
- (2021-02-16) Евгений Ветров: Great extension! The cure of its kind, I'm very happy with it!
- (2021-02-11) Rosa: good
- (2021-01-27) Jada Harris: this is the worst! its a copy of web paint.i hope this will have 1 user or less!
- (2020-12-27) STCamera: bye far best extention i have ever used i am not a bot 👾
- (2020-10-23) Evelyn MacAlister: If you are one of those people who look at reviews before judging the stars, well here's a reason in front of you! Paint on Web is an awesome tool if you want to take notes or draw on a web page that doesn't have notes on the specific page. It's pretty neat!
- (2020-10-22) Katrin Truong: I use this extension as an ADHD accessibility tool to help me work through technical documents, and this is the best extension I've found of its kind out there! Pros: • Fantastic and fairly intuitive user interface • Does exactly what it says on the tin • Saves your doodles to the page so they're right back as soon as you enable the extension. • Lots of tools to choose from!
- (2020-10-22) Dominic Blare: Really helpful! Although it lags if moved too quickly. Also, the TEXT tool is quite glitchy and you can't use the arrow keys to move back and forth on the text. Great job though!
- (2020-10-21) Erich Auttenberg: WAY BETTER than the other "drawing on your screen" choices on Chrome! Why? Because it lets you make nice, clean lines, boxes, etc.--instead of little-kid, chicken scratches! Looks much more professional!
- (2020-10-21) Melissa Benson: The most helpful extension ever made in all of existence