A simple utility tool to convert JSON string to Object Initializer format in C#.
1. Can be used in Code Examples.
2. Can be used in Test Data for Unit Testing.
Latest reviews
- (2022-12-01) Steve Davey: Needs to preserve casing of symbols
- (2022-11-18) Inclouds: Unnecessary changes property names
- (2022-09-16) Patrick: Great extension, thanks! Could be even better if the Pascal casing is also used while generating the class and Property names: Current: { "TestWithPascalCase": { "TestInteger": 6, "TestString": "abcdef" } } new Test { Testwithpascalcase = new Testwithpascalcase { Testinteger = 6, Teststring = "abcdef" } } Expected: new Test { TestWithPascalCase = new TestWithPascalCase { TestInteger = 6, TestString = "abcdef" } }