Deus Lab: Deus AI
Supercharge your web browsing experience with Deus AI!
Select any text/image when you are browsing to bring AI power to your experience!
Deus AI gives you access to 10+ open-source ML models to boost your web browsing experience. You can choose any of available models for your selected text/image to run prompt against them.
Models for text selection:
- mistralai
- llama
- stable-diffusion
- sdxl
- sdxl-emoji
- openjourney
- anything
Models for image selection:
- text-extract-ocr
- cartoonify
- swinir
- rembg-enhance
- object-removal
For example, you can select some text then ask Deus AI to summarize it for you! Or you can select an image and ask Deus AI to enhance its quality! You can also try to generate an image!