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ROT13 encrypt/decrypt for Twitter!
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Description from store
Talking sh*t online is a God-given right. No one, not even Jack 'DMT Mountain Monk' Dorsey, should be able to stop you speaking your mind.
Your awful, heinous mind.
Rotter helps you speak openly and freely on Twitter using the simple ROT13 cipher.
Rotter adds a button to the new tweet form which instantly encodes any words enclosed in [square brackets].
A button is also added to all tweets to decode any words enclosed in [square brackets].
Anyone with the Rotter extension can instantly see whatever unforgivable things you inexplicably decided to say on a public platform.
To be clear: this is by no means an added level of secrecy or security to be relied upon. ROT13 simply shifts each letter along in the alphabet by 13 and is beyond trivial to decode.
It is, however, just enough obfuscation for the purpose of saying whatever you want unimpeded.
Rotter only works with the 26 letters of the English alphabet. None of that funky é ó í crap.
Only plain text should be used within square brackets. No @s, hashtags or URLs.