Description from extension meta
Schoology Plus enhances your Schoology experience with numerous interface improvements
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Description from store
(All features below marked with an asterisk * can be changed or customized with a setting)
Brand New Dark and Light Themes
- Dark Theme for Schoology! No more blinding whites!
- Modern Light Theme which revitalizes the late 2000s interface to look modern and new
- Many other theme options as well, or make your own!
- Replaces your school's logo with the Schoology logo
Custom Themes
- You can create a custom theme or choose one of the small selection of built-in themes (including rainbow mode!)
- Two of the built-in themes are the "LAUSD Dark Blue" and "LAUSD Orange" themes which restore the interface to the new and old versions of the LAUSD theme respectively including the logo)
- For non-LAUSD schools, an auto-generated theme will be created to match your school's default theme
- Custom themes can change colors throughout the interface as well as the logo and course icons. Custom themes can even use custom rainbow color patterns!
- To learn more about creating custom themes, see Theme Editor
Course Icons
- Built-in course icons for many courses*
- Custom themes can also introduce custom icons for courses
Quick Access
- Quick Access panel on the right sidebar on the homepage with one-click access to important pages*
- Links for grade report, courses, mastery, and more
- Each class has a link to its home page, grades page, and mastery page
- Click the icons next to each course to access its specific pages
Check Marks for Submitted Upcoming Assignments*
- By default, green check marks ✔ are shown on all assignments you've submitted.
- You can also manually check off assignments as you complete them
- There are also options for putting a strikethrough through the assignment title or hiding the assignments completely.
- Toolips for items on the materials page show previews
- Assignments show score and grade category
- PDF files show previews and number of pages
Courses In Common
- View all courses you share with a classmate by visiting their profile page
Miscellaneous Interface Improvements
- Adds a button to quickly jump to archived courses in the Courses drop-down list*
- Adds option to hide the upcoming and overdue assignments sidebars on the home page*
- Indicates when a class is graded on a weighted scale*
- Changed the courses drop down menu to show 6 courses across instead of 4
- Notice when submitting a quiz when questions are left blank
Miscellaneous Grades Page Improvements
- Classes are sorted by period*
- Grades are displayed when classes are collapsed
- Displays letter grades for classes that don't provide them*
- The specific score needed for each grade can be customized, see Custom Grading Scales
- Point totals are displayed for classes with unweighted categories
- Point totals are displayed for all assignment categories
- Displays point buffers from the next lowest letter grade and number of points needed to reach the next highest letter grade for unweighted classes
- The number of possible points for an assignment is shown even when a grade has not yet been entered for that assignment
- Percentages are shown for each individual assignment
- Removes the useless "(no grading period)" section from all classes
- Right click a class to quickly jump to a specific page or to edit that course's settings
What-If Grades
- Allows you to locally modify the grade of an assignment
- Schoology Plus will recalculate the grades for each category and for the entire class
- Weighted categories are taken into account when recalculating grades
- Allows you to simulate adding an assignment
- Assignments can be added to any category, and can be given any grade
- This allows you to see how an upcoming assignment will affect your grade with different scores
- Allows you to calculate the minimum grade for an assignment required to reach a certain grade in the class (right click on an assignment)
- Useful to see what grade you need on the final to keep your A in the class!
- Allows you to simulate dropping a grade (right click on an assignment)
- Desktop notifications for when new grades are posted*
Extension Icon
- Extension icon shows number of new grades posted*
- Clicking the extension icon will take you to:
- Your notifications if you have newly posted grades
- The Schoology homepage if you do not
Schoology Plus Announcements
- Announcements about Schoology Plus will be sent as desktop notifications*
- They will also show as posts in your news feed*
Schoology Plus has customizable settings, including but not limited to:
- Theme
- Sets the theme for the Schoology Plus interface. Currently, Schoology Plus has 4 built-in themes and a theme editor for you to make your own.
- Desktop Notifications
- Displays desktop notifications and a number badge on the extension button when new grades are entered
- Custom Grading Scales
- Uses custom grading scales (set per-course in Course Options) when courses don't have one defined
- Order Classes
- Changes the order of your classes on the grades and mastery pages
- Archived Courses Button
- Shows a button labeled "See Archived" next to the "See All" button in the courses dropdown
Theme Editor
Schoology Plus is equipped with a fully-featured theme editor, allowing you to create your own custom theme. The theme editor allows you to preview your changes to the interface, including colors, logos, cursors, and custom icons. To learn more about the theme editor, see the Theme Editor help page.
Course Nicknames
- You can set a nickname for a course, allowing you to make friendlier and nicer looking names that appear everywhere in the interface where the ugly name appeared previously.
Custom Grading Scales
- You can create custom grading scales for courses where the teacher does not have a grading scale set for the class.
- This will be used to calculate letter grades for assignment categories and courses on the grades page
Schoology Plus has a Discord server where you can offer feature suggestions, report bugs, get support, or just talk with other Schoology Plus users. Visit to join.
Please see for information about contributing to Schoology Plus. This document also includes methods for reporting bugs and submitting feature requests.
This extension was created by Aaron Opell ( Significant development assistance has been provided by Glen Husman ( Various other contribution information is located in the Contributors dialog accessible via a link in the footer of Schoology Plus settings.
This project is open source under the MIT License. See the for more information.
Schoology Plus is not affiliated with Schoology Inc. or the Los Angeles Unified School District. Schoology, the SCHOOLOGY® wordmark, and the S logo are registered and unregistered trademarks of Schoology, Inc. in the United States. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners.
Latest reviews
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- (2023-10-26) Luaty Neto: because i can't press on my notifications and i can't delete it
- (2023-09-28) Josh Wang: What should i do if my school blocked the api key?
- (2023-08-24) 5 min crafts: This makes using schoolgy so much easier
- (2023-08-13) hi: works for avon schools since they don't block extensions lmao
- (2023-05-24) MR goofy kaka MR goofy kaka: lets gooo schoology plus is back and our wallpaper
- (2023-05-07) yo dude: 10/10 helped a lot. The what-if grades helped a TON and relieved a ton of stress of calculating if i did this, that would happen, if I do that this will happen. Overall, 1000x better than normal schoology! (I'm still devastated that LAUD is not letting me have Schoology Plus anymore D:)
- (2023-04-15) zayleigh schneider: i was having a really difficult time trying to make a acc and sign in it just does not work
- (2023-03-20) Isabella Pinuellas: This was the best and most helpful extension I ever downloaded. LAUSD blocked it on 17 March 2023. I was in 3rd period. (I'm in 3rd period right now too) I almost cried on the spot. anyways unblock schoology plus 2023
- (2023-03-19) Sanji Lover: Absolutely amazing extension! That our dumbass district decided to remove. Nice one LAUSD, next time research some of the extensions you are blocking.
- (2023-03-18) Relanio Giovanni: LAUSD has banned Schoology Plus. Please help fight back against this decision by signing and sharing this petition:
- (2023-03-17) RickAstley Gaming: how many schools was this blocked by, and is there a way you guys can make another one that isn't blocked, this was the best extention
- (2023-03-17) Sydney Nex: Amazing i love it but it got blocked and i'm so sad now it really helped me I really started to improve my grade. It helped with my grades so much I don't get why it got blocked it makes no sense it gave me updates told me what grade I got when I clicked the notification. I really need schoology plus to come back I dont want it to be blocked I really need it it helped so much with my grades it told me how many points I need to get the next grade and also how many points it will take for me to get a lower grade. That reminded me to do my homwwork submit tings and so much more. I guess you can say it was never meant to be.
- (2023-03-17) solaire: it was just blocked for me for whatever reason, so now im back to plain old boring schoology. it was amazing while it last!
- (2023-03-17) that one guy: Would be such a shame if the school administrator were to block this extension at exactly 3/17/23.
- (2023-02-16) Evan: Great extension that has all the features that other learning management systems have making Schoology even better!
- (2023-02-08) Oliver C: This is such a great extension. I love the customizablility and the custom course names and icons. I especially like how you can make it look smoother and sleeker. Plus, is it just me, or does pressing Option+C anywhere in Schoology now create a show of confetti?
- (2023-01-13) Nathaniel Corey: yup
- (2022-12-15) Ethan Deck: pretty baller if you ask me
- (2022-12-08) Reid Boland: i like it but can someone explain how i see my grade percentage as a student
- (2022-12-05) Peachy1621: I love this extension, it's underrated and has so many features. Would recommend, and you can sort everything out if it is under a mess. Themes are also completely customizable!
- (2022-10-18) genesis: nice
- (2022-10-12) Skyler Valasek: very helpful, EXCEPT- when using the 'what if' feature in the grades it's impossible to change it back.
- (2022-05-10) Nicholas Oliva: Makes it look sleek and the whit background of schoology doesn't blind me anymore when I look back at my bad grades and realize how much of a disappointment I am.
- (2022-03-10) Jackson Weaver: It turns Schoology from an annoying necessity into a glorious tool.
- (2022-02-17) Rosalie Aguilar: Why can't I see my Quick Access in this extension? Its good and all but can you fix this? Thanks...
- (2022-02-07) Logan Schneider: very good
- (2022-02-01) Mr. JtotheLtotheZ: Love it, all its extra features are awesome! This extension deserves 5 stars! I can use this for school as well and not strain my eyes on this schoology.
- (2022-01-13) Mia Ramirez: this extension is the love of my life
- (2022-01-12) emely r: i love this extension tonsss i make themes in my free time when im bored and it shaves off time so well, it would be nice though if we could customize the font or rename courses or something, but its still cool!! if ur reading this and wondering if you should get this extension the answer is yes: you can change the colors of it and like everythinggg mine is roseyish pink with like flowers its so cute okay im done rambling now
- (2021-10-13) Arthur Jackson: i wish they'd add a feature where i can change my screen name. otherwise, this is good stuff. i love making new themes and its easier to find classes with the names ive given them. highly recommended.
- (2021-10-13) Apollo Rodgemar Villanueva: I really love it about how this extension modified and improve it
- (2021-10-07) Joe Guarino: AMAZING
- (2021-09-28) luce: everything i wish was in schoology! the checklists and grades in notifications make using schoology so much more efficient
- (2021-09-11) Ethan McVay: I love this app! I can customize such a horrendously boring app to make it more "fun". Thank you whoever made this!
- (2021-09-02) Marcus Ling: makes schoology look nicer and is easy to use, would recommend!
- (2021-08-24) Jason Nishio: The idea is good, it makes things look nice, but theres this one bug that makes me really hate it. After a couple of days of adding the extension, the checkmark box that's supposed to pop up next to an assignment name just disappears. In order to get it back, I must remove the extension, and get it again. Very annoying.
- (2021-08-20) Kent Kawashima: Thank god this exists
- (2021-05-30) Sophie Zhu: ok
- (2021-05-28) Anthony: The "what if grades" could use a whole revamp. The hitboxes for the grades are a little too small to type in to get a what if grade. And you have to reload every time you used the tool because you cant change the number after typing it in. Wish it would change automatically too. Other than that, this extension is very useful and looks nice. Wonderful job!
- (2021-05-17) owo baka: I've always struggled with schoology so when my friend showed me this extension, I honestly thought the gods were giving me a gift. My favorite part of this is the fact that you can change the color scheme!
- (2021-05-12) Deltean 5 Music: I love this extension, simple. It makes it somewhat easier to use. I love how it allows you to change the header picture from the boring picture the school put to anything you want. I also enjoy the custom pictures for courses as well, though there is a glitch associated with this on the course dashboard where the the custom pictures don't appear. And the fact that it shows the grades in new places is wonderful as well. It is overall a wonderful extension that anyone using Schoology should install. Though note that it will not work for all people.
- (2021-04-28) Austin Sweet: I love it
- (2021-04-15) Frozen Spark: I downloaded it because it let me customize my schoology but I think I might delete it because when I go to the grades area I could change the grade, I'm afraid I'll get in trouble.
- (2021-03-15) Thomas Sargsyan: Really good but over the past few days, after i load up schoology and exit and go back, it just stops working. I tried to exit the website again and log back in but it wont work, so I have to remove the extension and redownload it every time.
- (2021-03-08) Charlotte: I literally freaked out. Kermit is my refresh button now🦖
- (2021-03-06) Jaiza Kathrina Baylosis: easy to go to online classes using links
- (2021-02-19) Zixy_Fn: its soooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood