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š”Knowee ir jÅ«su personÄ«gais mÄcÄ«bu palÄ«gs ar mÄkslÄ«go intelektu!
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StudyGPT ir jÅ«su personÄ«gais mÄcÄ«bu palÄ«gs ar mÄkslÄ«go intelektu!
StudyGPT palīdz
- skaidrot akadÄmiskos jÄdzienus,
- atbildÄt uz akadÄmiskajÄm jautÄjumiem,
- Ä£enerÄt uzdevumus, balstoties uz kursa materiÄliem,
- radÄ«t rakstÄ«Å”anas pamÄcÄ«bu,
- ieteikt atsauces, pamatojoties uz darba tÄmÄm, kÄ arÄ« veikt ikdienas darbus:
- rakstÄ«t, rediÄ£Ät tekstu, apkopot, tulko un atbildÄt uz e-pastiem (Ä«paÅ”i savam pasniedzÄjam!).
š StudyGPT ir iemīļots personÄ«gais mÄcÄ«bu palÄ«gs (Chrome paplaÅ”inÄjums) studentu vidÅ«. (To noteikti nevÄlies palaist garÄm!)
š Tu vari izmantot StudyGPT jebkurÄ tÄ«mekļa lapÄ, kas ir ÄrtÄk nekÄ atseviŔķas vietnes, piemÄram, GPT-4 un Claude, un tas ir ćpilnÄ«gi bezmaksasć, bez nepiecieÅ”amÄ«bas OpenAI kontam.
š GalvenÄs funkcijas:
ā Atbild uz vispÄrÄjiem un akadÄmiskajiem jautÄjumiem
ā” Ä¢enerÄ uzdevumus, balstoties uz mÄcÄ«bu materiÄliem
ā¢ Izveido rakstÄ«Å”anas pamÄcÄ«bas ar ieteiktajiem atsauÄu avotiem, balstoties uz darba tÄmÄm
ā£ Kopsavilk YouTube video saturu
ā¤ Veic dažÄdas teksta saistÄ«tas darbÄ«bas, piemÄram, pÄrraksta, apkopo, koriÄ£Ä gramatiku utt.
ā„ Savieno StudyGPT ar internetu, lai vienmÄr piekļūtu jaunÄkajam tieÅ”saistes saturam
š StudyGPT vienmÄr attÄ«stÄs ar jaunÄm funkcijÄm, lai uzlabotu jÅ«su mÄcÄ«Å”anÄs efektivitÄti un ietaupÄ«tu vairÄk laika, tÄdÄjÄdi ļaujot sasniegt labÄkus mÄcÄ«Å”anÄs rezultÄtus. LÅ«dzu, turpiniet sekojoÅ” atjauninÄjumiem!
š§ Vai ir kÄdi jautÄjumi, priekÅ”likumi vai atsauksmes?
Sazinieties ar mums, rakstot e-pastu uz [email protected]
Bieži uzdotie jautÄjumi (FAQ):
1. Kas ir GPT-4?
GPT-4 ir liels valodas modeļa attÄls, ko izstrÄdÄjis OpenAI. Tas balstÄs uz GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) arhitektÅ«ru un ir apmÄcÄ«ts ar plaÅ”u teksta datu apjomu no interneta. GPT-4 var izmantot dažÄdÄm dabiskÄs valodas apstrÄdes uzdevumiem, piemÄram, valodas tulkoÅ”anai, teksta kopsavilkÅ”anai, teksta Ä£enerÄÅ”anai un jautÄjumu atbildÄm. Tas var saprast un atbildÄt uz lietotÄju ievadi sarunu veidÄ, padarot to ideÄlu Äata robotu un virtuÄlo asistentu lietojumam.
2. Kas ir izveidojis GPT-4?
GPT-4 ir izveidots OpenAI, uzÅÄmums ar bÄzi Sanfrancisko. Tas tika izlaists 2022. gada 30. novembrÄ«. OpenAI izpilddirektors Sems Altmans ir arÄ« saukts par GPT-4 dibinÄtÄju.
3. KÄ StudyGPT atŔķiras no GPT-4/Claude/NotionAI/Evernote/Bard/New Bing?
StudyGPT ir AI inteliÄ£ents mÄcÄ«bu palÄ«ga rÄ«ks, kas ir izstrÄdÄts, balstoties uz jaunÄs paaudzes liela valodas modeļa tehnoloÄ£iju. Tam ir profesionÄlas funkcijas, piemÄram, akadÄmisko jautÄjumu atbildes, uzdevumu Ä£enerÄÅ”ana un rakstÄ«Å”anas vadlÄ«niju sniegÅ”ana. GPT-4/Claude ir programmatÅ«ras, kas galvenokÄrt paredzÄtas vispÄrÄjÄm sarunu situÄcijÄm, NotionAI/Evernote ir programmatÅ«ra, kas galvenokÄrt paredzÄta vispÄrÄjam rakstÄ«Å”anas scenÄrijam, Bard un New Bing ir AI rÄ«ki, kas galvenokÄrt paredzÄti meklÄÅ”anas scenÄrijiem. Tie var darboties tikai uz savÄm atseviŔķajÄm tÄ«mekļa lapÄm, savukÄrt StudyGPT var izmantot jebkurÄ tÄ«mekļa lapÄ.
4. Vai StudyGPT ir bezmaksas?
JÄ, Ŕī paplaÅ”inÄjuma lietoÅ”ana ir bezmaksas. StudyGPT bezmaksas lietotÄjiem nodroÅ”ina 40 bezmaksas vaicÄjumus katru dienu.
5. GPT-4 ir aizliegts manÄ valstÄ«. Vai es varu lietot StudyGPT savÄ valstÄ«?
JÄ. StudyGPT Chrome paplaÅ”inÄjumu var izmantot visÄs valstÄ«s. Nav nepiecieÅ”ams izmantot virtuÄlÄ privÄtÄ tÄ«kla (VPN) savienojumu.
š” SvarÄ«gi padomi
1. PÄc spraudÅa instalÄÅ”anas, lÅ«dzu, atsvaidziniet tÄ«mekļa lapu, lai nodroÅ”inÄtu tÄs normÄlu darbÄ«bu.
2. DroŔības nolÅ«kos Å”is spraudnis nav piemÄrots Chrome veikala lapÄm un tukÅ”Äm lapÄm.
Latest reviews
- (2024-03-19) Habib Sadiq: I am enjoying this ai. It is very useful and I wish for it to last long what always scares me is when there is a problem with it that it wouldn't allow me to sign in with google. But so far so good i'm enjoying it and making good use of it. I wish for it to be freeeee and unlimited queries both gpt 4 and 3.5
- (2024-02-28) Modina Ruzvidzo: loved it.. its really accurate
- (2024-01-17) Arnolds: easy to work with helped me a lot
- (2023-12-16) Afreen Shaikh: Really helpful for studies and Its free!! But with very limited number of queries per day..š„²
- (2023-12-01) KARTIK SANSANWAL: it is very useful
- (2023-12-01) AAYUSH TRIPATHI: extremely cool!
- (2023-12-01) SATVIK GUPTA: Great app
- (2023-12-01) Abhishek Kumar: ITS VERY GOOD PLATFORM
- (2023-12-01) AMARTYA VIKRAM SINGH: Very useful excellent tool
- (2023-11-28) Rushank Suryawanshi: awesome gpt for studies
- (2023-11-27) Ajay Raikar: Hello @studygpt team, I really loved learning with the help of studygpt it is really the extension of second brain for a lot of student to help us get to the bottom and root cause of the content we're studying and learning about, I really appreciate your enthusiasm that laid you guys to build this and provide an access to every student and professionals all around the world. Much Appreciated. Thank You Very Much.
- (2023-11-27) Nero: I was a little suspicious about this extension at first, but is really great so far, helping a lot! Update: 3.5 GPT really?
- (2023-11-21) EDBERT JEREMIAH G. PAGSUYUIN: very helpful
- (2023-11-15) Muskan Raj: Amazing AI tool, Preparing for exam via this tool is so easy and hasslefree, It saves so much of my time searching for answers. I am loving the tool, I hope it remains same forever and extend number of queries per day
- (2023-11-14) Ahmad Idris: Simply the best
- (2023-11-14) PATRICIA B: So far, I have downloaded 3 other extensions trying to do all of the things this one does with no luck each time. This is a lifesaver. Thank you to the developers.
- (2023-11-13) M_GARCIA, RANULF KLUX PAQUIT: Amazing, it gets to points quickly and understands the main objectives of what you are trying to study instantly with just one question.
- (2023-11-13) Miki li: useful tool for study, it's easy to get
- (2023-11-12) Henna: it is awesome
- (2023-11-12) Quinn Yan: Very good study assessiant, very helpful in writing papers and understanding lectures
- (2023-11-11) Ogbu Joseph Nnaemeka: It is wonderful because it works with the GPT-4, and also afford you other wonderful features!
- (2023-11-11) Eisha Ambade: Cant seem to login! Please fix this cause otherwise, I really liked it. I only got to use it for three days. Hope it comes back again!
- (2023-11-11) KHUSHIL AGARWAL: wow amazing
- (2023-11-09) Ahmad Usman: The best
- (2023-11-08) Bari Hamelson: I can't log in to the extension for the third day
- (2023-11-07) 22PSE60 R.N.SIBEESVARAN: Its useful so much for learning with pdf. Its a best extension for students
- (2023-11-07) ssahaworks: It is a amazing to use during any occasion. 10 on 10 !! I use it a lot while studying. Thank you StudyGPT. Loved it!
- (2023-11-07) xh L: so good
- (2023-11-07) Digitalize: sooooooo good
- (2023-11-06) Jessie Maco: Gret help to me and keep up the good work!
- (2023-11-06) Tayonashey: Excellent tool
- (2023-11-05) Josefine M: Best study help!!!
- (2023-11-05) Umar Saleem: excellent work by the developer. Study GPT is really a problem solving tool.
- (2023-11-05) Srinivas Reddy: best ai study buddy
- (2023-11-04) Mohammad Yousuf: its a very amazing tool
- (2023-11-04) Joshua Bumanglag: Very useful
- (2023-11-03) shaik Fahad: it was awesome to study
- (2023-11-03) Anamitra Thakur: AWESOME GPT FOR STUDIES!!!!!
- (2023-11-03) ABHISHEK NAIK: Very useful
- (2023-11-03) ABHISHEK NAIK: nice
- (2023-11-03) Aljohn Carranza: very usefull
- (2023-11-02) RANDOM INDIA: good keep it !!!!!! up buraaaaaaHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2023-11-02) Nagato Uchiha: it is best
- (2023-11-02) Tayson Tay: StudyGPT is one of the most convenient AIs to use during school.
- (2023-11-02) Jujean Bolocano: keep it up!
- (2023-11-01) Fangqi Liu: éåøøåę¬¢
- (2023-11-01) Daniel Okutepa: 10/10 Amazing better than chat gpt
- (2023-11-01) shafiya thasleem: I'm loving it
- (2023-11-01) ęåå: č¶ ēŗ§å„½ēØļ¼å¾ęØčļ¼ļ¼
- (2023-11-01) Kunsh Honrao (IAPT-NSEJS): this is an good tool to study...... reccomended for any serious aspirant
4.8575 (1,214 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-08 / 4.1.0
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