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Free Adblocker with no paid services and subscription. Protect your personal data and remove all annoying ads from all websites
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Chrome Ad Blocker is a brand new advanced advertisings blocker for Chrome browser.
Why do you need Chrome Ad Blocker?
Using our blocker on your Chrome gives you a range of advantages like:
- No annoying banner advertisings on all websites
- No pop-ups or new tab redirects
- No malicious redirects when accessing online stores
- No video ads on youtube, twitch and others
- Enhanced private data security
- Faster Internet connection
What does Chrome Ad Blocker do?
This browser extension uses advanced technologies and unique algorithm to achieve two main goals
1) Make your Internet surfing more comfortable by removing annoying yet harmless Advertisings on all websites. Chrome Ad Blocker also works on video hosting and streaming platforms to block and remove annoying video ads and prerolls.
2) Protect you from unwanted and malicious actions, including personal data collection and transfer. We block all malicious requests coming from your Browser thus disabling malware, adware and other unwanted software you might have on your computer.
3) Make your Internet connection faster and your user experience smoother as a result of ads blocking and disabling unwanted software and websites activity.
What websites Chrome Ad Blocker work?
The AdBlocker works on all regular websites, social networks, video hosting platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch and others.