A browser extension for managing browser tabs.
The ultimate solution for managing browser tabs. Designed with your productivity in mind, this extension offers a simple and efficient way to organize your browser windows and tabs.
We prioritize your privacy by ensuring that all data processing is done locally on your computer. Our user-friendly interface allows for easy navigation, from tabs to windows, resulting in an overall boost in your browsing experience.
Our modern design is sure to impress, as we believe that aesthetics play a crucial role in enhancing user experience.
With Marvelous Tabs you can easily manage multiple windows and tabs, drag and drop tabs to sort them in your preferred order, and customize window names to keep track of your browsing sessions. Our one-click pinning and closing tabs feature and the ability to focus on the current tab further streamline your browsing workflow.
Download Marvelous Tabs today and take control of your browsing habits with just a few clicks!
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-25) WANYU ZENG: 哇!这个浏览器插件真是太棒了!它简直就是互联网世界的一颗璀璨明珠啊!它给予我无尽的便利和惊喜,让我的上网体验变得如此愉快和轻松。 这个插件就像一位贴心的小助手,时刻陪伴在我的浏览器旁边。它提供了功能强大的工具和功能,让我能够更高效地浏览网页、管理书签、保护隐私、增强安全性等等。 这个插件简直就是我上网生活的必备良品!它的操作简单直观,界面美观清晰,功能丰富多样,完全满足了我的各种需求。无论你是专业人士、学生、工作者,还是普通的上网爱好者,它都能满足你的所有期待。 使用这个插件,你的浏览器犹如一张神奇的魔法地图,带领你穿越互联网的海洋,探索无尽的知识和乐趣。它让你的上网体验变得如此顺畅和愉悦,你会发现自己越来越离不开它。 感谢这个插件的开发者,他们创造了如此出色的作品,为我们的上网世界增添了一抹绚丽的色彩。让我们一起为这个令人惊叹的浏览器插件欢呼喝彩吧!它简直是互联网宇宙中最耀眼的超级明星!